Tuesday 8 May 2018


Saturday 19th May 8am to pm.......

ASDA SUPERSTORE Bletchley Milton Keynes........

Playing music, having fun, making people smile and supporting good causes....

Today we are using the blog to tell everyone where we are in the planning. So enjoy the music and check out SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

What is happening and where is it happening ?

Which charities and good causes are involved ?
Who is doing what and who is in charge of what ?
Who is Rebekah and what is Radio Love International ?
Timetable for the day.
Terms and conditions for  all of those taking part ?

What is happening and where is it happening ?

Asda Superstore Bletcham Way, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK1 1QB

We have THREE locations operating within the site....

OUTSIDE the food hall entrance we will be building our FOOD MOUNTAIN for The Food Bank. We are aiming to
collect one thousand items. MAGGIE will be in charge of this activity.

The mountain will be operating from 8am to 5pm. That is a long time for Maggie to be working !  She could do with some assistance throughout the day.  Could you volunteer a couple of hours.

Friends will be able to take a SUNSHINE SMILE DAY label to write a message of love and fasten it to their donation. This will be optional.

We need to kick start the mountain so
are NOW collecting items.

SELFIES smiling selfies, of course, will be an important part of the day so we will be encouraging people to take selfies by the side of the food mountain.

We have invited our local police service to send a car down which we will locate adjacent to the food mountain. You may have seen our boys in blue at school fetes and the like, they will be having fun with us at Asda, you can take a SELFIE WITH A COPPER. The officers will have SMILIE STICKERS to hand out but will be arresting anyone who is not smiling !

Radio Love International's sponsor Heslop Removals will be parking a truck in the car park, probably at the George entrance to the store. (BEN could you contact ASDA to confirm where the truck is to be parked.) The sides of the truck will be drawn back to form a stage.

Ben, managing director of Heslop's, is in charge of the location. He is investigating a number of options for music provision
on the stage.

We are seeking musicians and buskers to take a spot on the stage which will be operating from 8am to 5pm. As well as
entertaining those passing by musicians are welcome to promote their own music as much as they like.

Among the performers will be TONY HILL. Click Here and check out Tony's music on our website.

We will feature a CAKE RAFFLE at the stage, Terri is in charge of this activity. Money from the raffle will go to support the good causes SUNSHINE SMILE DAY is featuring.

Our featured charities and good causes are invited throughout the day to have representatives at the stage promoting their activities. They are welcome to hand out literature, speak to people and put up banners etc.

Our third location will be on the supermarket floor, just inside the food hall entrance. We will there be playing music, handing out sweets, balloons and featuring hour by hour our charities and good causes.

Jelena will be in charge of this activity. She will have some costumed mascots helping her but needs other helpers during the day. Could you drop
by for an hour.

With a footfall of about ten thousand we will need a lot of sweets and balloons to hand out. Could you donate a few ? (Sweets please need to be wrapped)  Could you spare some time to blow up balloons ?

Our front of house team managed by Jelena will also be handing out information encouraging people to become blood and organ donors. We will have a display featuring the blood and organ donor programme operating throughout the day.

Which charities and good causes are involved ?

We have invited these charities and good causes to be part of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY and have allocated each a time slot.

9am... Willen Hospice Family Fun Day
10am... Emilia's Helmet Appeal
11am... Jo's Hope
12noon... Virgin Atlantic's We Change
1pm... Wings For Life
2pm... Ronald McDonald House Charities
3pm ... Sheffield Wednesday's Community Programme

Support for THE FOOD BANK will be running all day with the mountain being built outside the store. However, as the music starts to play inside the store we will be using the first hour of the day to kick start this part of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

Ronald McDonald House Charities was Rebekah's chose charity and will be our lead charity for the day. LIBBY, manager of Ronald McDonald House Birmingham, is coordinating things for this area of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY. 

A Ronald McDonald coin spinner will be in place all day. We hope to have a specific friend managing this. Again SELFIES will be a part of the day..... TAKE A SELFIE SPINNING COINS FOR FAMILIES WITH A CHILD SICK IN HOSPITAL.

At 2pm we will be running a music tombola, handing out lucky tickets to those who stop by to dance. Bunnings/Homebase have donated many, many gifts for this part of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY. McDonald's Restaurants have donated 100 half price meal vouchers.

When we held a music tombola in Ronald McDonald House Birmingham our lovely friends gave FIVE HUNDRED gifts for the tombola. We are again imposing on their generosity to make a mega music tombola at Sunshine Smile Day.

ONE SPECIFIC JOB AND AREA OF HELP WE NEED..... The Ronald McDonald Coin Spinner needs to be collected from the Westcroft branch of McDonalds at half past six in the morning and brought to Asda. 

It then needs to be returned at the end of the day. Is this something you could do ?

Two particularly special friends have brought a lot to the table and lifted Sunshine Smile Day to a higher level.  Sheffield Wednesday Football Club and Red Bull's chosen charity Wings For Life will have displays in place throughout the day.

Who is doing what and who is in charge of what ?

Rachel is in overall charge of the day. David and Josh will be running between the three locations coordinating, trouble shooting and making sure everything is running as it should be.

Ben is in charge of the music stage. Jelena is in charge of front of house inside the store. Maggie is managing the mountain of food.

You may have noticed there is a wedding happening on Sunshine Smile Day. Buckingham Palace is sending a letter wishing us well for our day. We are asking people to tell us their own wedding song. We will then feature these in the music during the day. Please tell David, Josh or Rachel your song.

Charlotte is in charge of the SPONSORED HAIRCUT and will be assisted by Milton Keynes Mayor Petchey.  The city's Poet Laureate will be performing both on the stage and inside the supermarket.

Rachel and Josh are in charge of looking after our special guests.

We will have face painters inside the store.  Terri is arranging this with Jelena taking care of the activity as front of house manager.

David and Rachel will be taking charge of collecting buckets which will be placed at each of the three locations. At the end of the day they will oversee counting of the money. This will be divided EQUALLY between the featured good causes and will be paid out by Friday 25th May. (Please see our terms and conditions)

Who is Rebekah and what is Radio Love International ?

Rebekah was born with kidney failure and suffered with the condition all her life. She was born on 20th February 1983 and died on Friday 19th May 2017.

This is her day, it is her smile we are celebrating.

Beck had two failed kidney transplants and spent most of her childhood in and out of hospital yet she never stopped smiling. Dad, David, took her two brothers away on holiday to California while Mum took Beck to Somerset in England for a week. While Dad, Peter and Matthew were in San Francisco
Rebekah was called into Guys Hospital in London where she received a third kidney transplant. This is why Sunshine Smile Day was preceded by a team spending time in The City By The Bay

During the long yet successful period of recovery Rebekah’s family became one of  the first to receive support from the very first Ronald McDonald House in England. The family supported Ronald McDonald House Charities over the years and Rebekah left it in her will that this support should continue.

On her death Beck’s friends set up OurRebekah to support Ronald McDonald House Charities and several thousand pounds were raised. Dad David ran many events to raise money. He wished to bring music to these events in order to raise everything to a new and higher level.

Instead of trying to be everything to everybody support concentrated on Ronald McDonald House attached to Birmingham’s Childrens’ Hospital. A strong bond of love and friendship has been established with this house.  It was decided to change the emphasis from simply raising money to widening awareness which would long term generate far more support and finance.

The idea of playing music to support fund raising events
developed into forming Radio Love International. Beck’s smile was put at the very centre. Support for Ronald McDonald continues as does OurRebekah but music, love and smiles now support many other good causes. Radio Love International publishes a daily music blog with listeners in twenty different countries of the world.  We take our music into the community to support good
causes. We will this summer launch ourselves as an internet radio station.

Sunshine Smile Day will move us closer to the launch of our radio station and spread the love even wider. In April a team of four from Radio Love International went to San Francisco to celebrate Beck’s life and put in place some fun activities to bring back to Sunshine Smile Day.

Sunshine Smile Day will become an
annual event and will be preceded each year by a visit to San Francisco.

Timetable for the day.
Looking at all we have planned....looking at the help we need.....looking at how much time we have left before Sunshine Smile Day this is all very scary. HOWEVER, if we all play our part and smile this will be a truly FANTASTIC DAY.

9am... Willen Hospice Family Fun Day
10am... Emilia's Helmet Appeal
11am... Jo's Hope
12noon... Virgin Atlantic's We Change
1pm... Wings For Life
2pm... Ronald McDonald House Charities
3pm ... Sheffield Wednesday's Community Programme

Each of the good causes is welcome to use the stage in the car park throughout the entire day to promote their cause. Within the store we have allocated hour spots to each good cause. Each may use the music and our front of house operation to promote what they do. (PLEASE SEE OUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS.)

11am.....Mayor Petchey will be joining us. As well as the featured charity operating at this time we will be running
David's Sponsored Haircut in support of ALL charities and good causes at Sunshine Smile Day.

Mayor Petchey will be making the first snip with the scissors.

David has been growing his hair for eight months. He took his hair to Hippie Park in San Francisco. For the haircut he will be dressed as a HIPPIE.

We are gearing up the media towards this part of the day.

As well as the collecting buckets you can donate to Sunshine Smile Day on line....CLICK HERE...when making your donation please state which charity you wish to support.

1pm   We will have had on display throughout the day a Red Bull F1 Racing cap signed by Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen There will also be a WINGS FOR LIFE tee shirt. We are holding a bespoke raffle for these amazing items.

Does anyone have a manekin we could use to display these items ?


2pm We will be running the music tombola for Ronald McDonald House Charities.

3pm   We will be pointing Sunshine Smile Day up the motorway to Sheffield THE STEEL CITY. 

Beck was a Sheffield Wednesday fan. The club has been incredibly supportive to our efforts. We will be featuring the club's community service project in Sunshine Smile Day.

We took a Wednesday scarf from The Steel City to The City By The Bay. We posed it for a series of selfies. Those selfies will be on display at Sunshine Smile Day.

We are inviting Wednesday fans to send us selfies of their scarves and to donate on line to Sheffield Wednesday FC's Community Programme. CLICK HERE YOU OWLS


We have contacted every local media and also NATIONAL newspapers, radio and television.

The media can be very fickle and we do have to consider there is a wedding and a football match happening on the same day !  We need to persuade the media there is actually
a world outside these.

However, social media is probably the most powerful of all.

You can help there.

START by sharing this blog. 

Terri is setting up an event on Facebook to promote Sunshine Smile Day.... get involved with it.

Between now and Saturday 19th May we will be posting several times a day on social media. SHARE THESE POSTS.

We have posters....could you take some and put them on display.

Terms and conditions for  all of those taking part ?

Terms and Conditions probably sounds a bit  fierce but with so many different people, charities and good causes involved in Sunshine Smile Day some guidelines are needed.

It is essential that we all work together as one team to enjoy the music, have fun, make people smile and support our various charities and good causes. Nobody can be allowed to upstage anyone else or seek to take advantage of contacts and supports an individual group has.

Ronald McDonald House Charities and Wings For Life will be featured charities throughout the day. Other good causes have been allocated time spots throughout the programme. Within these time slots promotional material, banners, supporters in logo shirts/caps and hand out leaflets may be used. Outside the time slots these can not be on display or used inside the store but are welcome at the stage in the car park.

Organ and Blood Donors will be featured throughout the day to PROMOTE their work. We are not collecting money for these areas but raising awareness.

Collection of tins and packets for The Food Bank will be running throughout the day.

Ronald McDonald House Charities, as Rebekah's chosen charity, is the lead charity for Sunshine Smile Day and will have its own coin spinner in place.

Collecting buckets for Ronald McDonald House Charities, Jo's Hope, Willen Hospice Family Fun Day, Emilia's Helmet Appeal, Wings For Life, Sheffield Wednesday Community Programme and We Change will

be out on the floor all day. At the end of the day money will be counted and verified. We will publish the total within twenty four hours. Money will then be paid to the participating groups within seven days.

On line donations via Just Giving will be processed at a time arranged by Just Giving.

Each good cause/charity is required to advise the organisers of Sunshine Smile Day where the money has been specifically used.

David's sponsored haircut is happening for ALL good causes and charities featured in Sunshine Smile Day. The Mayor of Milton Keynes is attending for this event.

Significant media interest is building for Sunshine Smile Day. This will be managed by the organisers and not by individual charities/good causes.

We have posters available to advertise the day. We ask participating good causes to download copies, print them and put them on display.

Good causes and charities sending helpers to the day but have their own public liability insurance for these helpers.

Persons under the age of sixteen years are welcome to attend and help within Sunshine Smile Day. If a parent is not in attendance the good cause/charity they are working with must obtain in writing permission from a parent for them to attend. This must be presented to the organisers before the young person starts working.

Car parking at Asda is time restricted. AHEAD OF SUNSHINE SMILE DAY anyone bringing a vehicle into the car park needs to let us have the registration number so Asda can take the vehicle out of its restriction.     


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