Wednesday 20 February 2019

The Dynamic Duo - make that a TRIO

Show number 85 - 85 since The Geriatric DJ first hit the air with Radio CRMK.

Today we had listeners in: France, India, Algeria, Egypt, Israel and UK.

It's a funny thing but sitting at the broadcast desk I get an impression of the show but when I get home and listen to the podcast of that show it always sounds better. Right now I am listening to the PODCAST of today's show. CLICK HERE and join me.

I am The Geriatric DJ, my friend Josh is The Eternal
Teenager - lucky sod looks about 15 years younger than he really is.

Josh is joining Radio CRMK as a DJ, he will be co-presenting the Monday and Friday shows with me. 

Today he brought his wife, Lena, into the studio with him.

When Josh and I co-present we will be The Dynamic Duo but today he brought Lena with him so there were a TRIO.

Over the year we have taken music into the community to support good causes. Today Lena told the world about my wearing a bra in Asda Supermarket to raise awareness of breast cancer. Josh told our audience how two policemen tried to  arrest  me !

After my friend had said that on today's show I played this !

Here's Josh munching his breakfast in between tracks. Note his hair. Josh says he has never had his hair so long on all his life.

We are both growing our hair for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY where we will there take part in a sponsored haircut. 

You are listening to the PODCAST aren't you ? Go on CLICK HERE.

In the video clip above Josh is teaching everyone at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY 2018 to dance with a Sheffield Wednesday Scarf.

Josh will you be dancing at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY 2019 ?

Yes, we played football at Hillsborough Stadium.  Josh is taking part in a 24 hour sponsored football game to support Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

After the football Josh and I are going to have a RADIO DISCO to celebrate the football and add more sponsorship to the total. Listen to the PODCAST and you will hear Lena say she will be in bed asleep.

Lena introduced the next song on today's show speaking Russian.

We did have a fantastic year taking music into the community.

We play music to make people SMILE, be HAPPY and to
inspire LOVE for good causes.

I am so proud of the music we took into the community over the past year, I am so proud to have had my dear friends The Eternal Teenager and Mrs Josh with me.  This
blog page only touches on a few of those events. Listen to the PODCAST for them all.

The SMILE belongs to my daughter Rebekah. I defy anyone to find a photograph taken of her where she is not smiling.

SUNSHINE SMILE DAY is held each on the anniversary of Beck's death.

We do not mourn her death but celebrate her life.

Today would have been her 36th birthday.  Beck I miss you so much but THANK YOU for the love you brought to this world while you were part of it.  THANK YOU for being the smile and the inspiration behind every note of music we play, thank you for being at every of the music events we celebrated on today's show.

Celebrate Beck's life at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY on Sunday 19th May at Milton Keynes Irish Centre - come and watch The Geriatric DJ and The Eternal Teenager have their hair cut, sponsored for Beck's favourite good cause - RONALD McDONALD HOUSE CHARITY.  To end today's blog here we are playing music at Ronald McDonald House Birmingham.

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