Sunday 25 August 2019

An English Country Grden


The first project of Lancelot Capability Brown, The Gardens at Stowe now lovingly maintained by The National Trust.

Here's something I have not played on the radio for a little while.

Mummy and babies swimming on the lake at Stowe yesterday.

This is something I have never played on the radio, about time I put it into a playlist.

Have you visited The National Trust Gardens   at  Stowe ?  You must. I promise you, you will never go just once. We tend to visit most weeks. It is Doggie Jake's favourite place.

Now here's something I do play quite often on the radio.

El Condor Passa, translated into English it 
means...when the condor passes people stand and watch.

A while back White Kites found their way to fly over Milton Keynes, white kites which originated at Stowe - When the White Kite passes people stand and watch. THEY DO.

Have you read my book The Bridge House ?  It is a love story spanning more than eighty years. The love story comes to a beautiful end in Stowe.

Of all my writing I enjoyed composing The Bridge House more than any other work and without setting modesty aside too much I believe it is my best work.  HAVE A READ.

Stowe was the home of the former Duke of Buckingham. He actually appears factually in my project We Are The Concrete Cows. He was behind the building of the canal and was present at its Fenny Lock Opening.

Here's something we recorded at Fenny Lock a couple of weeks ago.

I have had an idea for a long while for another book set in Stowe - The Lonely Ghost. Perhaps one day I will write it.

A beautiful, relaxing day at Stowe National Trust yesterday. Here's a beautiful piece of music I have written into a play list for a few weeks time.

Right now it is getting close to the time where I push
the fade up and broadcast the first show of the week here on Radio CRMK - Start The Week. This will be my 163rd show on this fabulous radio station, 163 shows and marking today my first anniversary on CRMK as The Geriatric DJ.

On Wednesday I will broadcast my 164th show - WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS when this is in the playlist.

Well, enjoy today's show and let it start you off to a wonderful day. To close here's another beautiful piece of music I will play in a few weeks time.

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