Saturday 7 March 2020

New City Sounds

What have David Bowie, Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury in common ?

They all played Milton Keynes Bowl or to give it its proper name THE NATIONAL BOWL.

Status Quo may have opened Live Aid at Wembly in 1984 which claims the largest world audience of any music event but they also played Bletchley Youth Centre.

How many bands would have ever achieved their fame if it were not for Marshall Amplification in Bletchley.

How many hit records could have been played anywhere if it were not for Stylus Supplies Mountings of Water Eaton ?

San Francisco may lay claim to the hippies and a change in the style of music in the late 1960's but without Milton Keynes music in the decades that followed would not have achieved what it did.

The Fantasies Of A Geriatric DJ has for its Chapter Five NEW CITY SOUNDS.  DJ Max Robinson quits Radio One and living in London when his wife decides to train as a teacher at Milton Keynes College of Education. Max has every intention of hanging up his microphone but when Milton Keynes
Development Corporation says it wants to have a community radio station at the heart of the new city it is developing Max takes charge of New City Sounds.

To write this chapter I am going to allow my mind to cascade through its memories of those days now long gone and bring Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Marshall Amplification and Stylus Supplies into the story.

Back then there were just a small handful of secondary
schools in the area: Leon, Wilton, Bletchley Grammar, Denbigh, Ousedale and Radcliffe.  

We had, of course, Leon Disco but in the story I plan to have a mobile disco operating from New City Sounds playing all schools.

There was Peaches Night Club in Bletchley but the place to be seen was Ceasars Palace in Luton. Managed by George Savass even Frank Sinatra played its stage. I once was on the judging panel of a talent competition held there.

The White Hart in Bletchley was managed by a friend of mine, together we put Billy J Kramer on stage. Billy was a little bit under the influence of something and I had to literally push him up onto the stage but OMG what a performance he gave.

Elvis Presley, of course, has a major part in the early chapters of my book. For Max, who was his good friend, it is
going to be hard to talk about the death of The King of Rock and Roll but it has to be included in the chapter.

The earlier chapters in the book follow a logical sequence of events but in Chapter Five the memory of the soon to be geriatric dj will hop about as different events present themselves to his brain.

One of those events will come from 1986 but I am going to change that ton 1979.   Who remembers The Radcliffe Rollers ?
Every time I watch that video on YouTube it sends a shiver down my spine. In this chapter I plan to turn The Radcliffe Rollers into a teenager pop sensation.

When writing I do not think that an author should bring mathematics into his planning so I will write the number of words needed to tell the story. However, I am aiming to publish the e-book with a total around 40,000 to 45,000 words. Including the introduction to this chapter there are 25,000 words for the story so far. I think this chapter will probably take the total to just over 30,000 - 31 or 32 thousand.

I want to publish the book on Easter Monday 13th April. I think the final chapter PODCAST will be brief but expect the penultimate chapter PARADISE to be long.  Amazon tells me that I need to offer the book up for pre-orders, I would like to do that when I am about half-way through Paradise, say Monday 23rd March. That means that I need to have this chapter finished by 16th March.

In writing the chapter Golden Gate Radio Max and his wife adopt three Vietnamese orphans. Little Lilly (Right) together with Billy and Geoffrey (Below). So far they have drifted through the story without all that much of a significant role to play.
In this chapter I plan to develop their characters and give them major roles to play. To help me visualise the characters I have nicked these images off the Internet.

While Max's older brother Jimmy was a great British Rock & Roll star before becoming a businessman Max himself can not sing a note. he jokes they could never have become the British version of The Everley brothers. Billy and Geoffrey, however, have music flowing through every vein of their body.

In the opening chapter Max regrets that he is The Teenager Not In Love.

Billy and Geoffrey style themselves as The Retro Brothers and have a massif hit with Teenager In Love.

In the early stages of writing this book I put up a couple of videos on YouTube: Teenager In Love in February 2019 and one other.  If I can find the time I would like to have a YouTube Channel of twenty or more tracks to help promote this work.

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