Thursday 6 December 2018


Did you know that the greatest rock band ever - QUEEN - started out as SMILE ?

Of course you did.

Within The Geriatric DJ's weekly Top Twenty Chart Queen is still at number one.

CLICK HERE for the full chart while Freddie and the boys will play for you all their chart topping hit for right here.

We play music here on our blog, we play it on our YouTube Channel, on our website and for eight hours a week on the radio

EVERY note is designed to make people SMILE, be happy and to inspire support for good causes.

Over the past week we have had a lot to smile about. Are you smiling with us ?

The Geriatric DJ in person had a bit of a silly moment !

However, with only seven views so far it is NOT going to become much of a YouTube sensation ! 

Not so The Mini Libs with their Christmas Special.

The blog page announcing their appearing on last Wednesday's radio show broke Google Blogger records and catapulted our total readership a good bit nearer to that 100k we hope to achieve in the New Year.

When you have listened to their single JINGLE GIRLS follow
the link to download a copy, all proceeds are being donated to Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

If you ,missed the live show with The Mini Libs catch up with the PODCAST - CLICK HERE.

Help these amazing youngsters become the Christmas Sensation and send thousands of pounds to Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

The Mini Libs will be singing live within the New Year Special on CRMK but more of that in a moment.

Make sure you open the music window on our Advent Calendar each day, smile and support good causes this Christmas.  You can find the latest window on the home page of our website: and all at our YouTube Channel.


Our Secret Santa Project is going well. We have the 34 gifts
we need for The Childrens Ward in Milton Keynes Hospital, are almost at the point where we have the 85 gifts we need for Birmingham Childrens Hospital and are working towards the gifts of love we need for Sheffield Childrens Hospital. Check the latest information and add your gift to Santa's Sleigh by visiting our SECRET SANTA page on our website.

There are just two more muddled up music days for MONDAY MORNING MUSIC MEGA MIX - 10th and 17th December before Christmas.

Tuesday's show MUSIC FROM MY VINYL COLLECTION will this coming
week feature the second disc in the double album THAT'LL BE THE DAY. Then on 18th December the featured album will be JIM REEVES CHRISTMAS SPECIAL.

The Geriatric DJ may have boogied in the studio this week so could we persuade him to polka ?

Next Wednesday's show is all about MUSICAL MILESTONES with each track dedicated to a good cause.

The following week the director of LightForce International will be in the studio to talk about his work in UGANDA so telling listeners all about that country, the country in which we have located our toilet twinning project. This show will be extended to THREE hours.

Let's have a bit of music from Uganda.

Isn't that a lovely piece of music ?

So far we have not attracted any radio listeners from Uganda
but we had last week listeners in: UK  USA  FRANCE GERMANY  TURKEY  IRAN  JAPAN  CANADA  MEXICO  ALGERIA  COLUMBIA  INDIA  JERSEY  HOLLAND  DENMARK  ALGERIA  LATVIA  BURUNDI  AUSTRALIA - 19 different countries - we have certainly been rocking all over the world !

Thursday's show this week featured THE NUTCRACKER BALLET.  The Geriatric DJ is, of course, a great fan of the ballet.

Let's play his favourite dance from the ballet.

Next week's show will feature the music of John Philip Sousa.

For those who like The Geriatric DJ's bit of fun WHERE CLASSICAL MUSIC MEETS ROCK AND ROLL this will be included in the show.

The following week Gilbert and Sullivan will be our featured composer.

That brings is to CHRISTMAS.  This is next week's THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK.

MONDAY 24th DECEMBER 6am to 8am LIVE on Radio CRMK will be a request and dedication show for fans of our
music.  Are you a member of the music's fan club CLICK HERE
TUESDAY 25th DECEMBER 6am to 8am LIVE on Radio CRMK will be a request and dedication show sending love to families with a child sick in hospital. Join the fan club and add your dedication so sending a musical Christmas card.
WEDNESDAY 26th DECEMBER 6am to 8am LIVE on Radio CRMK will be a request and dedication show forthe good causes we support. Join the fan club and add your dedication so sending a musical Christmas card.
THURSDAY 26th DECEMBER 6am to 8am LIVE on Radio CRMK will be a request and dedication show for fans of our music.  Are you a member of the music's fan club CLICK HERE

That brings us to The New Year...

11.30pm New Year Eve to 12noon New Year Day The Geriatric DJ will be broadcasting a marathon LIVE from the
studio of CRMK.

This show is to formally unveil the twinning certificate for the project the radio station undertook to provide a toilet in the home of a family in the village of KEERU in the MUYANJE KABALE DISTRICT of UGANDA.

Fellow presenters on CRMK will be joining The Geriatric DJ throughout the broadcast, on the hour every hour we will play
a different version of Auld Lang Syne. One presenter is bringing in an acoustic guitar and has challenged the Geriatric DJ to sing !  The Mayor of Milton Keynes is coming along, a representative from Freemasonry In The community will be playing tracks, 

TOPPING THE BILL the fabulous Mini Libs will be in the studio singing live to the world.

You can join the show, have fun, play some tracks, make people smile and inspire support for good causes.


SUNDAY 13th January 3pm, we are having a brainstorming meeting to form a management team for the music we play: Music to make people SMILE, be happy and to inspire support for good causes. Music on the radio, in the community, here on our blog page, on our website and on YouTube.

We have the skeleton of a senior management team with Lisa, David and Paul but need a couple more. We want to have a link with every good cause we support, Maggie will be our NHS link. WATCH THIS SPACE AND GET INVOLVED.

Back to Christmas, well ADVENT.

One of the causes we support is STOWE NATIONAL TRUST.
Every week-end in Advent they are featuring Carols In the Courtyard.  

So there's a lot of music happening. SMILE and enjoy it all.


And for our international audience............

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