Saturday 15 December 2018

Love Love and even MORE LOVE

Playing music to make people SMILE be HAPPY and to INSPIRE support for good causes.

5am Sunday morning and The Mini Libs have hit 1,166 on YouTube.

These amazing youngsters were in the studio with me on Friday to sing their hit single.

All proceeds from sales of this fantastic single are bring given to Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter which cares for our friends who are right down on their luck, homeless and rough sleeping.

Enjoy the YouTube preview then follow the links to download a copy from Apple Music, Amazon or I-tunes. It will
l cost you less than a pound with every penny going to Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.  When you see The Mini Libs on BBC TV News over Christmas remember you heard them first on RADIO CRMK.

Playing music to make people SMILE be HAPPY and to INSPIRE support for good causes. - Love, Love and even MORE LOVE.

During the week Maggie wrapped the Secret Santa gifts for families who will have a child sick in Milton Keynes Hospital over Christmas.  Yesterday Maureen and I wrapped the rest.

On Friday Maureen and I will pack the sacks into the car then drive up to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham for Libby and her team to give to families who will have a child sick in Birmingham Childrens' Hospital over Christmas.

Thank you everyone who gave their love to Secret Santa 2018.

Playing music to make people SMILE be HAPPY and to INSPIRE support for good causes. - Love, Love and even MORE LOVE.

It's kind of end of season for the car boot sales, have no fear we will be back in the Spring, but rather than leave the gifts of love friends donated for us to sell last week I took all of the DVD's to a medical drop-in centre and put them on their freebie shelf.

Playing music to make people SMILE be HAPPY and to INSPIRE support for good causes. - Love, Love and even MORE LOVE.

Sheffield Wednesday lost - AGAIN - yesterday. I am now a West Ham fan but I do love their anthem.

Today - throughout this week get out there and blow some bubble of love to make this beautiful world even more special for those you meet.

Make people smile, infect them with your smile. SHOW THEM LOVE

I guess I'll be back in the radio station around half past four tomorrow morning eagerly anticipating the clock on the wall to click into six o'clock so I can start broadcasting. Tomorrow, of course, it is Monday Morning Music Mega Mix. the weekly show where I select a series of tracks, throw them up into the air and play them in the order they land. Make sure you are up BRIGHT AND EARLY to listen in. then click on LISTEN. 

I am now using an introduction track for every show.

Tuesday's show will feature Jim Reeves as the ALBUM OF THE WEEK.

For you lazy people who have difficulty getting out of bed the PODCAST will be on-line round about half past nine. CLICK HERE

Geeks really get up my nose - SIDEWAYS !  Mixcloud which hosts my podcasts has redesigned the page - IDIOTS - and have left out the stats so I no longer know how many have listened to the shows.

ANYWAY ....................

Wednesday' show is being extended to THREE HOURS so forget going to work, forget school listen to this special show where my guest, George Ridley - Director of
LightForce International will share his understanding of Uganda.

My colleagues at CRMK have twinned our studio loo with a home in the Village of Keeru in Muyanje Kabale District of Uganda.

We are now working to twin a second toilet !  Playing music to make people SMILE be HAPPY and to INSPIRE support for good causes. - Love, Love and even MORE LOVE.

My favourite show each week is Thursday's WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS. I love to have fun with what I call WHERE CLASSICAL MUSIC MEETS ROCK AND ROLL !

This week's show will be very special as I share on particular piece of classical Italian music without which it entering my life in the way it did eighteen months ago my life would be so much quieter - quieter but totally BORING.

As well as being The Geriatric DJ playing music on the radio, on our website, on this blog, on YouTube and on the radio I am MAX ROBINSON the author.

Santa Lucia is a central theme in my book The Bridge House, a love story which opens just after the death of Queen Victoria and ends in February 1983.  It is a love story. This is also a theme from the book and the love story.

Friday is my day off but not for much longer.

On Friday 11th January I will start a new show. Each week I will bring listeners the TOP THIRTY from a day in history.  HISTORY ? I mean when I was younger. 

My first show will feature the year of 1967 when this was at number 30 in the charts and will be the first track I play.

But before then a lot is happening,  a lot of music - music top be played to..........make people SMILE be HAPPY and to INSPIRE support for good causes. - Love, Love and even MORE LOVE.

Christmas Eve - Christmas Day - Boxing Day - Thursday 27th December which I am now naming INTERNATIONAL CHILL OUT DAY I will be in the studio from 6am to 8am playing Musical Christmas Cards which you can use to send LOVE..... to make people SMILE be HAPPY and to INSPIRE support for good causes. - Love, Love and even MORE LOVE.

CLICK HERE and have one of the tracks dedicated to you
and for you to send love to someone special and to a good cause which is close to your heart.

On International Chill Out Day Christmas music will be BANNED - This will be the kind of music I plan to share:

AND THIS.......

EVEN THIS........

Playing music to make people SMILE be
HAPPY and to INSPIRE support for good causes. - Love, Love and even MORE LOVE.

That brings us to NEW YEAR.  From 11.30pm New Year Eve to mid-day New Year Day I will be anchoring a broadcast special.

The Mini Mibs will be coming into the studio as will many guests. Why don't you come along ?  CLICK HERE then join
in the fun.

I need a body guard for the show.  The Mayor of Milton Keynes is joining me. The last time he and I met he CUT MY HAIR !

Yes, my sponsored haircut last MAY !

Playing music to make people SMILE be HAPPY and to INSPIRE support for good causes. - Love, Love and even MORE LOVE.

So everyone have a fantastic day, SMILE, make people happy and SPREAD THE LOVE.

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