Saturday 8 July 2017

It is time to close down the unpatriotic BBC

Imagine a country where it is against the law to watch television without first having to pay a fee to one of the many hundreds of news and programme broadcasters there are in the modern world. It is against the law to watch any programme from any broadcaster on your television, on your computer or on a mobile device without having paid this fee.

If you do not pay the £145.50 fee you are a criminal !

What a terrible infringement of basic civil liberties. Sounds like something from the totalitarian days of East European Communism or perhaps modern-day North Korea.  NO it is Great Britain in 2017.

The £145.50 per household is given to The BBC - The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation to fund its anti-British news propaganda and associated programmes.

It is a fact that The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation has a biased news reporting system. It is a fact that the Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation brings viewers only the news it wants to, it does not give a broad view of the country. It is a fact that The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation is negative in its news content. It is a fact that The Bullshit Corporation is not patriotic and does not raise the morale of our country, rather its style of reporting squashes it down. It is a fact that The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation has too many arms producing too much inferior content.  It is a fact that The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation has had its day and need to be closed down in its present form.  Would anyone object if the £145.50 licence fee were to be scrapped ?

Let me put forward a simple suggestion to end The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation.

IMMEDIATELY all BBC local radio stations are closed down. Their operations can be sold off to private enterprises if anyone wishes to buy them.  If not then they simply cease to exist.

Radio One, Radio Two, Radio Three and Radio Five are all privatised.  The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation will retain the studios and methods of broadcasting but lease the stations to new owners. This way The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation retains only BBC Radio Four but has an income from the stations that are taken away from it. There will be strict editorial control over the way BBC Radio Four operates.

The BBC World Service will remain with strict editorial control.

BBC TV - BBC1, BBC2, BBC4 will be combined into a single station. The new station will only be allowed to broadcast documentaries, quality drama, current affairs programmes, music and films. It will not be allowed to broadcast news. Rubbish like East Enders will cease to be a part of The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation's portfolio.  If anyone is sad enough to wish to watch such rubbish these programmes can be sold to any competitor stupid enough to pay for them.

BBC childrens programmes will be privatised. The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation will retain the studios and methods of broadcasting but lease the operation to new owners.

BBC News 24 and BBC Parliament will be combined.  There will be strict editorial control over the way the station operates.

In its present biased news reporting The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation is squashing our nation's morale and self respect. This can not be allowed to continue.

In my story The Bridge House I have just been writing about The BBC's wartime programme Music While You Work.  There can be no doubt at all that during the dark days of 1940, the time I am currently writing about, The BBC did a great job lifting the spirits of those away from home fighting and those at home suffering nightly bombing and every kind of hardship war was bringing.  If Britain were at war today could you imagine what The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation's attitude towards events would be ?  Lifting public morale would not be on its agenda.

It is time to close down The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation, to dramatically reduce the size of its operation and bring back a proper BBC.  


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