Friday 31 August 2018

Who do you hate the most ?

Do you think that one day somebody will invent a computer which   actually  works ?

If they do it will NOT be Lenovo and Microsoft will not be the operating system.

If Microsoft and Lenovo made pianos they would sound like this !

Before he met me Josh did not know anything about punk. I have played him such tracks as Friggin In the Riggin and Who Killed Bambi. Yesterday I was playing what is generally known as my SILLY CD in the car. Josh wound it back and repeated Who Killed Bambi. Looking in the mirror I could see Jelena's horror and astonishment.

I think I'll play a bit of punk rock. Go on I dare you to listen to this.....

Wasn't so bad was it ?

The BBC still says it will be a warm, fine day. But that is The BBC - The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation so who knows !

QUESTION: Who do you hate the most ?  Microsoft or The BBC ?

Change the subject !

The music here is being played by my friend and next door neighbour, Graham. I have asked Graham to be my guest on
LET'S INSPIRE MK on Wednesday 12th September.

I have asked Graham to tell me his ten favourite tracks which we will play and chat about live on air.

I am putting together my top ten. I am thinking to include this.

What do you think ?

In the coming weeks I plan to invite a series of guests, could be you !  What would you including in your top ten songs.

I won't be inviting Josh, far too early in the morning for him. He struggles with car boot sales twice a week.


I do like to hear him sing along and try to fit Jelena into Jolene.

BTW yesterday's page pulled a great number of readers/listeners....129. Since I started writing my blog the total readership now stands at 69,975. Perhaps we can have a music party tomorrow to celebrate seventy thousand !

Never mind seven little girls, my car is packed so tight for the boot sale I am not sure there's room for Josh, Jelena and myself to fit in.  Oh well I guess I had better head off to pick them up then make our way to Bletchley Irish Centre and the first of this week-end's boot sales.

Wish us luck !

Thursday 30 August 2018

Car boot crisis and radio success

Tomorrow we are back to car boot sales. With all my talk of radio shows this week we must not forget our boot sales.


Saturday at Bletchley Irish Centre and Sunday at MK Bowl we support The Food Bank, here are Josh and Jelena last week delivering tins and packets we collected. We support THREE childrens hospitals: Birmingham, Sheffield and Ward Five in Milton Keynes. We also support the Blood and Transplant Service.

The boot sales are hard work but a lot of fun !

Here's a song for the lovely people at Bletchley Irish Centre.

That was lovely, let's make all of today's music for these wonderful people.

This week-end's sales are more important than any we have so far run.  Each sale a small sum of money goes into the
pockets of Josh and Jelena to help them with food.

Unable to work due to medical reasons Josh has been signed off from working for two years, Believe me he would love to work. He was receiving PIP benefits. Jelena went to the job centre and filed a claim as part of looking to find a job. Immediately the sad pen-pushers stopped Josh's benefits while matters were processed. They then said Jelena was not entitled to
make a claim. They DID NOT restore Josh's PIP benefits. He has to start all over again, making a claim on-line. Ooooopppsss he does not have access to the Internet in his home.

Did the job centre sort Jelena out with a job ?  Did it heck !  She left the centre and using her own initiative sorted herself a job interview for this morning !

Right now they have NO MONEY to buy any food. Their gas
and electricity are pay-as-you-go, the most expensive tariff, the electricity will run out within the next 24 hours.

It is important we do well this week-end.

Over the past year I have tried to run a lot of events to support good causes in memory of my daughter Rebekah. Some never happened as I could not inspire the help I needed to make them turn from an idea to reality. People have come and gone as helpers, some promised the earth and gave a small bag of potting compost. Josh and Jelena have supported me so much, so very much.More than all the others put together !

I rejoice in the day I found a homeless man begging outside Morrissons Supermarket. When I found he was married, there were two rough sleepers not just one I determined to change things.

Through the love and support of friends reading this blog page within two weeks we had them off the streets and in temporary accommodation. They now have a lovely home of their own. When I asked for help with furnishing SEVENTY-FOUR people made offers of help.

I had to fight Milton Keynes Council every single inch of the way. Multi-agency working is something the council just does not understand while incompetence is top of its agenda. Nobody understands that there is more to rescuing a homeless person from rough sleeping than putting a roof over their heads. Time after time after time I asked for help processing benefits. Every time the request fell on deaf ears.

POLITICIANS ?  With one exception, former Mayor David Hopkins, they are a TOTAL WASTE OF SPACE !

Josh had a major role at Sunshine Smile Day with the new Mayor of Milton Keynes.  He had chosen a homeless project as his civic charity for the year. Josh and I helped promote that charity.

We gave the mayor a courtesy gift and thank you card as he left the event. We thanked him for choosing The Bus Shelter MK as his civic charity and asked if we could sit down to talk with him about our city's homeless crisis. He did not answer the letter. We wrote again. He FAILED to answer for a SECOND TIME.  Is he really interested in the situation of the homeless or is it just a political move ?  Has to be the latter doesn't it ?

So many wonderful people have supported our car boot sale programme. We have never taken a fortune at any event but we have steadily been able to support The Food Bank, Blood
and Transplant Services, Milton Keynes Hospital Ward 5, Sheffield Childrens Hospital and Ronald McDonald House Birmingham.


I am busy rewriting our website to include the radio broadcasting, should have it on-line by the end of next week. Within the website there will be an area dedicated to the boot sales with an update on the money we have made and where
it has been spent.

This week-end's sale need to be a great success so we can support the causes orbiting our tables but also to help Josh and Jelena keep their electricity running and put some food into their kitchen. If you are not doing anything Saturday or Sunday morning do drop by, say HI and buy something from our stall.

OK - a bit of radio.

We are planning a series of RADIO LOVE events. Three rock and roll parties to support the Food Bank and some special events for Christmas.

But right now let me THANK YOU all for the support you gave to my show last Wednesday. When the programme controller at CRMK took the audience figures out from the computer I could not believe just how many people actually tuned in.

My next show will hit the air at 6am on Wednesday 5th September.  I have some special music and dedications to play.

Wednesday 12th September I will have a guest in the studio, my next door neighbour who runs retro disco days in care homes.

Wednesday 19th September I will have a special show. It is my parent's 70th wedding anniversary.

I want to play some music for them BUT I also want to play music for YOU.  I will be asking you to share your wedding songs with me so I can play them on this special show.

In October I will be celebrating Maureen's and my 40th anniversary. Two weeks later it will be my 68th birthday - NOTE I am not using the word celebrate for that ! The day after my birthday Josh and Jelena celebrate their 7th anniversary.

Have a GREAT Friday. Hope to see friends at the boot sales this week-end. Tank you for your support. help for our dear friends Josh and Jelena would be received with much gratitude.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

A little bit of inspirational music

Thank you to all who listened to yesterday's show - LET'S INSPIRE MK with Yours Truly The Geriatric DJ at the microphone.

I am a morning person. I was awake at 4am but worried if I closed my eyes I again I would fall asleep and not wake up in time to be at the studio of CRMK in time to start the show.

I did not want to be a Sleepy Joe !

When I started my YouTube Channel I selected seven pieces of music, one for each day of the week, to help your day go well.  Here's THURSDAY'S theme.

But back to yesterday......................

I arrived at the studio for five o'clock - it was still dark !  I set up a dummy run playing the first forty-five minutes of my
show. I was nervous. 

The clock clicked down but in the last three minutes from 5.57am to 6am I felt so calm.

It was great fun and I am now looking forward to next week's show.

A little preview, this is in next week's play list.

I explained some time ago an ambition to run a writing project where people could share their memories of our city. I am now hoping this will develop out of the anecdotes I bounce 
into the show each week.

I opened the show remembering London Brick in Newton Longville, particularly the smell from the kilns.
With Aston Martin just down the road from the studio I had to speak of James Bond's association with our city.
This guy had a mention and I played one of his songs.

Anyone remember Billy J Kramer playing at the White Hart on Whaddon Way, Bletchley ?

Next week I will be working on a website to co-ordinate these legends and allow people to upload their own memories and photographs which we can build into this

Ben was with me in the studio, Ben my mascot teddy bear.  Ben thanks you for your kind comments on the show.

I only caught the last 30 mins but enjoyed it.........

Listening in David, sounding good Squire 

Listening in and enjoying it. Well done.

I am the new boy at Radio CRMK. There are shows which have been running for some time, music to suit every taste. CLICK HERE to check the schedule and pick out your favourites.

Shortly after returning home from the studio I received an e-mail from Buckingham Palace.

OMG was Her Majesty listening ?

Could she possibly .....

No. It was an e-mail confirming a congratulations card would be sent to my parents in two weeks when they celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary.

In the show that week I plan to play a couple of special songs for Mum and Dad.

I will be asking you to tell me your particular wedding song so I can play it for you during that show.

This is the song from my own wedding. 

Maureen and I will have been married for 40 years in October.

One of the inspirational causes I want to talk about on the radio is THE FOOD BANK. This pic is of Jelena and Josh delivering the tins and packets we collected over the past few weeks to the Food Bank.

Now you are not going to believe this !

I called BT to order a phone for Jelena. It was only a LEONITE in the BT sales office who dealt with the order. We LEONITES get everywhere.

Thinking to clear my head of music and looking forward to my next show I suggested to Maureen that we drive over to Buckingham and spend the afternoon at Stowe.

Stowe, the former home of The Duke of Buckingham, is the jewel in the crown of The National Trust. The house is now Stowe School but the beautiful landscape gardens are a real inspiration.

The lake shown in these two pictures provided the inspiration for The Serpentine in London.

Here's another picture from yesterday afternoon.

This gave me an idea for something to play on a future show.


THURSDAY 6.01am - BTW 113 people read yesterday's blog. WOW !

Anyway, time to check out the fiction The BBC is putting out as the weather forecast for the week-end.

I am sure the infamous BBC will squander the licence payers' money half a dozen times over the next forty-eight hours but it looks as if Josh, Jelena and I will have early morning starts for the car boot sales.

These boot sales in part cover costs for the events we run in support of good causes but specifically from each money goes to buy cans and packets for The Food Bank and to support Ronald McDonald
House working with Birmingham Childrens' Hospital, Sheffield Childrens Hospital and Ward Five in Milton Keynes Hospital.

Josh is our ace salesman, Jelena is in charge of the ladies department aka clothes while I just fool about talking to the customers, telling them silly jokes.

Saturday will see us at The Irish Centre Boot Sale in Bletchley. Not a particularly busy sale but a lovely, friendly and happy place.

Yesterday I invested 20p to buy a CD box set of Danny O'Donnel. I am playing this now for all the lovely people at the Irish Centre.  I'll play some Danny O'Donnel for you all on the radio.

6.14am - time to check the text of today's page - wipe out the typo's then share the page with our friends.

To end here's a beautiful piece of music for you to end you day. HAVE A GREAT ONE.....................

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Listen to The Geriatric DJ LIVE this morning

What time is is ?

If it is between 6am and 8am UK time CLICK HERE NOW and listen to me live on Radio CRMK with my first show Let's Inspire MK.

Every Wednesday bright and early, The Geriatric DJ shares some inspirational stories past, present AND future, all wrapped in a delicious coating of the very best music.

Talking of music I am NOT going to play any of the tracks from today's show here on the blog but I do have a few inspirational thoughts which I will mix into some music.

So are you awake ?


Here's an INSPIRATIONAL story, Josh and Jelena yesterday delivering tins to The Food Bank, tins we collected via our  weekly car boot sales and the collection point we set up at West Bletchley Community Centre.

Josh and Jelena were homeless and living in a tent, that was in January. Now living in a lovely home they are repaying the kindness they have received.

Josh is a great lover of music, particularly retro pop. I was telling him yesterday about semi-local group The Baron Knights.

Here's a pic of Jelena at last Saturday's car boot sale.

For every £10 we take at the sale we pop a tin into our collection for The food Bank.

We promote The Blood and organ Transplant programme.

We use some of the cash to sponsor the goals Sheffield Wednesday score with money being sent to three childrens' hospitals.

I happen to know this is Jelena's favourite song.

Meet the most patient lady in Milton Keynes. She has to be the most patient to have put up with me for the past forty years.

I know Maureen likes this song so I'll play it now.

On Monday I sat for a couple of hours playing around on YouTube, selecting tunes I would like to play in future shows. Before I knew where I was there were ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE on the list.  Here's one.

I hope you like today's blog selection BUT if you are reading this page between 6am and 7am you should be listening to the Geriatric DJ live on Radio CRMK.

To my left as I broadcast there is a computer which tells me how many listeners there are and where in the world they are.

I hope that computer screen is showing you !

In the studio with me for
every show will be my mascot Ben. In today's show I will tell you Ben's story.

Ben is a great guy.

So let me play a piece of music for Ben but before I do I want to wipe out the myth that Elvis Presley never came to England. In a future show I will share the evidence that he not only came to England but also to Milton Keynes.

Also in the studio for every broadcast will be my Sheffield Wednesday scarf.

Here's a bit of inspiration for you....


Here's something I recorded at Hillsborough last year.

Another few wise words from the Geriatric DJ....

OK I had better publish the blog and head off to the studio. here's a piece of music for you to dance to. REMEMBER: If it is between 6am and 8am UK time CLICK HERE NOW and listen to me live on Radio CRMK with my first show Let's Inspire MK.

Monday 27 August 2018

Not fantasy - I hope !

Every Wednesday bright and early The Geriatric DJ shares some inspirational stories past, present AND future, all wrapped in a delicious coating of the very best music.

That, of course, depends on my passing my final test run in the studio of CRMK this morning. If I do, indeed, pass out
you can tune in tomorrow and listen to my first show. If not then everything is just a fantasy.

It was on Saturday 24th June that I started writing my latest book, just over ten thousand words and yesterday I completed the first chapter.

The central character, Max, has an older brother who is a rock and roll star. In the first chapter teenager Max is following in the shadow of his famous brother until he breaks out and achieves fame for himself as a pirate radio disc jockey.

Young Max is sad that he has been unable to find love, he says he is a teenager not in love.

Rock Star Brother Jimmy wins a small part, a very small part, in the filming of Blue Hawaii. Even though he can not sing Max goes along with his brother. A friendship with the film's central character and jimmy finds himself miming in Elvis Presley's backing group.

Fame follows, Max becomes the Director of Music on pirate radio station, Radio Jolly Rodger, and he does become a teenager in love.

Julie is the love of his life and Julie's mother becomes the number on fan of Max and his Magic Microphone on Radio Jolly Roger.

The chapter concludes with another song from the rock and roll era.

I'll say no more about that first chapter, you can read the DRAFT version if you wish. CLICK HERE

DJ Max's career then moves from a ship anchored in the North Sea to California and San Francisco.  This is BEFORE the hippie movement and the 1967 Summer of Love.

This will be my 16th book to be published, yes I am an international author but I am NOT an international best selling author !

My books often have two things which feature in them.

There is usually a twist right at the end of the book, in my last novel to be published THE BRIDGE HOUSE that twist is there. Read it and see !

And there is always music in the plot.

It took me a year and a half to write The Bridge House. It has taken me two and a half months to write the first chapter of this latest book.

Back to today and the real Geriatric DJ..............

Fingers crossed, think of me at 10am in the radio studio then make sure you are up bright and early first thing tomorrow, tune in and listen. PROVIDING I pass my driving test I'll give the location of the station on the network so you can hear the music.

Well it's 6.11am so I had better click the mouse and publish today's blog.

Have a super day - REMEMBER - Life is a disco - SO DANCE !