Monday 16 January 2017

UPDATE - 6am Tuesday 17th January

Good Morning Friends

I am not going to be at the laptop much today but here's a quick update on what's happening....

TWITTER - OMG !  My ambition was to reach one thousand followers. Look what's happened. 

But I still do not have the King of Twitter - President Elect Donald Trump following me.

In his busy schedule he has still not read the presentation I made for him on YouTube !

I have dipped deep into my pocket and purchased specific domain names for many of my stories. You can still, of course, find them via my library: but many have direct URLs.

I am working on my latest story - QUANTUM MECHANICS - A TIME TRAVEL TRILOGY and have published Chapter One:

You can read that at:

I am furiously writing Chapter Two and although I will be away from the laptop for much of the day my notebook and pen will be with me so I expect to be able to scribble another couple of thousand words.

I was, before Christmas, writing a short story THE DIARY OF A SLAVE OWNER but was not happy with the way the plot was developing so abandoned it.

Yesterday I had a serendipity moment with a new plot style bursting into my head. As soon as I have finished writing my time travel trilogy I will go back to this story.

My followers on Twitter may have exploded but here on Blogger I only get about 20 to 30 page views a day.  Yesterday I had only 12 !  I am now going to work to bring this up to an average of 100 a day.  Each Monday I publish my diary:  That will continue while Blogger will be used during each day to update this.

On the current diary I have put something special for my American readers. Check it out:

Let's see how many page views I can get today !

So have a duper day - speak again later.

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