Saturday 3 August 2019

There is more to a microphone than............

Monday 5th August - 6am to 8am join The Geriatric DJ and The Eternal Teenager for START THE WEEK.

For me this will be my 168th show on Radio CRMK.

We did not broadcast a show last week, I was under the dentist's knife. I wish I had been in the radio studio !  I have had a week of great pain. Not sure how I am going to get on tomorrow, I think I will play the music while The Eternal Teenager will do the chat.

Planned into each show we present a series of adventures we have undertaken during the previous week. Tomorrow with two weeks of adventures to report on and play music it is going to be a packed show.

On Monday 23rd July we talked about our visit to the cinema and reviewed the film YESTERDAY. So enthused by the film we went down to London and spent time at Abbey Road studio.

On Saturday we went to Fenny Stratford Canal Festival where we met Ernie. He was playing music on a fairground pipe music in return for donations to Willen Hospice. Telling him of our visit to Abbey Road he played this for us.

But back to London. It has long been my ambition to make a video of friends dancing The Lambeth Walk ON The Lambeth Walk. Josh and Mrs Josh realised my ambition for me.

Since I was a child I have had a terrible fear of high buildings. The challenge was to get me to the top of the tallest building in Europe.  I did it but was scared stiff !

Jane who runs Curly Tails Pig Rescue Centre put this on Facebook: A lovely afternoon spent with David, Josh and Jelena, 3 of the
kindest and most genuine people that I am blessed to know.....

There is more to broadcasting a radio show than speaking in to a microphone and hoping there is someone out there listening to you. Well tomorrow thirty-eight pigs at Curly Tails will be listening in.

Josh shot about twenty minutes of video footage during our afternoon at Curly Tails. I now have the job of editing it and adding it to our YouTube Channel.

I am trying to decide the music to use as the sound track. Josh rather likes this, do you think it will work ?  We have it in the playlist for tomorrow's show.

In 1994, when Josh was three years old, I published a book about the adolescent new city of Milton Keynes. I am flattered that this book has become a legend in its own right. Look at the stupid money people are prepared to pay for it when a copy becomes available !

For a while I have wondered about writing a follow
up. Putting this out on social media there has been an overwhelming interest. Josh and I have made a list of icons and legends to include in the book. We will include them in our shows, Josh Mrs Josh and I will produce the book together. CLICK HERE for some preliminary planning.

So over the past week we have been to take pictures with The Concrete Cows. These are not the original concrete cows, they are in a museum, these were made by community artist Bill Billings.  (If anyone fancies some concrete milk with their coffee I am afraid these cows were dry !)

It was Bill, of course, who gave us The Peartree Bridge Dinosaur and it was Yours Truly who engaged Bill to give is Leonasaurus Rex - The Leon Dinosaur.

Our cameras have been in search of both. Both will feature in tomorrow's

On the right is the page from my original book.

I went to a meeting of Milton Keynes Cowboy Council's planning committee, the committee that gave us the hideous Central Milton Keynes skyline which is a blot on our landscape, the committee of one legged frogs with their boxes of Leggo who gave us The Hub !  I
was there to give support to The Stables and stop a developer destroying this international icon. I was also there to support Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council having its town centre destroyed by a developer.  The committee did the right thing in both cases but members were too busy playing with their boxes of Leggo to listen to the sole voice of common sense, that of former Mayor Martin
Petchey, to save an art work on Stantonbury. We just have to get our camera there before it is too late !

Yes we have been busy ! We have had a number of planning meetings in McDonald's where all three of us steadfastly refuse to use the hideous paper straws. Paper straws paying lip-service to McDonald's folly.

It has been hot in recent days has it not ? Global warming as we all do the best we can to destroy the planet. We were in London the day before the heat brought travel chaos.

For the homeless and rough-sleepers some local
authorities have activated SWEP - Severe Weather Emergency Protocol, usually associated with cold weather. There is one particular homeless man we have been looking out for. We went to see him on Friday, the one thing he asked us for was a bottle of water. We gave him a bottle and several cans of Pepsi. We also gave him a copy of our SMILE POEM. We all now carry copies with us everywhere and hand them out as often as we can.

At Saturday's lovely canal festival there was a boat
selling Russian Dolls. Jelena, as you may know, is Russian so she had to have one. My wife Maureen has always wanted a set of Russian Dolls so we had to buy two. Don't they look lovely ?
At Abbey Road Studio my two friends spent a lot of
money to buy me a gift, a notebook in the design of The Beatles White Album. We are now using this as an autograph book.  Josh did ask if Abbey Road Studio gave discount to radio  dj's !  I am afraid the answer was in the negative. My friends spent a lot of money on that gift - bless them.  ANYWAY..... here are a couple of autographs collected at the canal boat festival.

Here I am at LEON BRIDGE. In my 1994 book I described it as a FORGOTTEN LANDMARK.  Today the
trees are totally obscuring the plaque put on the bridge by Sir Herbert Leon. We have to find out if it is the responsibility of our friends at Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council, perhaps West Bletchley Council, Milton Keynes Cowboy Council or perhaps Network Rail but we will be working to have this landmark raised to the prominence it deserves.

We have been busy haven't we ?  We will be sharing
all of this on tomorrow' show.

Also on tomorrow's show we will be talking about a special event we are holding on Saturday 14th September to support Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.  The Mayor is supporting us, Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council is supporting us, we have given an invitation to every single member of Milton Keynes Council.

Will you be there ?

Are you going to listen to our show tomorrow ?

Monday 5th August - 6am to 8am join The Geriatric DJ and The Eternal Teenager for START THE WEEK.

Tune in and we will show you there is more to broadcasting a radio show than speaking into a microphone !  I hope the mess my mouth is in following last week's surgery will let me speak but I know Josh will be there to fill in for me.

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