Friday 8 February 2019

The Eternal Teenager's Top Ten

My car has passed its MOT !

Zippede do dah !

I played that on my very first radio broadcast with CRMK.

Yesterday was my 77th show and a rather special radio show.

I was joined in the studio by a very dear and special fiend making his 3rd appearance as a guest on a show.

The Eternal Teenager joined The Geriatric DJ in my time machine to travel back to 8th February 1964. On that day The Geriatric DJ was 13 years old, The Eternal Teenager was MINUS 27 years.

We had a bit of fun as The Geriatric DJ played the Top Thirty Chart from the year with The Eternal Teenager scoring each track out of ten.

Josh, The Eternal Teenager's scores brings you here his personal Top Ten within the Top Thirty from all those years ago.

One year ago as of yesterday I posted something on facebook for friends who had been supporting me try to care for a young couple I had met, a young couple who were homeless and rough sleeping. I posted there would be no more posts as we had managed to move them into long-term temporary accommodation. In the summer they left that temporary accommodation to live in their own home. Josh and Jelena aka The Eternal Teenager and Mrs Josh.

So Josh, The Eternal Teenager, what's next in your personal Top Ten from the year of 1964 ?

Although my friends never stayed at Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter it was that wonderful organisation that was instrumental in giving my friends a new start in life and I can never thank them enough for what they did.

Right then Mr Eternal Teenager, what's at Number four ?

My friends have come a million miles from their tent but still have several million miles still to travel.

Every step of the way I have had to FIGHT a failing local authority which does not have even the faintest clue when it comes to helping those who are so down on their luck that they have no option but to sleep rough on the streets of our city. A failing local authority where multi-agency co-ordination is a complete enigma. A failing local authority where Department A can not work with Department B and has never heard of Department C !

Right Josh what's number three ?

I play music to make people smile, to be happy and to support good causes.

Even when they were still in their tent my friends, my very dear friends, helped me achieve that aim.  Here they are delivering SECRET SANTA gifts to children in Milton Keynes Hospital.

At six in the morning on Christmas Day they were both in the radio studio supporting me with Josh announcing the dedications for families who had a child sick in hospital.

Here are my friends when we played music at Hillsborough Stadium.

And here they are delivering gifts we collected for The Food Bank.

One more picture before I ask Josh to play us his personal number one in the 1964 Top Ten.

Josh dancing to the music at Sunshine Smile Day 2018.

Actually let's have two pictures.  Here's Jelena.

Yes, that picture was taken in May but it was used as part of our Secret Santa project.

Time, Josh, for you to play us your Number One.

I grew my hair to take part in a sponsored haircut at Sunshine Smile Day 2018. I am growing it again for a sponsored haircut at Sunshine Smile Day 2019. Josh is also growing his hair, this year there will be two of us braving the scissors.

Yeh, by the way Josh - I liked your Number One.  But the music is not stooping there. In 1964 a new Saturday TV sports programme was launched.

BBC TV may have introduced a new sports programme in 1964 but Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter is having MATCH OF THE DECADE - no MATCH OF THE CENTURY - come on Geriatric DJ get it right - MATCH OF THE MILLENNIUM !

Live on radio Josh yesterday told the world he intended to be a part of that event.

It had fallen out of the 1964 Top Thirty for 8th February but had been at number 1 and been in the charts for 18 weeks. The song lives on and will be sung at a certain football ground this afternoon. The Eternal Teenager and The Geriatric DJ played this together on yesterday's show.

Powerful words !

Josh spent all of yesterday with me planning adventures for music to MAKE PEOPLE SMILE, TO BE HAPPY AND INSPIRE PEOPLE TO SUPPORT GOOD CAUSES.

When I dropped my friend off to go home at the end of the day I said to him, "You are a great man Josh."  To which he replied, "Thank you and soon I am going to be a radio DJ."

Josh called me last night, speaking for himself and for Mrs Josh he said, "We love you David."


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