Thursday 3 October 2019

Do you love our NHS ?

I have a debt to our National Health Service which I can never repay - not even if I live to be two hundred years of age !

The Sunshine Smile Crew, now half way through its third year of operation, has a simple mission TO MAKE PEOPLE SMILE AND BE HAPPY. The way we seek to achieve this has changed, grown and developed over those two and a half years.

Right now we are posting inspirational smiles on social media. We are setting up various projects which others will take over and manage under the umbrella of The Sunshine Smile Crew. There is a lot of interest and that interest is growing by the day.

Loving our NHS and seeking to repay not only my debt but a debt almost every family in the land has we have TeenHeroMK and MeltingPot.

MeltingPot is probably the easier of the two to get moving, I would like to think it is operational by the end of the year then through 2020 drawing in more and more communities.

I am hoping we will celebrate our first TeenHeroes in May 2020 then by this time next year the project will be well on its way to its target of 17/18/19 year olds donating 6,000 pints a year to repay the debt our hospital owes to NHS Blood & Transplant for the blood it uses to save lives.
I am hoping TeenHero will be a beacon shining bright from Milton Keynes to encourage towns and cities all over the country to follow the example of our heroes.
University Hospital Milton Keynes is in my opinion the most amazing, fantastic, loving hospital anywhere in the country.  I have supported it since the day it opened its doors.

A leading consultant once said to me: I do not treat my patients - I CARE FOR THEM ! That is certainly the way our hospital works.  Is that not the way our entire NHS works.

I do not believe that our hospital, as amazing as it is, is reaching out to the community to draw in love for the work it does.  Am I being unfair in my criticism ?

When I first came to live in Milton Keynes my doctor
was Doctor Jarvis. When he retired Doctor Labrum became my GP. When he retired Doctor Hilmy took on my care. 

When Rebekah died every one of my doctors, past and present, contacted our family and flooded us with love. 

When I go to see Doctor Hilmy, which is not very often, he will say to me:  I am not your doctor - I AM YOUR FRIEND !


Facebook ?  For some people it is an alternative universe in which to live and escape reality. In practical terms it is a powerful communication tool, probably the most powerful communication tool min the universe !

I am having to put in a lot of time, engage with many people and attend meetings to get the Sunshine Smile Crew projects off the ground. Once everything is in place these projects will run themselves under the guidance of small teams and under the umbrella of Rebekah's smile.

I woke up at 3am this morning with an idea bursting through my head. 5.11am and I am in the studio of Radio CRMK listening to the podcast of yesterday's show while I share my thinking.

Let's set up a Facebook Group: WE LOVE OUR NHS MK.  Another beacon shining from Milton Keynes to encourage the rest of the country to follow our example.

I could set the group up but I would prefer to have someone who is a bit more social media geared up do it.  I'll find that person during the coming week.

We then need to get notices on every council board throughout Milton Keynes telling people what the group is all about and asking them to join. We need notices in every doctors surgery and every
pharmacist.  BIG JOB. No it is not.

Within The Sunshine Smile Crew we have WoodstockMK where each week I send out a circular e-mail to elected council members inviting them to share lovely things happening in the wards they serve.  Come on you council members you could get those posters out !

We need to get the management of University Hospital Milton Keynes to put up notices in every ward of the hospital, in the entrance, in A & E, in clinics, in offices and admin areas, EVERYWHERE.

Ah !  It's 5.30am, I need to be live on the radio at 6am.  I'd better stop writing and get the music ready.  Have no fear I'll be back later.

5am tomorrow - TODAY - Friday 4th October !  Sorry I have been so long away.

So where were we ?

This will be an OPEN group, anyone can join BUT only positive, happy postings will be allowed. No negativity, the whole point of what we will be doing is to LOVE our NHS.

We want anyone and everyone within the NHS to share lovely stories. We want patients and patient relatives to use the forum to say THANK YOU.

Our amazing hospital can use the group to find new members and volunteers. Surgeries up and down Milton Keynes can post activities. My own doctor's surgery runs Whaddon Walkers.

Good idea ?

What do you think ?

Shall we make this happen ?

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