Tuesday 7 May 2019

Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow

To quote CRMK presenter John Brandom who presents HEART AND SOUL on this fabulous radio station....... "Do you ever sleep ?"

I don't quite know how to answer that !

I gate crashed John's show last week - do check it out www,crmk.co.uk 2pm to 5pm this afternoon.

I actually met myself coming back yesterday !  I did my show featuring music from THE FABULOUS FIFTIES - I'll play you a track from the show in a moment and you can check the PODCAST if you like. I raced home to begin work only to find I had left my folder with all of the work I needed to do in the studio !

Anyone old enough to remember that from the BBC TV
series ?

Back to the studio - collected the folder then home via Milton Keynes Food Bank's warehouse to drop off some posters and fliers for SMILE DISCO

I like to have my five shows here on
CRMK always prepared a week in advance - I am naughty, I had today's show ready but not Thursday so I sat down and prepared KIDS KLASSICS which will be broadcast tomorrow www.crmk.co.uk 6am to 8am.

Here's something from the playlist.

A chat on-line with Smiling Darren to talk about today's show
and a phone call from Lisa who is organising SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

E-mails to Ronald McDonald House, Milton Keynes Food Bank, Curly Tails Pig Rescue and Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

As Smiling Darren is joining me as my guest for today's show I typed out the playlist then printed it. Normally I scribble it in my illegible style.

Off then to the Food Bank's distribution centre on Bean Hill to drop off some invitations and posters for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.  Lisa is asking for more posters, printer out of ink so will do that tomorrow.
In the studio for 3am, set everything up for the show then did the most important of all tasks. I checked my bank balance. 

PHEW !  Yes my quarterly investment income is there. Got to lend SUNSHINE SMILE DAY £400 and pay another £125 of bills for the party.

3.45am - at 4.30am I have to drive to pick up Smiling Darren 
then present today's show. Darren, of course, is a LEONITE = one of my former students from the days when I was Head of Year at Leon School. More than one hundred of my former students are involved one way or another in my music.

Today's show is entitled LIFE IS A DISCO SO DANCE. We will be playing disco tracks from the 1970's to thank LEONITES for their support.

Let's have a track shall we.............

As soon as the show is over Darren and I will brave the early traffic to meet LEONITE Lisa and LEONITE Paula, who runs
Milton Keynes Irish Centre which is hosting SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

Darren and I will then go for breakfast to both sustain ourselves and to talk about my Sponsored Hair Cut which is taking place on SUNSHINE SMILE DAY to support Piggie Alfie who has been adopted by our music.

Dressed from head to toe in SUNSHINE YELLOW Darren
will be cutting my hair - YES head to toe - Darren is going to dye his own hair YELLOW.

Then I need to spend more of my investment income buying printing ink for posters and stamps for a mountain of letters I need to post.  

Will I have any money left I ask myself ? Good job my pension comes in next week.

I've got an e-mail from The Mayor's Secretary regarding SUNSHINE SMILE DAY so I need to answer that. No doubt there will be a mountain of work after the meeting at the Irish Centre.

This is my favourite ABBA track but sadly there is no way I can apply it to today's activities !

For the musically ignorant Andante means slowly.

Back in the studio to broadcast KIDS KLASSICS with every track dedicated to a child sick in hospital.

That's about as far as I have got planning tomorrow.

Actually I forgot, tomorrow I have to finish writing Friday's playlist. The playlist is written but I have to download the music. For Pick Of The Pops our time machine is going back to 10th May 1978 when this was in the charts.

1978 - that was the year I was married to the most patient
and amazing lady in the world - MAUREEN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH...

Yes, it is Wednesday and I will keep my promise to take you out for cream tea this afternoon.

THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME - I will retire some time - I promise - just as soon as I get time to think about it.

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