Sunday 20 May 2018

What's next ?

Our web development manager, Patrick, asked me if I was looking forward to Saturday and Sunshine Smile Day.

I said I was looking forward to Sunday and recovering !

Sunday was yesterday !  Recovery ? Relaxing ?  SOME HOPE.  My car is still packed with everything from Saturday. I have had to drive Maureen's silly little car.  The Jag is parked on the drive begging to be tidied up. Maureen's little blue box with the lawn mower engine is horrible to drive.

Great figures for yesterday's music blog page. Now the time has come to plan for Radio Love International going live as an Internet Radio Station. The Time has come for a check of the diary. THE TIME HAS COME......................

On Friday Rachel, Josh and myself are going to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. We are taking some gifts from Sunshine Smile Day, we are taking the Sheffield Wednesday FC scarf which travelled through The City By The Bay, we are taking LOVE to families who have a child sick in Birmingham's Childrens' Hospital.

During the drive up the motorway we are going to have a
board meeting and look at the diary.

We have to set a date for Radio Love International to go live as an internet station. We need now to wait until the holiday season is over. Perhaps MONDAY 10th September could be a good day.

Sunshine Smile Day 2019 will be SUNDAY 19th May 2019

Ahead of that we will be going back to San Francisco.

Virgin Atlantic's website is a bit of a nightmare but we could possibly fly out on THURSDAY 11th April then back on TUESDAY 11th April.

So if we could lock those dates into the diary let's work everything else round them.

WEDNESDAY 22nd May voting for University Hospital Milton Keynes board of governors closes. Not sure when the results are announced. If I am elected to the board that is going to have an effect on the diary.

SATURDAY 23rd May is the Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards dinner.  I have been nominated in The Most Inspirational  Father and The Most Inspirational Man categories.  I am desperate to win, not for myself but for Radio Love International to be able to use the awards to spread love, to inspire others and to support good causes.

SUNDAY 22nd July is Willen Hospice's Family Fun Day organised by our great friend Gary Marling. We are laying music, running a stall and organising the PA system.

If we go live as a radio station on Monday 10th September we need to have some kind of a launch party. We need to think about a date. Should it be before the start of broadcasting or should it be after ?  If we have everything ready to start playing the music could SUNDAY 9th September be a good day for the launch ?

To have a radio station we need a studio ?

Our great friends at Radio CRMK operate from a very small room. When I was there on Friday last week I was saying it is not the size of the studio that counts, not the dize in front of the microphone but the size of the audience on the loudspseaker side that matters.

The garage at my home is empty. It is more than big enough for a studio. At the moment that is PLAN B.  PLAN A is to find
somewhere a bit better. We have approached Morrissons Supermarkets but they are not good at responding to anything if it does not involve tins of baked beans or bags of potatoes. 

What a shame Ronald McDonald House is in Birmingham. If it were in Milton Keynes I am sure there would be a broom cupboard somewhere there we could use. If we were in Sheffield surely there would be somewhere in Hillsborough we could work from.

Time to remind ourselves of what Radio Love International is being set up for.

OK it's ten past six. LATE so I'd better click the mouse and publish the blog.

Let's end with the Radio Love International theme tune.

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