Monday 10 December 2018

Smile, be happy and support good causes

Is your Christmas Tree sparkling ?

More importantly IS YOUR LIFE SPARKLING ?

Are people smiling because they know you ?

Not wanting to make myself sound special or anything but last week I kept a note each day of the hours I worked. I found myself working between 10 and 12 hours a day, seven days a week. I WOULDN'T HAVE IT DIFFERENT but I need to get myself a lot better organised.  I had be hoping, indeed we had at one time been on track to achieve 100,000 blog readers/listeners by the end of the year. That doesn't look like
it is going  to  happen  does it ?

We need 749.55 readers a day until the end of the year. It could happen but it aint going to happen if I do not get back to writing a daily edition instead of one here and there when I can find a spare moment. SO HERE'S TODAY'S PAGE.

I play music to make people smile, be happy and inspire support for good causes.  I have been wondering about stopping playing the music and singing it.  What do you think, is that a good idea ?

Perhaps NOT !

I am listening to the podcast of yesterday's show while I type. CLICK HERE for the podcast.  I don't mind you listening to
the podcasts but I would PREFER it by a long, long way if you listened live. YESTERDAY there were listeners in France, Germany, Canada, Italy, USA and UK.

I am going do you a deal. I'll let those sleepy heads listen to the podcasts, those who can not get themselves out of bed, ONLY if you watch the Mini Libs and pay to download a copy of their Christmas sensation.  All downloads, all the money is being donated to Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

Today's show MUSIC FROM MY VINYL COLLECTION will air from 6am to 8am CLICK ON LISTEN,
will be a Rock and Roll party as I play the second disc in the featured album THAT'LL BE THE DAY.

Then on Wednesday I have a show built up of INSPIRING MUSICAL MILESTONES.  I will say no more so you will just have to listen.

Let's Rock and Roll.

Thursday's show WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS this week will feature military music, particularly that of John Philip Sousa.  

I promise you a rousing two hours.

During the show I will have a bit of fun again with WHERE CLASSICAL MUSIC MEETS ROCK AND ROLL.

All of this music is designed to MAKE PEOPLE SMILE - TO

Are you a member of our music's fan club ?  If no why not ?  JOIN NOW.

Share the music, share this blog, 

Make people smile, be happy and inspire support for good causes.

When I walked into the studio yesterday there were more gifts left by my fellow presenters for our good cause SECRET SANTA.

Yesterday Maggie wrapped the gifts for children in Milton Keynes Hospital. We are still collecting gifts for Birmingham and Sheffield Childrens' Hospitals.

Please go to our website and look at the musical Christmas
cards - CLICK HERE  

Send me your dedication to play over Christmas.

What are you doing on New Year Day ?

Come into the studio and spin some discs with me.

Come and help me spread the love with our music. CLICK HERE and sign up.

So I hope you have enjoyed the music on today's page.

I hope you will enjoy the music on today's show

If you are a lazy bones and can not get out of bed I will let
you listen to the PODCAST but only on strict condition you support the good cause chosen by The Mini Libs - The Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

Right I had better head off to the studio - join me at 6am for a mega rock and roll party.

Where the heck did this come from ?

The Geriatric DJ may  be able to play music on the radio but as you heard earlier he can not sing and he can not dance either !

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