Tuesday 31 January 2017

Monday 30 January 2017

Angels of the Anti Christ INTRODUCTION

I have now completed the INTRODUCTION for my latest story. NOT the whole of the first chapter just the introduction.

This is a completely new genre of writing for me. I am taking it slowly as I want to set down information in such a way as to build up the suspense.

Here is the introduction.

"Congratulations on your promotion Sir. I know I speak for all of the team when I say how proud we are to be a part of this new initiative."

"Thank you Sergeant,"  detective Chief Inspector Graham Warner smiled. "I know I have a very good team but with just five members in The Major Incident Team let's hope any incidents are not too major !"

It had been the brainchild of Thames Valley's Police and Crime Commissioner, an initiative not completely supported by the chief constable which could be why there were just five team members, Warner, Detective Sergeant Theresa - Terry - Abbott and Detective Constables Dave Mc Dermott, Stuart Miller and Bill Coldrich.

"As you know we go operational tomorrow so let's get the office organised today, no doubt something will be assigned to us tomorrow."

Nothing was assigned to the team on Thursday 12th January. It was a day for marking time, twiddling thumbs and kicking heels. Not that any team member wanted a serious crime to be committed, every officer had crime prevention within his brief, surely with Thames Valley Police's area of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire there had to be something that needed the attention of the newly formed Major Incident Team. Never before in their separate careers had any of the five ever had a day when there was nothing to do.

Warner suggested the team assemble the next day at nine but every one of them was in the office by eight. The call came at eight fifteen.

"A particularly nasty murder in North Bucks," Warner announced to his team. "Our first case. We'd better take two cars, Terry you come with me, Dave you take the others in your car. The address is on the incident page on the computer."

"I'll get it Sir," Detective Constable McDermott clicking to print out the address. "Milton Keynes, even with lights and sirens it'll take at least forty minutes to get there."

"I doubt the deceased is in any hurry," Warner said as the team speedily left the office to heard for the cars.

"This looks particularly nasty," Terry said as they raced to the scene.

It was nasty. A man in his thirties laying face down, shirt pulled up to his neck, trousers and underpants to his knees, stomach ripped open. The local officers had secured the area and crime scene staff were in attendance.

"I'm Jim Lapworth," the white plastic-suited doctor said, "forensic officer."

"Pleased to meet you, Graham Warner."

The two needed but did not shake hands.

"Rather nasty, head's bashed in, lower abdomen ripped wide open."

"Cause of death ?"

"One of them but which I can not tell you until I get him back.  I can fit in a post mortem at one if that would suit you."

"One is fine."

"Who is he ?  Any ideas ?  Sergeant Terry Abbott - Terry with a y not an ie,"  Sergeant Abbott introduced herself.

"There was a wallet in his right trouser pocket, it's been bagged up and uniform have it for you. I also bagged up a Stanley knife placed on his chest, almost certainly it did this."  Lapworth cast an arm about the semi-naked and mutilated corps."

"Murder weapon ?"

"Possibly but until I get him back I'll not know if it was the knife or the blow to the head that killed him.  Not found yet anything that could have been used to hit him."

"Excuse me Sir," a uniformed sergeant approached. "Sergeant Cort, Thames Valley D Division. I can be your liaison with the local station if you wish."

"Thank you Sergeant.  What is this place ?"

"They call it The Blue Lagoon, Sir. It's an old flooded clay pit from when there was a brickworks here. The council turned it into a nature park but very few people come here, there's no parking you see, just a few fishermen and the off dog walker."

"It was a dog walker who found the body ?"

"Yes Sir, one of my officers has taken him home to leave his dog then will drive him to the station and take a statement from him."

"Very good Sergeant. No sign of the weapon used to hit the victim on the head ?"

"I'm afraid not Sir, we have searched."

"And who is our victim ?"

"I have his wallet bagged up for you Sir, there was a Halifax debit card and a Tesco employee  card there in the name of Anatol Sawicki."

"Any address ?"

"I'm afraid not Sir."

"Too much to hope there's any CCTV anywhere about."

"Not a thing Sir. I can organise a house to house if you would like but as you can see the nearest houses are not exactly close by."

Warner pondered. "Looks like a planned murder," he said.  "Sergeant Cort can you have your men make another search for the weapon that hit the victim on the head ?"

"Of course Sir."

"DC McDermott, you come with me. We'll set up an incident room in the local station and then go to the post-mortem.  Terry, you take DC's Coldrich and Miller, go to Tesco and Halifax, see if you can find out who our victim was and where he lived. You'll have to break the news to his family."

"Yes Sir."

"We'll meet up at the local station for say, three o'clock. Where is the local station Sergeant Cort ?"

"Divisional Headquarters is in the city centre but the local station, that's where my team is based is only just up the road. Come out of the park, turn left and its right in front of you. Less than quarter of a mile up the road."

"A murder quarter of a mile from a police station !"

At five minutes past three British Airways flight BA0287 made its way down the runway at London's Heathrow Airport bound for San Francisco. In the first class cabin one particular passenger smiled as he mentally waved good bye to England for the next few weeks. He would be back.

Warner had commandeered space in the local police station and set up the team's incident room. The post mortem confirmed death was due to blood loss caused when the victim's abdomen had been torn open. The shape of the incisions were congruent with cuts made by a Stanley knife. small fragments had been found in the skin suggesting he had been hit on the back of the head with a lump of concrete. The blow stunned him, it was not possible to say if he was conscious or not when his belly was ripped open. Sergeant Cort's men had not found the concrete weapon.

"So what have we found out about our victim ?"

"As we know," Sergeant Abbott began, "his name is Anatol Sawicki. He was a thirty-two year old Polish immigrant. He has no family in the UK. It would appear he was taking a short cut through the Blue Lagoon Park to his home, he rents a room with a Polish family on an estate at the southernmost tip of the town. He finished work as a shelf stacker in Tesco at two in the morning, it's short walk so he would have been where he was attacked at about twenty past two in the morning."

"That fits with the post mortem suggested time of death."

"Shelf stacking was one of two jobs he had, the other was a day job working as a traffic warden."

DC McDermott scoffed.

"What was that ?" Warner asked.

"Traffic warden Sir, not going to be short of people who could have attacked him."

Warner was about to reprimand his constable for being flippant then saw something behind his casual remark. "Constable first thing tomorrow get a list of every ticket he issued in the last six months then run it through the database to see if there are any likely suspects."

"The Polish Community isn't exactly held in high regard locally," Cort added.

"Poor sod didn't have a lot going for him." McDermott added.

"Our murderer planned this carefully," DCI Warner said as he shared thoughts coming into his mind. "Deserted area, no cctv anywhere, nobody about at that time of night, no houses adjacent to the park entrance. The killer was waiting for him."

All team members nodded in agreement with Warner's thinking.

"So," Terry said, " that must mean the killer knew his routine and must have followed him, or at least observed him, on previous nights."

"We need to check and find out if anyone saw anything on previous nights."

"What about an appeal Sir ?"

"Sergeant Cort what's the local press like ?"

"Weak Sir, there's a free newspaper but hardly anyone reads it anymore. You would be better with TV."

"We'll see what tomorrow brings then try a TV appeal if we have to."

"The entrance to the park," Cort explained, "is on the edge of the town's Moslem community, unlikely any of them saw anything. If they did they are not going to come forward."

"We could still put up some appeal notices, witnesses wanted, at the entrance."

"I'll arrange that," Cort said.

"The people he rented a room from say he had no family here in England, he gave no next of kin or emergency contact number with either if his employers," Sergeant Abbot said, "I have given his name to the Polish Embassy for them to advise relatives he had at home."

"Friday the thirteenth was not his lucky day," Warner continued. "Our first case so let's solve it quickly. "Back here for nine o'clock tomorrow morning everyone. Sergeant Cort, make sure if anything significant comes in overnight the station staff call me at home."

"Yes Sir."

The new major Incident Team was not going to be  respecter of time, week-ends were not going to be off duty times. Warner had to establish his team and so the solving of this gruesome murder had to be accomplished within one or at the most two days.

Shortly after one on the morning, five in the afternoon, British Airways flight BA0287 landed in San Francisco. One particular first class passenger emerged into the California sunshine and smiled.

If you want to make any comments or share any thoughts do please e-mail me.

Music To Make Your Day Go Well

LISTEN - take the theme with you all day and have a great Tuesday

When it comes to the end of your day

When it comes to the end of your day listen to this beautiful piece of music and reflect on all the good things that happened to you today.  Anything not so good - just forget it,

Have a wonderful evening

Crime thrillers are the ;post popular story genre.  

I have never before tried my hand at writing one but am now giving it a go. There is a serial killer targeting one particular group of people in a series of highly planned and far from random attacks.

Writing at the moment is slow as I take great care to introduce characters and facts in the right order while not giving anything away that will, I hope, build up the suspense.

This is the introduction, just a few hundred words to start the story off:

"Congratulations on your promotion Sir. I know I speak for all of the team when I say how proud we are to be a part of this new initiative."

"Thank you Sergeant,"  detective Chief Inspector Graham Warner smiled. "I know I have a very good team but with just five members in The Major Incident Team let's hope any incidents are not too major !"

It had been the brainchild of Thames Valley's Police and Crime Commissioner, an initiative not completely supported by the chief constable which could be why there were just five team members, Warner, Detective Sergeant Theresa - Terry - Abbott and Detective Constables Dave Mc Dermott, Stuart Miller and Bill Coldrich.

"As you know we go operational tomorrow so let's get the office organised today, no doubt something will be assigned to us tomorrow."

Nothing was assigned to the team on Thursday 12th January. It was a day for marking time, twiddling thumbs and kicking heels. Not that any team member wanted a serious crime to be committed, every officer had crime prevention within his brief, surely with Thames Valley Police's area of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire there had to be something that needed the attention of the newly formed Major Incident Team. Never before in their separate careers had any of the five ever had a day when there was nothing to do.

Warner suggested the team assemble the next day at nine but every one of them was in the office by eight. The call came at eight fifteen.

"A particularly nasty murder in North Bucks," Warner announced to his team. "Our first case. We'd better take two cars, Terry you come with me, Dave you take the others in your car. The address is on the incident page on the computer."

"I'll get it Sir," Detective Constable McDermott clicking to print out the address. "Milton Keynes, even with lights and sirens it'll take at least forty minutes to get there."

"I doubt the deceased is in any hurry," Warner said as the team speedily left the office to head for the cars.

"This looks particularly nasty," Terry said as they raced to the scene.

It was nasty. A man in his thirties laying face down, shirt pulled up to his neck, trousers and underpants to his knees, stomach ripped open. The local officers had secured the area and crime scene staff were in attendance.

"I'm Jim Lapworth," the white plastic-suited doctor said, "forensic officer."

"Pleased to meet you, Graham Warner."

The two needed but did not shake hands.

"Rather nasty, head's bashed in, lower abdomen ripped wide open."

"Cause of death ?"

"One of them but which I can not tell you until I get him back.  I can fit in a postmortem at one if that would suit you."

"One is fine."

"Who is he ?  Any ideas ?  Sergeant Terry Abbott - Terry with a y not an ie,"  Sergeant Abbott introduced herself.

"There was a wallet in his right trouser pocket, it's been bagged up and uniform have it for you. I also bagged up a Stanley knife placed on his chest, almost certainly it did this."  Lapwoth cast an arm about the semi-naked and mutilated corps."

"Murder weapon ?"

"Possibly but until I get him back I'll not know if it was the knife or the blow to the head that killed him.  Not found yet anything that could have been used to hit him."

"Excuse me Sir," a uniformed sergeant approached. "Sergeant Cort, Thames Valley D Division. I can be your liaison with the local station if you wish."

"Thank you Sergeant.  What is this place ?"

"They call it The Blue Lagoon, Sir. It's an old flooded clay pit from when there was a brickworks here. The council turned it into a nature park but very few people come here, there's no parking you see, just a few fishermen and the off dog walker."

"It was a dog walker who found the body ?"

"Yes Sir, one of my officers has taken him home to leave his dog then will drive him to the station and take a statement from him."

"Very good Sergeant. No sign of the weapon used to hit the victim on the head ?"
"I'm afraid not Sir, we have searched."

"And who is our victim ?"

"I have his wallet bagged up for you Sir, there was a Halifax debit card and a Tesco employee  card there in the name of Anatol Sawicki."

"Any address ?"

"I'm afraid not Sir."

"Too much to hope there's any CCTV anywhere about."

"Not a thing Sir. I can organise a house to house if you would like but as you can see the nearest houses are not exactly close by."

Warner pondered. "Looks like a planned murder," he said.

Sunday 29 January 2017

King of Twitter ???

I I were to ask you who was the king of Twitter who would you say ?

Donald Trump ?

I do have a way to go to overtake the president but after only two months operating my Twitter account I don't think I am doing a bad job !

This is where my Twitter account stands as of first thing today.

Each day I run a FUN POLL on Twitter. This is today's entry:

Please cast your vote: FOLLOW ME AND VOTE

Music To Make Your Monday Go Well

Listen, take the theme with you all day and have a wonderful day.

PS:  My best friend Jake says HI

Beautiful Music To End Youyr Sunday

I hope you have had a lovely day.  Relax and enjoy this piece of music at the end of your day.

Saturday 28 January 2017

The latest page in my DIARY is now on-line.

My best friend JAKE wants to say hello:

I am about ti start writing his story to add to the LIBRARY

Have a fantastic Sunday.

Music To May Your Day Go Well

Listen to the music then take the theme with you all day to make Sunday truly happy.

Friday 27 January 2017

I am just a few hundred words away from finishing the third and final chapter in my time travel trilogy.


I had a tiny bit of writer's block as to what I will write when this story is finished. Then it came to me ! Ideas for not one story but two !

I will start working on both later today, just as soon as I have finished Chapter Three in the trilogy.

Do you know what the most popular genre of stories is on any library shelf ?  It's crime thrillers.  I have never attempted to write a crime thriller before so this is going to be a new experience for me.

I am doing something right now that I do not normally do in planning a story.  Usually I have the entire plot in my head when I start writing, I develop the characters into the plot and introduce one or two sub plots. For ANGELS OF THE ANTI CHRIST I am making a detailed plan to work from, I am leaving nothing to chance as Detective Chief Inspector Graham Warner of Thames Valley Police's Major Incident Team sets out to catch a serial killer.

I am also going to write in the third person which is unusual for me.  I tend to write in the first person with myself as the central character.

It is going to take me several weeks to write this story, several weeks of intense work.  I am, therefore, going to have a bit of light relief and write my best friend's autobiography.  JAKE'S STORY.
Have you checked out my YouTube Channel where there is music featured in my stories.


I am actually listening to the collection as I write this blog entry.

Do visit my LIBRARY and read all I have on the shelf.

Have fun.....
Speak again soon..............

Music To Make Your Day Go Well

Listen to the music, tap your feet and have a wonderful Saturday

Meet Jake - The Patriotic Dog

This is Jake - My Best Friend

Music I Listened To When I Was A Kid

I have set up a new music collection on my You Tube Channel

Check it out and have fun.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Hi Friends

Yesterday was not a good day for me !

The bank lost a cheque I had paid into my account so my balance is lower than it should be. They have found it now but it still has to go through the long clearing process.

My car failed its emissions test and it's going to cost me £1,000 to have new fuel injectors fitted.

My local second hand car dealer had a very nice BMW for sale which I thought would make a good second car.  But I dithered so when I called him yesterday to say I wanted it the car had already been sold.

But did any of this get me down ?


I started my day listening to the new daily choice I have on my YouTube Channel so these problems just rolled over me.

Have a look and have a listen at that I have for you today and make your Friday special.

Yesterday I published my short story THE GREAT PRETENDER so do have a read.

I have an idea for a new story which I am going to call Angels Of The Anti-Christ.

I will tell you more about this once start writing.

First of all, I have to finish my final chapter in the time travel trilogy QUANTUM MECHANICS

You can read all of my stories by CLICKING HERE

So make sure you have a great Friday.

Speak again soon

Music to make your day go well

Listen and make sure you have a FANTASTIC day.

I think I am overtaking Donald Trump on Twitter

I have now passed 1,000 Tweets, not bad for having only been using the social media for six weeks.

I have 12.7k people following me.

Is Donald Trump getting worried that I may overtake him as King of Twittter ?

Keep at it Mr President - you are doing a good job !

The Great Pretender

I have just published a new short story THE GREAT PRETENDER

Do have a look.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Thursday's update

Good morning friends - how's your day going ?

Got a bit of news to share with you so are you sitting comfortably ?  Then I'll begin.

My aim is to have 100 page views a day for my blog.  Quite a modest ambition. Yesterday there was a sudden jump in numbers

Sunday 22nd January - 10   Monday 23rd January - 9   
Tuesday 24th January - 11  Wednesday 25th January - 68

How did that happen ?  I can only presume it was because I started a new feature on YouTube:

There's an update for today and there will be a new theme for your day all week long:

Use my selections to make your day go well.  You know what I say.... LIFE IS A DISCO SO DANCE !  You can check these songs on my YouTube Channel

Do you follow me on TWITTER  I am becoming a bigger user of  Twitter  than  Donald Trump !  Yesterday I fired off no fewer than 55 Tweets and re-Tweets.

I run a daily fun poll on Twitter. Today this is the poll:

People are already voting so follow me and add your thoughts.

My car is going in to the garage today for a full service and annual test. Even if no work is needed, and I hope there is not any, I am going to have to dip very deep into my pocket to pay for it all.

The annual MOT test is a bit like going to the dentist. 

I DID go to the dentist yesterday.  Talk about laugh !

The practice manager is a former student of mine. I didn't think I was that good a teacher but when I visit the dentist I am treated like royalty.  When I got in to see the surgeon it was all first name terms, jolly and mega friendly.  However, there is now a DARK DAY in my diary - Wednesday 8th March 2017 12 noon !  The day when all of my upper teeth and one from my lower jaw are to be removed.

We'll give you a strong local anesthetic the surgeon said.

Any chance of an overdose ?  I replied.

In the latest story I am writing Quantum Mechanics - a time travel trilogy I have used a dentist's chair as the portal to my time travel adventures.

The third and final chapter is complete in my head, I just need to type it up.

In this chapter I travel back to when I was 19 years old and working as a management trainee in a large city centre department store.

That's the store on the right, quite impressive. There were two thousand employees.

Shortly before I left I was seconded from sales to the staff department, they call such things these days human resources, rubbish - STAFF DEPARTMENT, where I was busy recruiting school leavers to work with the company.

This store was one of ten vast retail outlets making up the group. This was all owned by a man whose name was Charlie Clore. He was one of the wealthiest men of his time. He died in 1979 but appeared in my dream the night before last.  I am not certain if it was actually a dream or if I traveled in time myself. Charlie Clore told me how he wanted me to finish the chapter and if I did as he said he would make me a director of the Lewis's Selfridges Department Store Group.

Who am I a mere 19 year old to argue with such a man ?

And with that I will sign off.

Make sure you have a TERRIFIC THURSDAY

The Patriotic Pensioner