Tuesday 11 December 2018

A bit of a mess up !

Yesterday's show had listeners in:

France - Germany - USA - India - Pakistan - Thailand - Columbia - Morocco and guess what - we even had ONE listener in the UK !

Actually yesterday was a bit of a mess up !  Hope nobody notices !

I was in the studio for 3.10am to pre-record Monday Morning
Music Mega Mix to be broadcast on Monday 31st December - New Year Eve.

That is my darling granddaughter Frances birthday so I will be in Bristol dancing at her party.  I will then drive back up to Milton Keynes to anchor the new Year Special.

Franzie loves this song so let me play it here for her.

Setting up the studio to start recording I had the music on the
memory stick BUT I had left all of my notes at home !  There simply was not time to drive home, return, record and then move into my live show at 6am. 

I think I got away with it but I was a but on edge during the live broadcast.  HEY - CLICK HERE listen to the podcast and see what you think.

I will not make that mess up again.

I'll talk about today's show in a moment but first...................

We play music to make people smile, be happy and support good causes.

Music on the radio, music here on the blog, on YouTube, on our website www.geriatricdj.com and in the community. 

To expand our music in the New Year we need money.  NOT A PENNY is taken from the good causes we support so we have to be self financing.

We have been making money over the summer attending the car boot sales, we have had some lovely times and met some super people but with the winter it is a bit of hit and miss, we are always having to ask people for STUFF to sell. I do not want to give up on the boot sales  but we need to generate money from other sources.

Let me play another of Franzie's favourite songs then I would like to share one with you if I may.

In January it will be two years since I started writing this blog to date there have been 710 editions. Originally I started writing to promote my books.

As a DJ I am The Geriatric DJ but as a writer I work under the pen-name of MAX ROBINSON.

You can check out the books currently available by CLICKING HERE.

My books are available on Amazon, some in paperback form
but all as e-books.  Let's look at one.

I may have been a teacher for most of my working life but I hated my own days at school as this autobiography explains. 

You can buy an e-book version for £1.99. From that I make about 25p in royalties.

If we could sell 100 of my books a week we would have £25 to spend on our music. If we could sell 1,000 a week that would give us £250 !  Now that would make a lot of difference to our music,

Could we do it ?

Some Amazon authors make TEN times that.

If we could build up the fan club, at present it has 257 members, if we could build it up to say 25,000 members and each week 1 in 25 people purchased a book that would give us the money.  Are you a fan club member ?  CLICK HERE and join.

Here's something from tomorrow's show.

I have made a list of thirty inspirational musical moments which I will be playing to make people smile, be happy and inspire support for good causes.

Please join me 6am to 8am www.crmk.co.uk

If you are a lazy person you can catch up with the PODCAST which will be on-line round about 9.30am.

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