Saturday 1 December 2018

This is going to be BIG !

I am so excited, I need to pinch myself to make sure this is really happening.

OWCH ! That hurt ! 

Yep it IS happening.

This is going to be big, just how BIG depends on you.

Come on let's make this HUGE !

WEDNESDAY 5th December I do not care what you are planning for that day - YOU MUST LISTEN TO MY RADIO SHOW. T hat's an order.

6am to 8am - LIVE at CLICK ON LISTEN

The podcast will be on-line by 9.30am. CLICK HERE FOR THE PODCAST

As well as listening to the show I need you to read this blog then share it right across social media so we get an audience of thousands, millions, trillions, zillions !

This is where the total blog readership stood just ahead of publishing this edition.

And this is the PODCAST total:

So what is this all about ?  What are we being asked to make BIG ?
Once upon a time there was this wizz-kid teacher at Leon School. There was also a mischievous teenager who was about to play a practical joke on Sir !

"Please Sir, I feel ill."

"Get on with your work Joe."

"But I want to be sick."

"You look OK to me, stop skiving and write !"

At this point Joe threw up, fell from his chair and lay
unconscious on the floor. David left the classroom, grabbed the phone from the wall outside in the hallway; "Crash bleep Matron, I have a kid seriously ill in English Room Four !"

Matron was not exactly a slender lady, out of breath she burst into David's classroom. Thereupon, Joe sat up, smiled, lifted a sheet of plastic sick from the floor and said "Got ya !"

The whole class erupted into laughter, including David but Matron was not a happy lady. Joe you have no idea the telling off she gave me later in the day !

That once young teacher is now The Geriatric DJ broadcasting four mornings a week on international radio station CRMK. Joe has a highly successful career and the most amazing young family you could imagine.

Joe and David are Facebook friends. When Joe posted this video David said, "I want that on the radio !"

This incredible family have gone one step further, they have made a Christmas Special - JINGLE GIRLS.

Unlike their Knickers On Your Head video you will not be able to watch this for FREE, it will cost you £1 to download.

All of the money from sales of the MiniLib's Christmas Special is to be given to charity. Knowing of my passion to help our rough-sleeping friends, that money will be given to MILTON KEYNES WINTER NIGHT SHELTER.

Wednesday's show on CRMK will be the official launch of the video.

I did the Maths and thought together we could sell one thousand downloads so the MiniLibs would donate £1,000 to the Winter Night Shelter.

Listen to the show and these incredible young people will tell you how many copies they want to sell.

What is it this week's THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK SAYS ?

WE CAN DO THIS...........

FIRST we need get hundreds of people to read this blog. The highest daily read we have every had is 2,000. Share this page on social media, tell your friends - let's get as close to that number as we can - NO let's beat it ! SMASH IT.

When a post appears on Facebook - LIKE IT and make a comment. SHARE IT. When it appears on Twitter, retweet it.

THEN we need to get a mega audience listening to my show on Monday 6am to 8am CLICK ON

The MiniLibs will be featured in the second half of the show. They will tell you all about their music and this Christmas Special. Make sure you are sitting down when they tell you how many downloads they plan to sell.  I will have a chat with the technical team at the radio station to make sure the show is heard on Jupiter.

FINALLY we need to encourage, ask kindly, twist arms up backs, force at the point  
of a gun to get people to part with £1 to download their copy of Jingle Girls and support The Winter Night Shelter.

Of course we will, together, achieve one thousand downloads but if the video were to go viral one million would not be impossible.

Can you imagine that ?  This wonderful family raising ONE MILLION POUNDS for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter ?

BUT support is more than money. As well as wanting the money from The MiniLibs and Jingle Girls going viral there is the immense raising of awareness of our nation's rough sleeping problem which is beyond any figure of money.

Those who know me know so very well why I am passionate about friends who rough sleep and will never shut up about the sadness associated with their fate. On Wednesday's show I will explain, for those who do not already know, how a year ago I had no interest in this problem. That was before Destiny took my hand and gently introduced me to Josh and Jelena who are now my dearest friends.  Where would they be without Destiny having done that ?

Look at The Winter Night Shelter's website - CLICK HERE for this specific page.  Look at what was achieved last winter.

Share this blog - send the readership into orbit.

Listen to Wednesday's show 6am to 8am or the PODCAST after about 9.30am

Download your copy of Jingle Girls - tell everyone to do the same.

Make this video go VIRAL.

Realise the MiniLib's ambitions.

This is currently the biggest selling Christmas single of all time.

That was 1984 - 34 years ago. Let's change that and move The MiniLibs with Jingle Girls to the top spot !

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