Sunday 17 February 2019

Spreading the LOVE


At 6am I will be live playing some great music on the world's number one Internet Radio Station - CRMK -

6am to 8am you will be listening to the music won't you ?

The world's number one Internet Radio Station ?

NO - that is not an empty statement or boast. CRMK honestly is Number One.  Greatness is not measured in audience figures. Just look at the lead picture on today's blog - gifts of love brought into the studio by presenters - gifts of love for Milton Keynes Food Bank.

This is the third project I have brought to CRMK since I joined
at the end of August - TOILET TWINNING - SECRET SANTA and now THE FOOD BANK - so much loving support for all by from a group of amazing people.

Do you like the shirt ?  3.48am - I've just taken the photograph.

I think it is more of a Beach Boys shirt than something from The Summer of Love.

I have been researching The Summer of Love as I have picked up the
pen of Max Robinson and started to work again on my latest book - FANTASIES OF A GERIATRIC DJ.  I have been writing stories since The Summer of Love.

With ten hours of music playlists to prepare each week I stopped writing but now I am back writing around one thousand new words a day.

It's a light relief from the music and something else which I will explain in a moment.

I have taken our central character to December 1966 and placed him working in Golden Gate Radio, poised for The Summer of Love.

The Summer of Love had its routes in the San Francisco Human Be-In of December 1966.

Yes, I am really enjoying writing again. Writing a thousand
words or so each day is not a hard task, the difficult bit comes typing up the scribble from the notebook then editing the text.

As you have seen from the two video clips, the story begins in the Rock and Roll years of the late 1950's, is moving through the 1960's and will end up somewhere in 2019, all depending on when I finish writing.

HOWEVER, if I do not find the pennies for a new laptop fairly soon the writing will never get out of the notebook and the only music I will be playing on the radio will be SILENCE !

I have thirteen books currently available and have started to promote them on a SPECIAL PAGE on my website.

After Amazon has taken its commission and deducted income tax - Amazon may fiddle its own tax affairs but before it will take on an author you have to submit your tax information - I am left with £1 per sale.

Sold two books on Saturday.

Sold ZERO books on Sunday !

The Wild Adventures of Di Central Eating is this week's featured book.  The two books sold on Saturday were my SCHOOLBOY AUTOBIOGRAPHY and THE DIARY OF BILLY HARDCASTLE.

If I can sell enough copies I can get a new laptop.  MORE
than that, we will have a bit of a fund to expand our music....PLAYING MUSIC TO MAKE PEOPLE SMILE, BE HAPPY AND TO INSPIRE LOVE FOR GOOD CAUSES.

1967 may have seen THE SUMMER OF LOVE but through
the music I play - music on the radio - music on YouTube - music on this daily blog - music on my website and most importantly music in the community I want 2019 to be the YEAR OF LOVE.

On Wednesday's radio show I will be going back over the last year to talk about music played in the community to support good causes and to look forward to more music and more good causes supported in 2019 The Year of Love.

Not my music specifically, the music ALL presenters play here on CRMK - is spreading that love.

Enjoy the music, do listen to me live 6am to 8am and do listen to all the other music my friends play every day on CRMK - The world's number one internet radio station. Well it is in my mind, listen to the music and see if you agree.

My books all have music in them - CHECK ONE OR TWO OUT and help the music MAKE PEOPLE SMILE, BE HAPPY AND INSPIRE LOVE FOR GOOD CAUSES.

4.40am - time to publish today's page, chill, have breakfast and then hit the world with today's music.

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