Tuesday 20 August 2019

How Much Love Can You Bring ?

I believe that when The Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter opens for business in November this will be its toughest season since it began operations in 2010. Will you bring your love to help this amazing good cause support our homeless and rough-sleeping friends ?

Will you help me with a little project to bring love through Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter to help our homeless and rough-sleeping friends ?

SATURDAY 14th SEPTEMBER 2019 at The Milton Keynes Irish Centre Car Boot Sale we are going to set up a stall with a difference.

I plan to get there for around 5am to set up - traders and bargain hunters tend to be on the scene
by 6am. We will then keep the stall running until trade dies off round about noon.

Our wonderful Mayor is coming along to lend a hand.  Will you lend a hand ?  A hand of love ?

Our stall will be unique !  Unique in the fact that we want it to be the biggest stall on the day and unique because we are not planning to sell anything !  EVERYTHING WILL BE FREE FOR PEOPLE TO PICK UP AND TAKE AWAY !

YES FREE. We will ask people to make a donation to Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter in return for anything they take away. The Irish Centre Boot Sale is by no means the biggest in the area but it is the sale with the most love. LOVE from the
people who operate it and LOVE from those who come along each Saturday.

We are hoping we will make around £150 in donations from the stall. Not a lot and if I am honest a drop in the ocean for the costs facing Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter this coming season. However, support
does not only mean money - FAR FROM - but it always means LOVE.

I am putting my celebrated vinyl record collection onto the stall. Paul Alexander, Chairman of CRMK and member of Milton Keynes Council has donated in excess of 1,000 CD's !  WOW.

I am setting a couple of targets over and beyond the
donation buckets.

I want our stall to inspire a minimum of three people to sign up as volunteers to help run the shelter over the winter.

I want our stall to find five people who will sign up with love as monthly donors to the work of Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. 5 people x £5 a month for a year = £300.

These should not be difficult targets to meet. But to meet them we need your love. YOUR LOVE.

West Bletchley Community Centre is lending us tables so we can set up a mega stall. Putting these, the vinyl and CD's into my car will fill it !

We need YOUR LOVE to now start collecting things for us to give away in return for a donation to MILTON KEYNES WINTER NIGHT SHELTER. Please can you
hang on to the stuff you collect then bring it down to the stall at Milton Keynes Irish Centre - Manor Field - Fenny Stratford - MK2 2HX as early as you can during the morning.  I will be there from 5am !

We need people to help man the stall, to encourage donations. We need people to hand out sweets and balloons. There are always lots of doggies at the sale so we need people to give out dog treats. We will have lots of our SMILE CARDS that need handing out. We need are heart-jerking display from Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

All of this is to engage people, bring them to the stall and let the love flow into the donation buckets. Let's be realistic we need at least five people doing this.

We then need volunteers from Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter to engage with the crowd, talk to people and sign them up as volunteers and regular monthly donors.

I have invited every member of Milton Keynes and
Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council to come along.

There will be the usual people attending the boot sale but we want to encourage those who do not normally come by to make Saturday 14th September a bumper attendance.

I will produce some small posters and plan to get
these out and about from Monday 2nd September. Can you take some and get them put up ?  We need to blast this event across social media. I will invite the traditional media to support us but do not hold your breath ! Can you please share this blog page with as many people as you
possibly can.

Monday 9th September I will make my radio show all about Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. We will then play the podcast at the stall.

This could be a great event, something to give a massif boost to the support Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter is seeking for its coming season.

BUT if I am unable to inspire people to support this event - if I can not find the love needed for Saturday 14th September then we will achieve very little.

How much love will you be bringing ?

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