Wednesday 1 May 2019

Video killed the radio star ! Did it heck !

Do you remember the 1979 hit from The Buggles ?  

Video Killed The Radio Star ?

Well it aint killed this radio star.

Yesterday's blog page which carried the title I AM WORRIED was written for effect.

I play music to make people smile, to be happy and to inspire love for good causes.

Yesterday;s show - CLICK HERE for the podcast  -  inspired me !

Yes, I was feeling tired and worried as the show went live but as the music began to hit the airwaves I was rocking ! I am listening to the 
PODCAST right now as I scribble away here.

My dear friend, Josh aka The Eternal Teenager says that some times I am HIGH - HIGH ON LIFE.  As I played that last track yesterday I was most certainly high on life.

This is playing on the PODCAST right now as I write.

I am going to buy some pineapples for SMILE DISCO, hand them out and invite you all to push them up the tree.

Let's have a round up of the radio shows ahead of SMILE DISCO.

3.45am.... at 6am I will be live with my show WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS - do listen in: www, This week's show invites you to waltz with The Strauss Family.

Then tomorrow - FRIDAY - that will be my 139th show here on RADIO CRMK - the time machine is going back to 3rd May 1968.

Let's have something from that playlist.

On Saturday we will be at Milton Keynes Irish Centre's car boot sale. We will be trying to make a few pennies as well as telling everyone there about SUNSHINE SMILE DAY and SMILE DISCO.

I am really enjoying listening to the PODCAST from yesterday's show as I write these notes.  I think I will take my laptop to the boot sale and play the podcast.

This is playing now:

I am doing another of my overnight shows. Show number 140 will be broadcast from 11pm on Sunday to 10am on Monday.

You can sponsor tracks for the good causes taking part in SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

On Sunday it will be two weeks to SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

I am calling this overnighter - ROLL OUT THE BARREL because we are going to have a BARREL OF FUN.

My usual Monday Morning Music Mega Mix will be included in Roll Out The Barrel.  CLICK HERE to sponsor a track for one of the good causes coming to SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

Show 141 on Tuesday 7th May and Show 145 MUSIC FROM MY VINYL COLLECTION will feature some of the prizes from the VINYL TOMBOLA at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

This is playing now on the PODCAST !

Show 142 on Wednesday and Show 146 on Wednesday 15th May will be LEON DISCO.  Hey all you LEONITES send me
your requests. If enough of you can fill the playlists I'll ask Mike, Programme Controller, if I can extend to three hours.

I am going to twist SMILING DARREN'S arm to join me in the studio for these shows. Why don't you come along ?  I mean that.

So what's playing on the PODCAST right now ?

This !

Did you know that YMCA by Black Lace holds the world record for the most people dancing together to a track ?

I've yet to decided what to play on my two classical music shows - Show 143 Thursday 9th May and Show 147 Thursday 16th May.  I rather think it may be two of my episodes WHERE CLASSICAL MUSIC MEETS ROCK AND ROLL !

Show 144 on Friday 10th May - I have not decided yet where our time machine will be travelling but for Show 148 on Friday 17th May I think I will play the Top Thirty from the day Rebekah was born. This was Number One.

THIRTY HOURS of music on the radio before SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.......


On the PODCAST playing now.................

Thirty hours of music, that's going to be 500 tracks. FLIPPING HECK !  I'd better get writing the playlists.

A word to the good causes involved in SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.....   Tell your supporters to listen to the shows and give them the PODCASTS - use the music to INSPIRE LOVE FOR YOUR GOOD CAUSES.

* Ronald McDonald House Birmingham......

* Curly Tails Pig Rescue.......

* Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter......

* Milton Keynes Food Bank........

Use the music and the PODCASTS to inspire LOVE for your work.

No messing......


What's playing on the PODCAST right now ?

4.46am - I've been writing for just over an hour. I am still listening to the PODCAST as I write. If you are listening as well you will hear that I have played a lot of silly music from Black Lace. The show ends with Black Lace - please listen....

We are all cruising on the sea of life. When the sun is shining and the sea is calm life is wonderful - SAILING.

But when the wind comes, when the storm rages and the boat rocks on the waves it then you need a loving arm around you shoulder saying YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE.

Thank you all for the lovely work you do. Now use the music to INSPIRE MORE LOVE for all you do.

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