Sunday 12 May 2019

My hair needs cutting !

2.58am.... I have set the studio up ready to hit the air at 6am with Monday Morning Music Mega Mix.

I have loaded the tracks, checked the levels, set up the microphone - done everything EXCEPT test the headphones !

I need my hair cutting !   When I broadcast the headphones keep getting tangled in my hair !
Roll on Sunday 2.30pm and my sponsored haircut !

My geriatric hippie locks are being cut away to support PIGGIE ALFIE at Curly Tails Rescue Centre.

Smiling Darren is to cut my hair at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY. Dressed from head to toe in sunshine yellow, Darren will be waving the clippers about my flowing locks.

As a LEONITE teenager Darren had his own distinctive style - a bit different today Darren !

A bit different today Darren !  He he he......

Speaking on the phone with Darren yesterday I checked out he was planning to be dressed from head to toe in yellow, I asked if he planned to paint his toenails yellow. He replied that he had already painted them - PINK !

For six months Josh has seldom been seen without his hat. That hat covered up a Beatle mop !

Not any more. Both the hat and the hair it concealed have been consigned to the recycling bin ! I think I am right in saying a new landfill site has opened to accommodate them.

But my hair remains, remains until Sunday afternoon at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

To sponsor my haircut simply CLICK HERE and make a donation direct to Curly Tails.

Find all about Curly Tails, Alfie and the work done there by visiting:

Within the playlist for today's show there is this track....

I am not sure I don't need a combine harvester to cut my hair. Darren you could drive a combine harvester yeh ?

Today's show will be live 6am to 8am do listen in The PODCAST will be available from around 9am.

In the run up to SUNSHINE SMILE DAY I am going to be rather busy. Today I will be visiting two distribution centres for Milton Keynes Food Bank - I will tell you more of their work on tomorrow's blog, taking some promotional material to two schools inviting support for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY. I am meeting with Graham who is providing the music for SMILE DISCO. There are 158 e-mails waiting for my attention.

Here's another track from today's show:
3.38am - SLEEPY JOE - SLEEPY DAVID - SLEEPY GERIATRIC DJ - if only I had time !

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