Wednesday 20 March 2019

Rocking with my granddad !

People say that I am a "pushy" person...... YES I AM !

But  that is nothing to the way Josh was yesterday.  I spent the afternoon with my friend, we talked a lot about all kind of things then yesterday evening he called me but I could not speak for laughing, I am still laughing right now as I write today's blog page.

For more than a year I have been educating my friend in the beauty of pop music from the 1950's to the 1980's, he likes it but thinks that I should, at least, try to understand the music of today and not, as I do, dismiss it out of hand.  He came up with the title for a radio show he thinks we should put together - ROCKING WITH MY GRANDDAD !

This was playing on the car stereo yesterday as we talked.  WATCH OUT  WE ARE COMING LIKE A BAT OUT OF HELL.

The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation is still saying the weather for the week-end is good so we will be going to car boot sales on both Saturday and Sunday - we need money to promote SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

This evening I am going to a meeting of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Residents Association to talk about SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

I have produced some posters which we are taking round to
vet surgeries inviting animal good causes to come and raise love at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY for their work.

Today I will produce something similar which can be taken round to as many locations as we can find to recruit a wider range of good causes to come to SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

Lisa is doing an amazing job taking charge of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY 2019.   A full update of the good causes who are so far involved can be seen on the website.  Two bats coming out of hell next week want to inundate Lisa with new applications to be part of the day.

We need money from car boot sales to pay for printing, postage and car fuel to run round taking posters to places

s for display.   Do you have any STUFF we can sell ?

I am hoping we will make £100 this week-end but if we had enough STUFF to sell we could make £200 or even £250.  As well as publicity that would also pay the costs for SMILE DISCO.

Does anyone have.....

A small portable generator we can use for the music stage ?  Ours was stolen last summer - it would be better if we could borrow one rather than spend out money to replace it.

Does anyone have a large BBQ we could use for SMILE DISCO ?

I am now working on the schedule for the stage. We have some great things happening:  Fire Eater - Dancers - Teddy Bear Picnic. We want musicians, singers, dancers - anybody to come and entertain those who are coming and help make them SMILE.

Both Josh and I are growing our hair for the sponsored haircut on the stage. We think Lisa has something a bit cunning up her sleeve for this - she is being so secret she would make the wartime activities of Bletchley Park look like the front page of The Sun !

Have you read my scribble about Bletchley Park ?  CLICK HERE.

And CLICK HERE - go on do it CLICK HERE spend £1.99 to but an e-book copy of my book set in Bletchley Park.  If we could get one thousand people to buy this we would completely fund SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

Go on DO IT !


All of my books, of course, have music in them. This appears in Billy Hardcastle's Autobiography.

I have contacted Bletchley Park inviting a family ticket to use as a raffle prize.  I have contacted a few more and will be contacting hundreds more during the coming week.

I was speaking to Mrs Josh yesterday about Cliff Richard's video WIRED FOR SOUND, I wrote a feature about that earlier in the week - CLICK HERE.

I am in contact with Cliff Richard's agent to have him autograph a vinyl copy of Wired For Sound to use as an prize.

Curly Tails is going to be part of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY. On Monday Lisa has organised for us to visit Curly tails and adopt a pig.  WATCH THIS SPACE for our piggie to soon be part of our music - music we play to MAKE PEOPLE SMILE, BE HAPPY AND TO INSPIRE SUPPORT FOR GOOD CAUSES.

Josh and I are meeting at McDonald's for lunch to talk over the work we will be doing next week.

Josh mate, you are going to have to take that hat of yours off before the sponsored haircut !

Then on Monday 1st April we are going to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham for Lisa to see round the house and to meet with House Manager, Libby chatting over a few things for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

So that's where we are with planning for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY right now. Time for you to get involved - time for you to help make the day an amazing success - time for you to SMILE.

Beware there are two BATS coming out of hell !

Get involved - keep Josh busy and get this silly GRANDDAD idea out of his head !

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