Monday 17 July 2017

Mrs Henderson

The evening before last my wife and I sat down to watch a video. I had dug a number out from our box of films we have not looked at for aged, the one we selected was Mrs Henderson presents - the story of The Windmill Theatre.

It is a lovely, funny film telling the story of this lady - Mrs Laura Henderson who founded The Windmill Theatre.

It is a story of defiance when Britain faced some terrible ordeals in what was her darkest hour. The Windmill Theatre, no matter what the bombing, never closed.

Of its three stars, sadly Bob Hoskings is no longer with us and Judi Dench has retired. Will Young is still very active.  I have an idea. An idea for the OurRebekah project. I have just brought another copy of the DVD, lt cost me £4.23. I am going to send it to Will Young's agent and ask that Will
autograph it so we can add it to the OurRebekah e-bay auction.

Do you think the agent will get Will Young to do that for us or do you think he will simply return the DVD unsigned ?  I plant to enclose with my request a pre-paid reply envelope.
Fingers crossed.

I have not been writing much over the past week, I have been too busy working on the OurRebekah project.  I need to get back to writing The Bridge House as a way to relax.

At the moment I am working on Chapter Three and the early part of the war. The central character in the chapter is Billy, who is also the subject of my book AN INTERVIEW WITH SERGEANT BILLY. I never knew Billy, of course, he was killed just before the end of World War Two at the young age of twenty-four. My imagination has portrayed him in The Bridge House as a mischievous young man. Going to check out the girls on the stage of The Windmill Theatre is something, I am sure, Billy would have done. I don't think the real Billy did but the Billy in my story is about to !

Billy is in Birmingham, the Windmill Theatre was in London. How will I move Billy there in the story ? I know but you will have to wait until I have written the story to find out !

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