Tuesday 18 July 2017

Can you help me start a traffic jam ?

Last year a builder who came to do some work at my home was seriously delayed by traffic so arrived an hour late to begin work. He said to me that he thought 95% of people on the roads did not have the abilities to drive and should have their licences taken away from them.  I think he was exaggerating a bit, the figure more accurately should be 94% !

It is not the motor car that is the curse of modern society, it is the people who drive them.

Yesterday I sent out letters to lots of people setting up appointments for all kinds of things
. One was to a travel company I want to organise the New York and San Francisco Fun Runs in the OurRebekah project. This company has offices in several locations up and down the country. I told them I was happy to meet in any of its offices BUT NOT LONDON. London is the country's most unfriendly city. I avoid it like the plague.

This nasty little man will charge you £11.50 a day to drive through London's congestion zone. Can you tell me why any sane person should pay such an extortionate fee to sit in a sodding
traffic jam ?

Last year local councils made £693 MILLION from car parking fines. This idiot's Borough of Westminster alone made £46.4 MILLION profit. Get caught in a London traffic jam and an angel of the antichrist will appear out of nowhere and stick a ticket on your car's windscreen ! 

Incidentally, the first chapter in my book THE CASE FILES OF DAVE McDERMOTT is about a serial killer targeting traffic wardens. It will cost you 99p to download it from Amazon. Go on a dare you to read it.

So I have set the scene for today's diary entry. That was the introduction, now for what I really want to say.

YES I do want to start a traffic jam. Will you help me ?

The traffic jam I want to start is in cyberspace.  I want Google's search engine to go into meltdown.  I want BT's Open Reach engineers to have to repair every cable in every road as computers, laptops, tablets and even the dreaded smart phones log into the OurRebekah website.

Today my task is to go through the entire website and clean out the many, many typo's. Then the traffic jam can start - so bring it on !

There are some fantastic projects within OurRebekah - Yesterday many of those letters I sent out were for items in our e-bay auction. With the support of Doctor Phil Mason, one of the country's top renal consultants, and Member of Parliament Iain Stewart I contacted Leeds United FC, MK Dons FC, Red Bull Racing, Monarch Airlines and Northampton Saints

That travel company I spoke about is Trailfinders who will be organising our New York and San Francisco fun runs.

I know I am saying I DO NOT want you to support me in my Bureau of Silly Ideas frog challenge but secretly I do
We are now recruiting to build up a team for The Three Peaks Challenge.  This will be an
attempt on the three highest mountains in Britain the like of which nobody has ever seen before.

Our Bridge House project is NOW open and seeking £2 donations to take part in a couple of quizzes.

Today I am going to Stowe National Trust Gardens with a proposal for our Doggie Treasure Hunt.
All of these projects are great but not one of them is going to achieve anything and ALL of them are doomed to failure if our website does not generate the traffic it needs for people to find out about them.

So will you help me ?  Will you help me start a traffic jam ?

Go to the OurRebekah website, have a look round then use your social media friends and followers to spread the word. Let's start a traffic jam even Mayor Khan would be proud of.  Visit the website before I get to clean out all the typo's and you can have a right giggle.

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