Wednesday 5 December 2018


The blog page promoting The Mini Libs appearing on the radio with me this morning pulled - 2,662 !  At times so many were reading and listening to the music there was not enough bandwidth so things were crashing !

 The MiniLibs appeared on my show this morning. Did you catch it.  CLICK HERE for the podcast.

We had listeners in: UK USA Germany  Jersey  India 
France  UK  Holland  Denmark  Mexico Algeria. Send the podcast figures into orbit !

You can now watch The MiniLibs Christmas Special on YouTube.

Take a look.

But PLEASE do not leave it there. On YouTube there is a link to Jingle Girls on on i-tunes.  HERE IT - CLICK HERE

I am hoping this blog will pull a similar number to that of my last edition.

Please share it and help the AMAZING MINI LIBS sell zillions of downloads to support Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

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