Saturday 26 October 2019

If music be the food of love - PLAY ON.....

If music be the food of love, play on.....

It was a certain Mr William Shakespeare who first said that.  Well Bill if you follow The Geriatric DJ this week there's a lot of music, a lot of love and even some food involved!  Twenty-two hours of music on the radio to be honest.

Tomorrow, 6am to 8am we will be ROCKING FOR THE FOOD BANK - rocking with love as Milton Keynes Food Bank Project Director - John joins me to play the music and speak
about what The Food Bank is doing in the count down
the days to Christmas.

I want to share an idea with John for something to run from Shrove Tuesday to Easter Sunday 2020 - LENT.

Watch this space.

Tuesday Terrific Tunes will feature two hours from Cliff Richard. That video was filmed in Central Milton
Keynes. You could not film it there today !  The production team could not afford the rip off parking charges imposed by Milton Keynes Council but more seriously where Cliff is skating through the underpass there are now homeless rough-sleepers.

Yesterday I was with Dreamsai as it opened the doors of Unity Park Bus Station for those in need to come in and have a meal.

Members cook the meals at home in the morning, put them into bags of love and bring them to The Buzzy. If you are looking for love, if you are looking for human kindness then look no further
than Dreamsai.

I spoke with a man yesterday who had split up with his wife and ended up homeless on the streets. He asked if there was any clothing, if there was a coat he could have.  I offered him mine but it was hideously too big. Next week I will take him something more suitable.

From the distribution point Dreamsai then moves out on what I have branded The Walk of Love, taking food parcels of love to those in need right across Milton Keynes.

Friends there yesterday insisted I sample the food. WOW !  I liked the chickpea curry but those samosas exploded in the mouth.  

I took four bags myself to friends I know in need. Thank you Dreamsai for your food of love. Next Saturday we are going to take the podcast from Cliff Richard's show and play it in Unity Bus Station as Dreamsai goes about its work.

I play music to make people smile and to help my listeners make others smile. On Wednesday I will playing The Mikado, my favourite Gilbert and Sullivan opera which is packed with smiles.

I always start my shows with the intro Seventy Six Trombones. The wandering minstrel was a trombone player.

Who remembers this from last Christmas ?

Thursday's show will launch Secret Santa 2019, the third year we have run this loving project so even if it is only 31st October get your Santa jumpers out as I play two hours of Christmas music, music of love for Secret Santa.  This will be the opening track.

Friday's show launches a new Facebook Group - LOVING OUR NHS MK.

The NHS was founded in 1948 - I will be playing the number one hit for 1st November every year from 1948....

Through to 2019....

I will of course be slipping this in...

With so much music to play, so much love to share the show is going to have to extend, instead of my
usual slot of 6am to 8am this Friday the love will flow from 5am to 9am.

Loving Our NHS the greatest hospital in all of England - University Hospital Milton Keynes, is letting Project Womble into the campus to clear up all of the cigarette buts people drop down in a non smoking area !

Check out PROJECT WOMBLE, I am speaking with the
probation service to have a community payback team womble away the cigarette butts. BUT we are not going to just bin them !  We have signed up with a specialist recycling company.

After Friday's show I am jumping on the M1 to head
to a meeting with NHS Blood and Transplant. Last week I met with two directors of University Hospital Milton Keynes to plan TeenHeroMK where two thousand 17,18 and 19 year old across Milton Keynes will each donate three pints of blood a year to repay the debt our hospital owes to the blood service for the 6,000 pints of blood it uses every year to lovingly care for

Next week is half term but once that is out of the way Ian, Headmaster of Oakgrove School, will call a meeting wish some of his staff and students to plan the launch of TeenHeroMK. We are going to have a TEENAGE RAMPAGE !

Saturday, Cliff and I will be back at Dreamsai with music to support the love.


OMG big time !

Sunday is The Silly Old Man's Birthday.

Maureen asked me what I want for my birthday ?

I asked for a TOOTHBRUSH and please. please could I have some teeth to go with it !

11pm I will be back in the radio studio to broadcast a ten hour overnight disco.

CHECK IT OUT !  Ten hours of crazy disco music to
help launch the new season of Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

You can sponsor a track and I will play a dedication for you to help the work of Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter as it puts arms of love around our homeless rough-sleeping friends.

Pick a number - any number from 1 to 150.

What was that you said ?

Number 73 ?

Number 73 on the play list is a bit silly !

But then I am THE SILLY OLD MAN and it is my birthday !

Tuesday 5th November - Dreamsai is coming into the studio to help me play the music and to talk about their work. Not only about helping with love the homeless rough-sleepers of Milton Keynes but also something I am going to be proud to have a small role of support to play within their blood and organ donation programme.

What do you think Bill ?  Is that enough music, food and love ?

Thursday 24 October 2019

200 and going strong

Today is my 200th show on Radio CRMK.  I guess that is a bit of a personal milestone but it is nothing in the history of the station, a project originally founded in 1978 !

When I reach my 2,000th show then perhaps we can have a real party. Put the date in your diary friends.

This was he very first song I played....

It will be the opening track today.

Who remembers the bit of fun we had twinning the toilet in the radio station with a village in Uganda where we funded two toilets for families which did not have even this basic form of sanitation.

There was a little girl in Tennessee who was terminally ill. She loved dogs, her family made an appeal on Facebook for people round the world to e-mail her pictures of heir dogs. We had a show with songs dedicated to listeners dogs, all played for this little girl.

We supported a 24 hour football game sponsored for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. I was on the touchline for the 24 hours then came in to the studio to broadcast an overnight radio disco and to report on the game.

What else ?  Oh yeh - the day I conned BBC Radio into playing a bit of punk rock !

And of course there were The Jingle Girls...

It has been a lot of fun, I hope you enjoy the music I play. Every broadcast I watch the computer to see where our listeners are.

Of course life is a disco so dance..................

YES - I did dance to this in the studio !

Not a very good dancer am I ? Not a good dancer - but a rubbish singer !

I play music to make people smile and be happy.

Let's blow some bubbles - bubbles of LOVE.

So Cat Stevens was he first track I played. This is the track I have played more than any other.

Please join me. 6am to 8am LET'S HAVE A PARTY.

Better take stock !

Last week I went on holiday. I deliberately left my laptop and phone behind at home, it was a wonderful time to relax. However, now I am frantically trying to catch up.

I know that LIFE IS A TYPO - THE MORE YOU MAKE THE BETTER YOU ARE LIVING IT but..................apologies to all the good causes to whom I sent a circular e-mail yesterday containing a totally ridiculous typo !

Time to take stock and get my act together.

As I broadcast this morning's radio show I changed myself from the persona of The Geriatric DJ to The Geriatric Teenager.  OMG wasn't I sexy teenager ?

So what's happening ?

Yesterday SUNSHINE CREW MEMBER Shery and I met with two directors of University Hospital Milton Keynes. We talked about TeenHeroMK, we talked about Melting Pot, we
talked about Loving Our NHS MK, we talked about DrugwatchMK, we talked about Shery's passion to support people with anxiety and mental health issues.  We even talked about Project Womble. We agreed that we could WOMBLE around the hospital. Today I have to work to make that happen.

Sunshine Smile Crew member Monderia will fix a meeting with our local Imam for next week. Time to bring in a third community to Melting Pot.

Hey - become a teenager yourself - CLICK and listen to today' podcast as your read.

Got a great fun packed week on the radio next week.

On Monday John, Project Manager at Milton Keynes Food Bank, is joining me and boy are we going to ROCK FOR THE FOOD BANK.

On Thursday we are launching SECRET SANTA.

Then on Friday we launch LOVING OUR NHS MK.

On Saturday I will be joining Dreamasi on its Walk of Love then on Tuesday 5th November Laxman will be joining me to talk about this wonderful organisation.

At the end of the week I celebrate my geriatric birthday, Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter also starts is season lovingly caring for our homeless and rough-sleeping friends. I plan to
celebrate both with a RADIO DISCO - come and join me. Life is a disco - so dance.


A couple of things coming soon.....
Well I guess I had better get on and make all of this happen.  I promise to do it with only a minimum of TYPO'S.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Amazing Team

A couple of days ago a local council members told me  that I was a humanitarian. That was a lovely thing to say, I am very honoured but the compliment has to apply to ALL of our team - THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW.

Freddie Mercury once said - I am not the leader of
Queen, I am the lead singer - we are FAMILY.  The Geriatric DJ is NOT the leader of The Sunshine Smile Crew - he is leader of the music.

Freddie and I would like to celebrate all that is happening right now in THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW and the wonderful people in our family who are making it happen.

Let's start by saying a big thank you to Team
Member Julie for the lead picture on today 's page. Freddie you used to be a graphic designer before you took up being a rock star - do you like the picture ?

And Thank You to Team Member
Stewart for the hundreds of inspirational posters you have been sending for us to use.

This afternoon Team member Mondira and I will be chatting about MELTING POT.  The local Imam wants to meet and discuss how his community can feature within the project - THAT'S AMAZING ! 

The moment Laxman and I met a friendship was
established with Deaamsai and the Hindu/India  Community. Through a contact we will soon be reaching out to the Ghanaian Community. MeltingPot is heading for orbit !

Also this afternoon Team Member Mondira and I will be talking with Ian the Headmaster of Oakgrove School about TeenHeroMK. This project does not launch until April next year but a lot of work is happening on a daily basis to get everything ready.
Next week  Team Member Shery and I will be meeting with Simon Lloyd, Chairman of the board at University Hospital Milton Keynes to plan for TeenHeroMK.  NHS Blood Donor System will be meeting with us to restructure Milton Keynes donor sessions in order to accommodate all the extra donors we are going to find !

Team Member Shery and I will soon be meeting
with The Police And Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley police to discuss out project DrugWatchMK.  Yesterday I posted a request the commissioner's office for information we can put at the centre of our discussions.

Each time I open my e-mail inbox I am nervous as I await a reply from The Guinness Book of Records to see if they are accepting our world record attempt. To pull this off we are going to need the help of every team member - if we get the go ahead we will be raising somewhere between ten  thousand a quarter of a million pounds to help our homeless and rough-sleeping friends.

I think yesterday's blog confused a few people. My birthday is not until 3rd November - come and celebrate my advancing years at the radio disco, sponsor a track and support Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter care for our homeless and rough-sleeping friends.

Secret Santa 2019 launches on Thursday 31st October. This year Team Member Maureen will be in charge.

The following day we will launch Loving Our NHS MK.On a special radio show I will be playing a hit record from every year since the NHS was founded in 1948.

OMG Freddie that makes you 73 years old !

On 29th October Food Bank Director John will be joining me on the radio to ROCK WITH THE FOOD BANK.
On Tuesday 5th November Laxman from Dreamsai will be joining me on the radio to talk about the amazing work his organisation does.

Isn't all of this just fantastically lovely ?

I stuck up something on the website about Wombles. A simple little thing to encourage friends to simple things towards saving our planet.  Now it looks like a Team of Wombles may well be going out and about to womble some litter


You can check all of The Sunshine Smile Crew projects on the website - CLICK HERE and find out all that is happening.

Let's have another picture from Team Member Stewart.

Are you a member of THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW ?

Are you a humanitarian our friend was speaking about ?

If you are not then JOIN US.  Every member, every day is tasked with making at least one person SMILE.

To end today's blog this will make you smile.