Wednesday 6 March 2019

Roll Out The Barrel

Roll Out The Barrel...

Let's have a barrel of fun !

I started writing today's blog at 2.45am when the phone rang....

"It's Josh, can you come and grab me ?  I'll help with today's show.!


Josh did come into the studio, sat down and went to sleep.

We were joined in the studio by Damon who is organising this week-end's 24 hour charity football game in aid of Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

Damon complained it was early. Josh supported his point of view.


But the moment we went live, the moment the music started playing there were three crazy men having fun.

If you do not believe me CLICK HERE and listen to the podcast.

Josh used the expression LOONY TUNES while Damon said he hoped there was a defibrillator close at hand given the dance steps I was taking.

The studio was bathed in disco lights as we had a great party.

After the football this week-end we are having a post match disco party in Radio CRMK.

The football kicks off at 12 noon on Saturday then after the prize giving everything moves on to a RADIO DISCO on CRMK from 11pm Sunday to 1pm Monday.

We played that song during the show, West Ham's theme, and we will be playing it again during the RADIO DISCO. In playing the anthem we ask that you BLOW BUBBLES OF LOVE.  Come and blow them across The Premier League Trophy.  I will be there rattling a bucket collecting money in return for allowing you to take a selfie.
My bucket is solid silver so I would not want you to put anything in there which may scratch ! Those silly plastic £5 and £10 notes the numb sculls at The Bank Of England now issue may blow away so make it £20 and £50 notes please !

The Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter cares for our homeless and rough-sleeping friends.  Milton Keynes has the highest proportion of under 25 year olds rough sleeping in the country.

Coming to the end of its present operational season funding and preparations are not in place for November 2019 to March 2020. Our RADIO DISCO and football match are together hoping to raise £10,000+ for this amazing cause.

CLICK HERE and visit our website, check out all that is happening then come and say HI !

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