Tuesday 28 August 2018

Listen to The Geriatric DJ LIVE this morning

What time is is ?

If it is between 6am and 8am UK time CLICK HERE NOW and listen to me live on Radio CRMK with my first show Let's Inspire MK.

Every Wednesday bright and early, The Geriatric DJ shares some inspirational stories past, present AND future, all wrapped in a delicious coating of the very best music.

Talking of music I am NOT going to play any of the tracks from today's show here on the blog but I do have a few inspirational thoughts which I will mix into some music.

So are you awake ?


Here's an INSPIRATIONAL story, Josh and Jelena yesterday delivering tins to The Food Bank, tins we collected via our  weekly car boot sales and the collection point we set up at West Bletchley Community Centre.

Josh and Jelena were homeless and living in a tent, that was in January. Now living in a lovely home they are repaying the kindness they have received.

Josh is a great lover of music, particularly retro pop. I was telling him yesterday about semi-local group The Baron Knights.

Here's a pic of Jelena at last Saturday's car boot sale.

For every £10 we take at the sale we pop a tin into our collection for The food Bank.

We promote The Blood and organ Transplant programme.

We use some of the cash to sponsor the goals Sheffield Wednesday score with money being sent to three childrens' hospitals.

I happen to know this is Jelena's favourite song.

Meet the most patient lady in Milton Keynes. She has to be the most patient to have put up with me for the past forty years.

I know Maureen likes this song so I'll play it now.

On Monday I sat for a couple of hours playing around on YouTube, selecting tunes I would like to play in future shows. Before I knew where I was there were ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE on the list.  Here's one.

I hope you like today's blog selection BUT if you are reading this page between 6am and 7am you should be listening to the Geriatric DJ live on Radio CRMK.

To my left as I broadcast there is a computer which tells me how many listeners there are and where in the world they are.

I hope that computer screen is showing you !

In the studio with me for
every show will be my mascot Ben. In today's show I will tell you Ben's story.

Ben is a great guy.

So let me play a piece of music for Ben but before I do I want to wipe out the myth that Elvis Presley never came to England. In a future show I will share the evidence that he not only came to England but also to Milton Keynes.

Also in the studio for every broadcast will be my Sheffield Wednesday scarf.

Here's a bit of inspiration for you....


Here's something I recorded at Hillsborough last year.

Another few wise words from the Geriatric DJ....

OK I had better publish the blog and head off to the studio. here's a piece of music for you to dance to. REMEMBER: If it is between 6am and 8am UK time CLICK HERE NOW and listen to me live on Radio CRMK with my first show Let's Inspire MK.

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