Wednesday 13 March 2019

Paperback writer

Yes, I love music - of course I do - playing music to MAKE PEOPLE SMILE, BE HAPPY AND TO INSPIRE LOVE FOR GOOD CAUSES.

Yesterday was my 100th show on Radio CRMK but music has been a part of my life since my early childhood.

So has been writing.

I hated school, it was monochrome and boring. From those unfortunate years I took just two things, things which developed into a love of music and a love of writing. The rest I cast aside without a care.

Splash out £1.99 and read my SCHOOLBOY AUTOBIOGRAPHY

There was a time when I earned a few quid writing newspaper and magazine articles. Many of these were gathered together and published in a book NOT THE CONCRETE COWS. This was a kaleidoscope through the New City of Milton Keynes. The publishers put a concrete cow in negative on the cover to say that there was far more to the adolescent city than the concrete cows.

I have for some time had an idea to write a book about the now adult Milton Keynes.

Schubert never completed his UNFINISHED SYMPHONY simply because he was so engaged working on other projects, it just got pushed aside. Aside and forgotten.

There is a danger the same could happen to the book I am currently working on. 17,112 words written, probably another 15,000 to finish it.  I need to discipline myself to write something every day.

Hemmingway wrote between 500 and 1,000 words a day. Stephen King wrote 2,000. Surely I could do that.

An Interview With Flight Sergeant Billy has only 5,294 words in it and I wrote that in a single sitting.

In contrast The Bridge House has 74,542 words and took me over a year to write.

I want to write.  I need to write.  I need to balance my life between playing music and writing books. I NEED TO DISCIPLINE MYSELF.

When I first started writing this blog on 16th December 2016 it was my intention to compile all of the entries into a book and publish it as THE DIARY OF A SILLY OLD MAN. 
Today's page is entry number 770.  I do not think publishing such a book is going to happen and if it did who would ever want to read it ?

The Case Files Of Dave McDermott have two new investigations waiting for the detective's attention.  If I do not write up the ideas in my head the criminals will escape justice and the story go the way of Schubert's unfinished Symphony.

There are 30,878 words in that book.

So where is all of this leading ?

I am thinking I could discipline myself by linking my writing into this blog.  Readers could see just how much I have been doing to finish writing my current novel.

Another 15,000 words to finish the story.  Could I discipline myself to write one thousand words a week ?  That should not be difficult. I could then publish the book by August, a year since I first started writing.

All of my books have music in them. Some of that music appears on YouTube.

I am wondering if I could share the book so far and its music in a radio show then every now and then tell listeners how the work is progressing.

What about Legends Of A Great City ?

I was paid, of course, to write the articles for Not The Concrete Cows but could I discipline myself by offering regular freebie articles to a newspaper. If this was taken on then I could hardly falter could I ?

Writing those articles which became Not The Concrete Cows involved my going out and about, meeting and interviewing people. That was great fun.  If I set up a programme of meeting people to draw on their memories for the new work it would again be a discipline wouldn't it ?

I have former Mayor of Milton Keynes, David Hopkins, appearing on my show on Wednesday 27th March. He would be a fantastic source of information for the book.

Radio CRMK is a legend in its own right.  Within the team of presenters there are those who could flood me with information.

A friend told me that The Point in Milton Keynes was built on Ley Lines ?  Was it ?  That could be a source of fun trying to find out the truth.

So is my writing going to go forward ?  Or will it replicate Schubert's 8th symphony and remain unfinished.

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