Tuesday 7 August 2018

Brain transplant

Bob Funkhouse from Upfront Radio do you remember giving us all those 7" vinyl singles to play ?

I was sorting through them yesterday when I found this - an original Queen single of A CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE.

As I was about to put it on the turntable I saw it had been autographed. Not by Freddie but by the Queen drummer Keith Richards.  I raced to the computer to Google and see just how much it was worth !

As I started to rattle the keys it occurred to me that Keith Richards was not the drummer in Queen but a guitarist in The Rolling Stones. Why had he autographed the single ?

I looked again. It did not say Keith Richards but Kellys


I guess I had better play something from The Rolling Stones....

How about this ?

And I call myself a DJ.  I am THE GERIATRIC DJ !  Perhaps I should play something from my mate Freddie which describes my musical knowledge and ability as a DJ !

My fellow DJ, Josh aka The Eternal Teenager is going to the dentist this afternoon to pick up his new dentures. He lost his teeth in a car accident when he was fourteen years old and says he is so much looking forward to being able to smile again. I need to book an appointment for a new set myself, how about I ask the dentist to fashion them on my old mate
Freddie ?

Hey THANK YOU to all who checked out yesterday's page - CLICK HERE if you missed it.

It was a bit different but drew some special comments.  Mere's one from regular reader and listener Maggie.

Loved reading today's blog - full of hope of what life could hold x hope you have a good day x

We had 93 people read/listen to yesterday's page. 

Hey Bob this was in the vinyl collection, brings back memories - love it.....

So what's the team up to today ?  In between Josh getting his new teeth and me having a brain transplant !

FIRST on the agenda is my visiting West Bletchley
Community Centre to take the tins funded from last week-end's boot sales and add them to The Food Bank Collection point we have established there.  Jelena has also collected a number of tins so we should be giving a bit of a boost to the box there. I'll take a photograph or two, share them on Facebook then add them to tomorrow's page.

As soon as Wilco is open I'll be dropping buy to buy some new printing paper and computer ink so a whole series of letters and presentations can be worked on.

I need to send THANK YOU cards and a letter to the two Sheffield Wednesday lads who scored last Saturday's goals which were sponsored from the car boot sale for the three childrens hospitals we support.

Yesterday I was working on the new website and updated the OWLS page. CLICK HERE if you want to take a look.

Last week-end Josh and I were chatting to two lovely ladies from Help Our Homeless MK. Instead of reinventing the wheel and setting up our own LET'S INSPIRE project I want to print off a brainstorm of ideas we can share to add our support to what they are already doing.

A bit more music. Bob, something more from the vast collection of vinyl you gave us.

On Friday I am meeting with Mike the boss of Radio CRMK
and on Sunday with Phil from Milton Keynes Hospital Radio to talk music, support, love and inspiration.


I need to type up my brainstorm of ideas for both meetings.

Jelena then wants me to design an print off posters she can
distribute asking for STUFF we can sell at the boot sales.

Will one pack of printing ink be enough ?

Our accounting for money on the boot sales - CLICK HERE - is showing a balance of £11.95. Oooopppsss !

Looks like I am going to have to dip into my own pocket !

Dare I open my online banking and see what   my  own  balance is ?

I think I need to.

After Josh is smiling with his new teeth and I have recovered from my brain transplant we plan to spend some BIG money.

More music please.

Here's just a tiny fraction of the vinyl Bob has given us, these are the songs I was checking yesterday. I'll grab three and play them as I write the rest of the page.

OK here's Val Doonican.....

Yesterday the team went to Coscto to see if we could join and buy things to sell at the boot sales.

What lovely people there. This afternoon we are going back to collect a membership card and start buying.

Josh was getting mega excited about our selling cold drinks. At last Sunday's MK Bowl sale cans of drink were selling at £1.75p EACH ! We can buy them from Costco, sell them at
50p each and still rip off the customers - I mean make a sensible profit !

I've checked the weather for the week-end, no sign of rain so I guess Josh will be piling our Cosco trolley high.

More music from Bob.....

How many of you remember Embassy Records ?  The label
of cover versions sold at Woolworths ?  An original single, when I was a teenager, cost seven shillings and nine pence, a Woolworth cover version on the Embassy label was only four shillings and six pence.

Here's something from Embassy Records.

Josh, I don't think we need to buy any umbrellas from Cosco, not with the weather forecast as it currently stands.

We could, of course buy Bourbon Biscuits !

For those who do not know, our boot sales help fund the admin costs - buying printing paper, ink and such like NOT a single penny is taken from the support we generate for the good causes we support.

Money from the boot sales helps fund our support for The Food Bank and the three childrens hospitals we support. We also promote blood and organ donation. As more projects come on-line so they will be wrapped into our Saturday and Sunday activities.

Some of the money also goes to Josh and Jelena. We would like to turn the boot sales into a bit of a business so the two can draw some proper money to live on.  To so that we need STUFF to sell.

Without Josh and Jelena we could not operate the music projects we are, we could not support the good causes we are and those we plan to start supporting.

Jelena, in my opinion, is a bit over ambitious when it comes to pricing goods at the sales. I guess I am a bit Tesco minded - STACK IT HIGH AND SELL IT CHEAP.

Josh is keen we operate a third day, Thursdays on Bletchley Market.

More music. This was also in Bob's collection.

Is the FOOL in this song me who thinks Keith Richards was Queen's drummer ? Ooooppps !

5.15am I had better publish today's page and get dressed. I need to sort those tins and take them up to West Bletchley Community Centre. Then I need to look at my finances to see how much money we can spend at Cosco. I guess that depends on how much I have to pay for my brain transplant !

If you have any STUFF we can sell this week-end drop me an e-mail: dashford566@gmail.com or hit me on FACEBOOK.  Or call me on 0748 428 9950.

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