Wednesday 10 May 2017

My Grandmother Lily

I am going away  for a few days. I will not have Internet access from mid-day today until Friday evening. There will be no blog tomorrow but back to normal on Saturday.

I am going today to visit my two granddaughters and looking forward to spending some fun time with them. I am then driving South into Devon for four days.  I am looking forward to the break.

While I am away I am planning to do a lot of work on my latest story THE BRIDGE HOUSE  I am having lots and lots of fun writing this story. I have great hopes this will be the best piece of writing I have ever undertaken.

I am about half way through chapter one and have the entire chapter clearly in my mind. Centred round my grandmother, Lily, the story opens shortly after her eleventh birthday in 1901 and the death of Queen Victoria. The chapter then continues to 1912. 

She looks a grand lady doesn't she ?  The facts of her life are being wrapped up in a thick cloak of my writer's imagination. 

In chapter two I will explore her life in the years leading to World War Two and how she left her idyllic rural life to move to the big city of Birmingham to do her bit as a munitions worker.

Each chapter will then deal with a part of her life right up to the time when I knew her as the matriarch of our family.  

At the moment the story, the first half of chapter one, take the reader from A to B in too much of a straight line, it does not challenge his imagination and life is never so simple that it moves from A to B in a straight line. When I have finished chapter one I will go back and weave in some sub plots to divert the main action.

I know roughly what each of the other chapters will do within the story, while I am away on holiday I want to make a plan for each and a writing schedule. At the moment I am guessing it will be late autumn by the time the story is finished.

My grandmother, Lily, died in 1984 at the age of 94 years. Gosh that was 33 years ago.  I still miss her.

Within your family is there someone you could write a story about ?  is there someone who is a precious memory to you ? Pick up a pen and tell their story.


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