Saturday 12 October 2019


When it comes to the activities I co-ordinate within THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW some people question if I am doing too much, if I am spreading myself too thin across what we are trying to do.

Now in our third year of operation that could have once been said but not any more. We are now concentrating efforts in a wider way to help support things that are already happening.

It was at a Worktree event in YMCA MK I was put in contact with an organisation by the name of
DREAMSAI. The thinking was that perhaps our Melting Pot project could help Dreamsai.  

I had been thinking for a while that within the support we give to homeless rough-sleepers we could walk around, perhaps two or three times a year, giving food parcels to our rough-sleeping friends.

Talk about reinventing the wheel !

Dreamsai already runs blood donor sessions within the Indian community. 

As for what I planned to call The Walk of Love and run something two or three times a year DREAMSAI DOES THIS EVERY WEEK !

Our role now is to get behind DREAMSAI and help support what is already happening.

Dreamsai is a beautiful project operating by our Indian Community. You do not need to be an Indian to get involved, get involved and the love I experienced yesterday can be yours.
Every Saturday from 12.30pm to 1.30pm DREAMSAI throws open the doors of the old bus station near Central Milton Keynes Train Station where anyone who needs something to eat can drop in...drop in not only for a cup of tea and food but also for love. No questions asked - WELCOME.

Food is then taken out onto the road in what I am calling The Walk of Love visiting our homeless rough-sleeping friends.

Honestly, I can not find the right words to express the love that was contained within the food gifts Dreamsai took round to their friends yesterday.

The friendship I experienced was special. I walked into Unity Park Bus Station as a stranger and came out having made so many new friends.

Laxman who co-ordinates Dreamsai is joining me on the radio on 5th November to explain more of Dreaamsai's work than my fumbling attempts to
write this blog page today is doing.

I then want THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW to get right behind Dreamsai both with its Walk of Love project and to help with its blood and organ donation project.

I am away on holiday next Saturday but 12.30pm Unity Park Bus Station is in my diary for Saturday 26th October. Why don't you come with me ?  Meet these wonderful people and celebrate what they are doing.