Thursday 12 January 2017

Two more chapters i my autobiography + YouTube updates

Hi Friends

How's your day going ?

First of all I have added another song to my YouTube Channel

Please have a look:

If you like the music I am playing why not become one of my subscribers.

Yesterday I scribbled so many notes my pen ran out of ink !  I have now typed everything up and have added two new chapters to my schoolboy autobiography:

Have you seen my silly fun polls on Twitter ?  @Writermaxrobins

This was yesterday's:

Today I am asking you to say what you think Vladimir Putin keeps as a pet. Right now a dog and a tortoise are in joint first place.

I am bust working on my next diary edition:  This is going to have a special feature for all my American friends.  Just a sample to whet your appetite.

I am being a busy boy aint I ?

Just one thing before I sign off.  Somebody Tweeted this and I split my sides with laughter.  You may need to be a Brit to appreciate it but hell it's funny !

Well have a great day.  I'm off out with my wife for lunch.  

Speak again soon

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