Saturday 21 March 2020


Well here we on Sunday 22nd March 2020. As the world entered this third decade of the twenty-first century who could possibly have predicted the roaring twenties would face a global lock down ? Talking of predictions, we are being told this situation could last for a year. Scary BIG TIME !  Or is it ?

Amidst all of the chaos, amidst all the fears and the panic buying just stop for a moment and look at the LOVE so many
people are showing for others.

Yesterday - DREDAMSAI - we had prepared our usual 32 packed teas but would anyone turn up ?  New government restrictions meant that we could not run our lunch inside The Buzzy, instead we had to run a an outdoor take away.

YES - people did turn up and took away the food we had prepared. But this part of the day was not so much a TAKE AWAY as a BRING IN. People brought in things to add to our  Freebie Box, someone added jackets and one man pulled up
in a car from where he unloaded bag after bag of bedding. 

MAGGIE all of the lovely things you made, made with LOVE. were so popular. Most now have new homes. 

But the BRING IN was not a case of only material things but also FRIENDSHIP and LOVE.  He came last week as a guest, this week he was back as a volunteer.

Yes, we were running the take away but inside The Buzzy an
army of volunteers were packing dozens and dozens and dozens of gifts which were then taken round to the homes of elderly, vulnerable and lonely people.

These were not simple bags of food but vast hampers of food and other items, every single item wrapped in a thick layer of love. I must pay tribute to Laxman for the amazing job you did in pulling this all together.

Julie, our Queen Of The Kettle was kept busy making drinks
for the volunteers.

Yesterday was a very special day. What is going to happen next week ? It is impossible to say. What new circumstances will face us over the next seven days ?  What legislation will the government have to bring in. There is one thing Boris and his mates will not have to legislate for and that is LOVE.

We have agreed to plan next Saturday at the end of the
coming week. I have in mind that we should aim for another outdoor take away of food and other goodies but some of the things we used to do in the lunch of love we could adapt as a way of supporting the volunteers packing food hampers.  Playing a disco podcast from one of my radio shows would not work but some gentle background music may work.  All of this can be decided towards the end of the week.

I want to wrap up today's blog with something outside
Dreamsai but so beautiful and full of love.  I am not religious so do not go to church, churches have been closed for services during the emergency anyway.

The ancient church of Saint Giles in Tattenhoe is inviting people to tie
RIBBONS OF HOPE on its fence for friends during this current emergency. After Dreamsai I went and tied my ribbon of hope, of love, on the fence. Here it is the yellow ribbon.

Yesterday, Sunday 21st March 2020, was a very special day.

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