Monday 7 May 2018

Today we need your karma

I am disappointed with the response to yesterday's blog !

I thought it was important and contained a special message. Did you read it ? CLICK HERE....

It had a good number of readers BUT on Facebook only 3 people "liked" it and NOBODY posted a comment.

But onwards and upwards. That was yesterday. Today is today and today I need your karma.

At nine o'clock Terri and I will be at Asda Supermarket HOPEFULLY sorting final details for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY. However, Asda is not endowed with efficiency so we have our fingers crossed.

Please wrap us in your karma, firstly so someone is there to meet with us then secondly we have a positive meeting.

Yesterday afternoon Josh and pushed Sunshine Smile Day information through many letter boxes. It's 4.42am right now,
at 7.30am Jake (Seen on the right) will be taking some more envelopes round to potential supporters asking them to display posters.

Jake is very patriotic. He is not ashamed of our country's flag !

Jake would you like a song ?


What shall we play for you ?

Jake is a Sheffield Wednesday fan and loved his Sheffield Santa Hat !


I bet Delia Smith was a bit sad.

I have never eaten in the executive dining room at Norwich but have eaten loads of times at Hillsborough.  Delia Dear, I bet we have a better chef than you do.

Let's have another song.

How about this ?

Could have done with a bit more love in the tummy of yesterday's blog !  Just make sure you give us lots of love in the karma today so SUNSHINE SMILE DAY becomes a mega success.

Keep the karma of love going all day.  At 11am we have a team meeting to finalise arrangements for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

YEP, the response OR LACK OF IT to yesterday's blog is a little disappointing. But today is another SMILING DAY. Switch the karma on and spread the love.

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