Saturday 13 May 2017

Destiny placed her hand firmly on my shoulder.

I am having great fun writing my latest story THE BRIDGE HOUSE The words are ripping
from my pen into my notebook and then onto the draft web page.  I am about half way through Chapter One. I have planned four chapters in a book which will run to about 125,000 words.

It is very easy to write round one of the two central characters for the chapter, Lily was my grandmother who I knew so well. Although some of the story is fiction and coming from my own imagination I knew her well enough for it not to be a problem to write the story.

However, the character of Lord Henry is completely different. He never existed and is a character I made up to take Lily through the years of her eleventh birthday to just after her twenty-second birthday in 1912.  

In my mind I knew what he looked like.

Yesterday I was wandering round an antique market in Tavistock, Devon when I saw a lot of Victorian and Edwardian photographs for sale. One jumped out at me. It was exactly as I imagine Lord Henry to look. He is even wearing the tie pin Lily gave him in my story as a Christmas gift.

This was so weird, I just had to own the photograph. Nervously I asked the stall holder how much it was, what ever he asked I would have to find the money.

When he said it was jut one pound I could not believe what was happening.

I now have Lord Henry and Lily's photographs on my laptop and will constantly be looking at them as I write the rest of the chapter.

There is no such thing as coincidence of course but there is such a thing as Destiny.

Destiny took me to Tavistock.  Destiny took me to that antique market.  Destiny took me to that photograph.

Destiny what plans have you got for my story ?


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