Tuesday 8 October 2019

Problem - what problem ?


On Friday I had a fantastic meeting with Laxman from Dreamsai, a lovely organisation within our Hindu community.

He and I were of one mind right across the topics we discussed.

Then on Monday I met with Shery, a member of West Bletchley Council. You could not have put a microscopic atomic particle between our thinking.

So where is the problem in that ?

The problem is things are now advancing to new, high and exciting levels where THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW needs more people to outwork our mission....

That mission, of course, is for every person, every day to make at least one person smile.

Under this beautiful picture given to our smiles by Stewart I am starting to add my DOINGS LIST to the Diary each day.  In part this is a little self-discipline tool to make sure I do not slacken and to make sure I do not miss anything that has to be done.

Sherry and I talked about DrugWatchMK and how we
are going to make this happen.

Sherry is a doctor two times over. She is a medical doctor and also holds a Phd in environmental sciences. She is bringing to the table a professional understanding of adult mental health issues and how you can not solve drug addiction or
homeless rough-sleeping without dealing with an individual person's mental health.

The inspirational items we have within The Sunshine Smile Crew page on our website seek to help with Shery's passion. EVERYONE GET POSTING !

On Saturday I will be joining Laxman and Dreamsai on The Walk of Love right across Milton Keynes, taking love to our homeless and rough-sleeping friends. 

Laxman is then joining me on the radio on Tuesday 5th November after which we will be trying to persuade you all to join The Walk of Love.

If you look at the Doings List on the DIARY you will see I am in the process of getting things in place for our World Record attempt on Tuesday 19th May 2019. CHECK IT OUT.  

The big thing right now is to get The Guinness Book
of records to accept the proposal.  I think the publishers will.

Then we have to bring MK Dons and Stadium MK on side to use The Marshall Arena at a fair cost.  Not brilliantly confident but have my fingers crossed. At the back of my mind I do have Plan B.

Even if the event is a failure and we do not set a new world record we should make £1,000 to support our homeless rough-sleeping friends. Realistically somewhere between £10,000 and £25,000 should happen BUT if a certain gentleman grabs hold of the idea then a quarter of a million pounds is possible. Could we set a record for beards ?  CHECK OUT our idea.

Now here is a lovely picture. Read the BREAKING NEWS feature on our website and see how Milton Keynes Council member Zoe and  this lovely doggie showed LOVE in the ward she represents.

Also on that page you will fund news of some special events happening in Newport Pagnell and Bletchley.

Some of the best things happen by accident.  I did  not plan to start a weekly circular e-mail to local council members, it all started at WoodstockMK after our recent event at Manor Fields for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

So do please check out BREAKING NEWS.

You can re-live your youth with a game of Badminton or if you are lucky enough to still be a youth there is a fantastic junior youth club you can join.

Now here's another accident.

No accident that we are setting up a Facebook Page - WE LOVE OUR NHS MK.

Yesterday afternoon I started to check out the hits for the year when our NHS was born. Slightly before my time. (SLIGHTLY).

I played around listening to tunes on the anniversary of the NHS foundation into the 1950's.  We are launching the Facebook Page on 1st November, I decided we could feature these tracks on my radio show that day to help launch the page.

In to the 1960's, 1970's and the 1980's I found some fantastic music.  I thought I would probably stop there but NO I found I was liking the music of the 1990's and, guess what, even the music of the 21st century. Downloading tracks right up to 2018 there was not one I did not like. YEP, the Geriatric DJ found he was enjoying listening to modern pop !   What ever next.

Well NEXT is to put all of those tracks on the website to support the launch of LOVING OUR NHS MK.

As I write this page I am in the radio studio ahead of today's show. I am listening to the podcast for last Wednesday's edition of Wake Up With The Classics - it was one of my specials - WHERE CLASSICAL MUSIC MEETS ROCK AND ROLL.

Have a listen to the PODCAST - I hope you enjoy the music.

Today's show - 6am to 8am www.crmk.co.uk features the most successful composer ever - financially that is. ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER.  Well I guess I had better get on and prepare the studio

Enjoy the music and have a great day.

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