Monday 13 August 2018

133 days to go

How many days is it until Christmas ?

133 days !

Question is will we be able to get everything ready for the Christmas events we are planning ?

How long before the High Street starts pushing merchandise for Christmas ?  YESTERDAY !

We are wondering if we have enough time for all we want to do to celebrate LOVE at Christmas.

On 1st December we will be launching our YouTube Advent Calendar with a new piece of Christmas music every day.

On 1st November we will be launching our Secret Santa appeal for THREE children's hospitals: Birmingham, Sheffield and Milton Keynes.

Right now we are getting ready to persuade three football clubs to hold a SANTA DASH around their pitches to support our three chosen childrens hospitals.

Resident Santa Josh will lead with Geriatric Santa David bringing up the rear.

But it is still August so let's have some Summer Music !

I have had an idea.

I'll share this with Mr & Mrs Santa later today.

This is the tin we use at the car boot sales to put the vast wealth from our sales in. There's a few coins in there from last week which I am starting to build up as a float for next week-end. There are NO penny coins in there.

I have taken out all of the pennies, there were twenty of them, and put them into this red heart shaped box.

Every penny coin we are handed by the customers will not go into the cash tin but into this special box.

How long do you think it will take to fill it ?  How much money, how many pennies, do you think we will need to fill it.

When it's full we will count up the cash, change it into real money and hand it over as a donation to Milton Keynes Hospital Radio. In adding this to our boot sales we widen the support they generate in addition to helping
with our costs.

We promote the blood and transplant service.

We sponsor the goals Sheffield Wednesday FC score with money going to Birmingham Sheffield and Milton Keynes Childrens' hospitals.

For every £10 we take at each sale we buy a tin for The Food Bank.

Are there any ARSENAL supporters out there ?

Look at this, something we have been given for the boot sale.

Wednesday 27th October 1999, Arsenal v Fiorentina in the UEFA Champions League, Match Day Programme in perfect condition.

ANYONE WANT TO MAKE A BID ?  Message us on FACEBOOK or e-mail us  I could not find a copy for sale on-line but surely this has to be worth a fiver ?

On the subject of football but this time speaking of England's GREATEST team, the one and only Sheffield Wednesday, we had an e-mail yesterday from Club Director Trevor wishing us well with our various projects. 

So what's on the agenda for the team today ?

JELENA has been given a bag full of clothes for the boot
sales so washing them ready for the week-end has to happen this morning.

JOSH is planning to work on his book, he is writing his autobiography.

ME I will be working on the Secret Santa project ready to share it with the various people whose support we need to make it happen.

After all there are only 133 days to go.

Yesterday's blog pulled 106 readers/listeners. Our grand total since the first edition is creeping ever closer to seventy thousand, it stands today at 68,441.

The accounting for the boot sale income has been updated CLICK HERE - the £220.87 overdraft is funded from my pocket !

The world's saddest broadcaster started yesterday morning by saying it would be great weather this coming week-end. Then it decided there would be rain. First thing this morning we are back to sunshine. 

Christmas may be 133 days away but perhaps the BBC will suggest sleet and snow.

Excuse me Mr BBC but snow does not stop us.  Here's a couple of pics from a music event in February.

BBC bring on your worst, we will be at The Irish Centre on Saturday and then MK Bowl on Sunday generating support for;
The Blood and Transplant Service

Sheffield Childrens Hospital
Milton Keynes Hospital Ward Five
Ronald McDonald and Birmingham Childrens Hospital
The Food Bank
Milton Keynes Hospital Radio

KEEP THE STUFF COMING.....................

Contact us on FACEBOOK or by e-mail:

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