Sunday 19 May 2019

A hairbrush for sale !

With my new haircut it's a bit chilly.

First job today after I have finished broadcasting my radio show is to put a hairbrush up for sale on e-bay !

Yep 4am, I am a bit late today, here I am about to broadcast Monday Morning Music Mega Mix. That will actually be my 150th show on Radio CRMK - do tune in this morning 6am to 8am

I am thinking I may now retire from being a Radio DJ, I rather fancy becoming a pop singer !

A pic taken before the sponsored haircut.

SMILING DARREN cut my hair to support Pigge Alfie at Curly Tails.

My head was then covered in glitter for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

Sunshine Smile Day 2019

After watching these amazing young ladies I think I may like to train as a ballet dancer !

Several hundred pictures were taken by different people attending Sunshine Smile Day yesterday, over today I will gather them together and share them with you all across the coming days but for now here are a few for you to enjoy.

Yesterday marked the second anniversary of the work we do: PLAYING MUSIC TO MAKE PEOPLE SMILE, BE HAPPY AND TO INSPIRE LOVE FOR GOOD CAUSES.

We have proudly achieved a lot in those two years but what of the future ?

I have an idea rattling round in my brain where we can move things forward BIG TIME - where we can make everything twenty times bigger with actually about half of the time, effort and money we are currently investing.

A slight change in the mission statement to: MAKING PEOPLE SMILE, BE HAPPY AND INSPIRING LOVE

Sunshine Smile Day 2019 is now history !  So many people and so many good causes involved.

Thank you to all who came along. Thank you to Lisa for organising everything. Thank you to Paula for hosting the event at Milton Keynes Irish Centre.

YES, I think I will retire from being a radio presenter in order to concentrate on a new career as a pop singer.

But first I need to put that hairbrush onto e-bay !

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