Monday 6 May 2019

A bridge over troubled water

I enjoy doing my overnight radio shows - yesterday was the third.

Promoting the good causes taking part in SUNSHINE SMILE DAY we had listeners in: Turkey, Singapore, Kenya, India, Venezuela,  Philippines, Russia, Malaysia, Germany, USA, Egypt, Brazil, Australia and one or two in the UK !

Readers of the blog promoting the show came from: USA, UK, Russia, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Canada and Oman...

Overall that's 18 different countries.

That's great but is CRMK listener Paddy really going to come to SUNSHINE SMILE DAY from Australia ! Has a flight been chartered from Kenya or Russia to SUNSHINE SMILE DAY...he he he........

I have split the show into four PODCASTS. It may not make sense but I suggest listeners start with PART FOUR.

Promoting the various good causes was spread across the full ten hours but towards the end I drew everything together. CLICK HERE AND CHECK THE PODCASTS.

But for ALFIE and friends at Curly Tails your tracks were numbers eight and nine on the playlist so you need PODCAST NUMBER ONE !

ALFIE, you and I know the significance of the next track but everyone else will have to listen to the PODCAST to understand !

Trying to drive home after the show was a nightmare, so many of the roads were closed for the Milton Keynes Marathon !

Sara from Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter I was thinking of you as I negotiated the diversion and put my satnav into overdrive. THANK YOU for promoting SUNSHINE SMILE DAY on the stand.

The blog LOVE HEARTS from last week has had a fair readership.

Putting Winter Night Shelter banners up in the studio brought a lot, I felt, to the show.

Sara and for all runners yesterday let me play something for you.

Sara, you are nowhere near old enough to remember that song !  The Geriatric DJ was fourteen years old when The Spencer Davis Group had a hit with the number.

I have lost a lot of weight !  I can now wear skinny jeans.  Need to slim down the top half of me as well !

Throughout all of the show I had The Food Bank banner rolled out in the studio.

I had taken half a supermarket of food with me to eat during the broadcast, I just nibbled on a packet of crisps. You can have the rest for your friends in need.

I did, however, get through FIVE cans of Pepsi Max.  My music mascot BEN had a can as well.  I never play a note of music without BEN being there with me. BEN represents the love I try to inject into the music, love for good causes - love for the nine good causes I featured on yesterday's overnight show.

Let me play Ben's song....

Can you see on the can of Pepsi Max Ben is holding The Barclays Premier League trophy ?

After the overnight show I broadcast in March Barclays
Premier League listened to the PODCAST. From that they sent our music some amazing and valuable gifts to use on SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

We will be using these gifts in our raffle at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY to support Ronald McDonald House as it supports families with a child sick in Birmingham's Childrens Hospital.

Children from all over the country come to Birmingham for specialist treatment, some are even airlifted from Europe.

In a book I wrote many years ago I reported on a blue light dash I made in an ambulance to collect a child from London Heathrow to take to Ronald McDonald.

It is hard to have a child sick in hospital at any time but when that hospital is far away from home Ronald McDonald is there with a loving arm around the family saying - we are here - saying it with love.

Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter - Ronald McDonald House - Curly Tails - Milton Keynes Food Bank...... I get a little bit emotional when I talk about the work you all do.
Reading some case stories from this Winter Night Shelter poster live on air last week I choked up and tears pricked my eyes.

I can not support a good cause if I can not become emotionally involved. I do not believe any support for any good cause is worth a single penny if it is not wrapped in a thick layer of love.

My hippie hair is starting to annoy me ! It needs cutting. Ahead of last year's sponsored haircut I was the only hippie in San Francisco's Hippie Park !

This years's sponsored haircut is for Alfie at Curly Tails.

My hair for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY 2019 is actually longer than it was for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY 2018.

I can't wait for it to be cut off.

4.46am - I've just opened the first can of Pepsi Max of the day. 

Milton Keynes Food Bank - Ronald McDonald House - Milton
Keynes Winter Night Shelter - Curly Tails.... I have been speaking about you all as I am involved on a day-to-day basis with the work you do. 

These are four of the good causes involved in SUNSHINE SMILE DAY. As well as these four I was proud on the show to talk about THE WOODLAND TRUST - CATS PROTECTION - SHEARERS DIABETIC AWARENESS FOUNDATION - BLOOD AND TRANSPLANT SERVICES - BOB CHAMPION CANCER TRUST all of which are involved in SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

Towards the end of the show yesterday I played two songs...

Black Lace's version of Rod Stewart's SAILING and Gerry And The Pacemakers YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE.

We all sail on the sea of life. The sky is blue, the water calm and we enjoy the cruise. When the clouds gather, when the
storm comes and the ship is in danger of sinking it is then we need an arm of love round our shoulders saying You'll Never Walk Alone.

I have been asked to do an
overnight show for University Hospital's Cancer Unit. I am, of course, involved in the work of the hospital as part of its Patient Review Team. I would like to do a show for Milton 
Keynes Food Bank.  I would like to do a show for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter ahead of the start of next year's season in November.

The greatest piece of music ever written is Bridge Over
Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel.

As a student it was impossible to walk through the halls of residence without hearing this song playing from someone's room.

Divorce the music from the words and you are left with a beautiful theme. Pick up the words alone and you have a powerful poem. Put the two together and you have the greatest piece of music ever written.

I was twenty-one years old when I heard that song as a student, in November I will be sixty-nine years old - 48 years during which I have tried to live my life like a bridge over troubled water. I have failed more times than I have succeeded but I have never stopped trying and never will. That music will be played at my funeral.

I applaud the work of all the good causes I celebrated during yesterday's show but if we all lived our lives like bridges over troubled water all good causes everywhere would be made redundant.

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