Wednesday 25 January 2017

Thursday's update

Good morning friends - how's your day going ?

Got a bit of news to share with you so are you sitting comfortably ?  Then I'll begin.

My aim is to have 100 page views a day for my blog.  Quite a modest ambition. Yesterday there was a sudden jump in numbers

Sunday 22nd January - 10   Monday 23rd January - 9   
Tuesday 24th January - 11  Wednesday 25th January - 68

How did that happen ?  I can only presume it was because I started a new feature on YouTube:

There's an update for today and there will be a new theme for your day all week long:

Use my selections to make your day go well.  You know what I say.... LIFE IS A DISCO SO DANCE !  You can check these songs on my YouTube Channel

Do you follow me on TWITTER  I am becoming a bigger user of  Twitter  than  Donald Trump !  Yesterday I fired off no fewer than 55 Tweets and re-Tweets.

I run a daily fun poll on Twitter. Today this is the poll:

People are already voting so follow me and add your thoughts.

My car is going in to the garage today for a full service and annual test. Even if no work is needed, and I hope there is not any, I am going to have to dip very deep into my pocket to pay for it all.

The annual MOT test is a bit like going to the dentist. 

I DID go to the dentist yesterday.  Talk about laugh !

The practice manager is a former student of mine. I didn't think I was that good a teacher but when I visit the dentist I am treated like royalty.  When I got in to see the surgeon it was all first name terms, jolly and mega friendly.  However, there is now a DARK DAY in my diary - Wednesday 8th March 2017 12 noon !  The day when all of my upper teeth and one from my lower jaw are to be removed.

We'll give you a strong local anesthetic the surgeon said.

Any chance of an overdose ?  I replied.

In the latest story I am writing Quantum Mechanics - a time travel trilogy I have used a dentist's chair as the portal to my time travel adventures.

The third and final chapter is complete in my head, I just need to type it up.

In this chapter I travel back to when I was 19 years old and working as a management trainee in a large city centre department store.

That's the store on the right, quite impressive. There were two thousand employees.

Shortly before I left I was seconded from sales to the staff department, they call such things these days human resources, rubbish - STAFF DEPARTMENT, where I was busy recruiting school leavers to work with the company.

This store was one of ten vast retail outlets making up the group. This was all owned by a man whose name was Charlie Clore. He was one of the wealthiest men of his time. He died in 1979 but appeared in my dream the night before last.  I am not certain if it was actually a dream or if I traveled in time myself. Charlie Clore told me how he wanted me to finish the chapter and if I did as he said he would make me a director of the Lewis's Selfridges Department Store Group.

Who am I a mere 19 year old to argue with such a man ?

And with that I will sign off.

Make sure you have a TERRIFIC THURSDAY

The Patriotic Pensioner

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