Saturday 12 May 2018

This time next week

This time next week it will be all over !

Megan will be Mrs Harry and Sunshine Smile Day 2018 will be over.

Planning will then begin for the launch of Radio Love International as a live radio station and we will begin working towards Sunshine Smile Day 2019.

So  my OLD and not quite so faithful laptop take note, work is not going to slacken off.

We have been inundated with wedding day songs from friends. I am busy putting these on to little cards which we will have on display to celebrate our friends Harry and Megan who have their wedding on Sunshine Smile Day.

In charge of Sunshine Smile Day is Rachel who has been working in overdrive to make the day a success. Not only Rachel but her entire family has been giving their all to make this a great day.  I have lost count of he number of messages, phone calls and notes Ben has pushed my way. This is Rachel's wedding song.

If the Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards had an inspirational student category I think Rachel would win.

Reluctantly I put something on Facebook yesterday about my nominations. I was a bit uncomfortable about doing it but overnight The MK Inspirational Awards organisers hit me on Facebook telling me to canvas for votes.

The organisers could do with a proper web development team, hey Patrick have a word with them !

My little bit on Facebook pulled forty five comments of love and support. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH.

All my friends if u get a second please vote for my old school head off year mr David Ashford in the 2 sections of
inspirational teacher and father it would mean a lot to me as he is an inspiration to me and to all after the loss of his daughter Rebekah last year his tireless charity work he deserves all that comes his way I have pure love for this man who was also a great teacher firm but fair PLEASE VOTE.....

Paul YOU have been an inspiration to me this past year. The love and kindness you have shown to me are deeply appreciated.

I smiled so much at one reply to what you posted: Paddy Little An Awesome teacher m8 he'll get my vote even if he
did get me to write out The Lady Of Charlotte 15 times for shooting a school visitor in the leg with a little class made " bow and arrow " ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰

Top words for a top bloke ðŸ¤˜ðŸ¤˜ðŸ¤˜

Can't say I remember this incident Paddy but The Lady of Shalott is one of my fav poems so perhaps it did happen.

I boast all the time about my LEONITES. Josh spent the last three days riding round in the car with me delivering posters for Sunshine Smile Day and had to listen to me going on and on about my Leonites.

We actually took a poster to Leon School, I refuse to call it
The Sir Herbert Leon Academy...Herbert Leon had NOTHING at all to do with the was his wife Fanny who was part of the school's board of governors. It's not the school we all knew. That fence makes it look like a maximum security prison !

I do hope lots of you wonderful LEONITES will be at
Sunshine Smile Day.

I will today finish printing the display material, material featuring our chosen charities.

Yesterday the postman brought ANOTHER giant package of material our charities have brought to the table.

This was from the Blood and Organ Donor Programme.

I have just finished the display for the SPONSORED HAIRCUT. Ahead of this will be the presentation of a cheque
to Ronald McDonald House Charities with our city's mayor. The charity has asked Josh to be their representative and receive the cheque with the mayor.

Josh does not like to be the centre of attention. Yesterday I asked him if he was Ok with it all.  He was.

I then asked how he would feel if a reporter from the SUN was there to take a photograph.  I'll just get on and do it, he smiled.

I tell you what The Sun had better be there !  After all this is
SUNshine Smile Day.

Later sometime today there will be Bunnings/Homebase bringing a giant parcel of goodies for the music tombola at Sunshine Smile Day.

Gary Marling whose chosen causes Emilia's Helmet at Willen Hospice has brought so much to Sunshine Smile Day. He is
providing the stage and a gazebo tent.

Red Bull F1 and its chosen charity Wings For Life have been generous beyond measure. I am looking forward to building their display posters later today.

On Friday I have been invited to appear on Radio CRMK.  I was on a show there a while back, I really like the station. We can take a lot of inspiration from CRMK for our own Radio Love International.

It will not be there in person, it is still being prepared, but there will be a mega poster on display thanking Shearings Holidays for supporting Sunshine Smile Day naming one of heir coaches Rebekah.

Sam Welbeck Get the link out via Messenger to all your contacts and put it on your blog. You should have put the link
in this post Mr. Ashford!Come on!! You're gonna win this!Don't sleep on it.

Yes Sir. I mean YES HEADMASTER. I will do as you tell me SIR.

Leonite Sam is someone I boast about all the time. Sam is Headmaster of The International School in Cairo. My Dad was stationed in Cairo when he was a spy.

YES, my Dad was a spy.

His undercover work in the RAF features in my book The Bridge House which will be a part of Sunshine Smile Day. Fact ?  Author's vivid imagination ?  You will have to read the book and decide for yourself.

The plan is to launch the book at Sunshine Smile Day.  Got quite a bit of editing to do for that to happen.

Heck it's almost seven o'clock.  I'd better shut up and post the blog.

See you at Sunshine Smile Day.

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