Wednesday 19 July 2017

Time to rid our country of the loony left wing liberalism

We live in dangerous political times, it is no good standing aside and pontificating people need to stand up and be counted. We can not allow the loony left to lie to the politically venerable as Jeremy Corbyn is now doing every day. We can not allow a political party that has the word Democrat in its name to defy the democratic will of the people. WE can not allow The Witch of Scotland to destroy a beautiful part of Great Britain for nothing more than to fuel her own warped ego.

I have never had any political ambitions but for a moment let me imagine myself in 10 Downing Street and allow me to share what I would do for our country. See if you agree with me.

The Union Jack will fly on every public building. It will be proudly on display in every classroom in every school in the land. Pupils will be taught the history of the flag.  No business, office, factory or shop will be allowed to trade unless it is flying the flag. The car number plates of all new vehicles will include the flag. Drivers of older vehicles will be encouraged to change their number plates, no VAT will be charged on an exchange of number plates.
All products grown, manufactured, produced in Britain will be asked to display a MADE IN BRITAIN logo. Shoppers can make their own minds up what they buy.


If you do then SOD OFF and live somewhere else YOUR COUNTRY DOES NOT NEED YOU !

My government will bring a prosecution against the Liberal Democratic Party under The Trades Description Act and force it to remove the word Democrat.

Local authorities will be required to remove all litter from their streets and make sure pavements, roads and signs are clean and properly maintained. Petty criminals will be taken from prison to form chain gangs in order to assist with this work.

Fines for dropping litter or fly tipping will be increased to £1,000 per offence.

Parking enforcement will be taken away from local authorities and returned to the police where a new traffic wardens department will be set up.  Private parking enforcement companies and their associated debt collection machinery will be put out of business.

Also put out of business will be cowboy money lenders. Wave bye-bye to The Money Shop, Amigo Loans and all the rest. Their activities will immediately be outlawed and anyone owing money to such an institution will have their debt cancelled.

The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation will
, of course, be closed down and the licence fee taken away. Both are ridiculous in 21st Century Britain.

I will make being homeless illegal. Hang on a minute you sad pathetic snowflakes while I explain.

Anyone living on the streets will be taken to a local authority run centre of accommodation where they will be given clothing, a private room and meals. They will receive strong support and counselling for as long as is needed until they can return to society and live happy lives. While in the accommodation  provided they will earn their keep doing community service projects.

Private companies working within and profiting from the NHS will be closed down with immediate effect. Their assets seized and handed over the the NHS.

Tobacco tax will be quadrupled and alcohol tax doubled. Anyone caught driving while using a mobile phone will be fined £5,000. All of this money will be given to the NHS.


I will reintroduce slavery !  YES I WILL.

It will be a voluntary institution, nobody has to become a slave if they do not want to. As explained in my story THE DIARY OF A SLAVE OWNER - read it - slavery will be a tool of the court system.  Judges can impose periods of enslavement on repeat offenders. READ MY
STORY and I am sure anyone with common sense will agree with this part of my prime ministerial plan.

We will IMMEDIATELY leave the European Union. No more silly negotiating, we will be gone. Immediately a 50% import tax will be imposed on all goods from EU countries. Let them then come and negotiate with us for a better deal. EU nationals living in Britain will have six months to become British citizens
or go home. There will be strict conditions associated with citizenship starting with passing a written and oral English examination.  Brits living abroad have turned their back on our country so their either return home or take up citizenship of the country where they now live.

Finally I will make islam illegal in Britain. We will no longer tolerate this alien invasion which has declared war on us. Hindu, Jew, Buddhism, Christianity, Sikh ALL welcome but NO islam. If anyone objects to this then they can move to live in an islamic state, Britain will not become one.

Oh yes, nearly forgot Tony Blair will stand trial for war crimes.

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