Saturday 5 October 2019

Milton Keynes - The City Of Love

Milton Keynes - The City of Love......

I can hear people saying Milton Keynes is NOT a city, it is a town - a borough - whatever !

If every resident of Milton Keynes were to read this blog page and become a member of THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW then over night Milton
Keynes would become the INTERNATIONAL CITY OF LOVE.

Let me explain.

A week or so ago former Mayor of Milton Keynes, David Hopkins,
appeared on one of my radio shows where he took over the microphone and gave the show his own name THE THEME IS LOVE.

YES - if everyone were to join THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW and take up our membership challenge - EVERY DAY TO MAKE SOMEONE SMILE Milton Keynes would overnight become the INTERNATIONAL CITY OF LOVE. 

So let's check out some of the smiling projects The
Sunshine Smile Crew currently has on the go - surf through and pick out those which make YOU smile. While I take you through the list I'll play some music.

Here in Milton Keynes we have an amazing, incredible, wonderful, LOVING hospital. A hospital which
LITERALLY is the centre of life of our city.

We have loving doctors surgeries and pharmacies. We want to set up a Facebook Group to celebrate our NHS and to share love for everyone working within it. CLICK HERE and check out the plan. Right now we need one or two people who will set up the page - DO YOU LOVE OUR NHS ?  COULD YOU TAKE ON THAT TASK ?
Still loving our NHS we are setting up a project where teenagers on their 17th birthday will become blood donors. Our hospital uses 6,000 pints of blood every year to carry out its
loving work. TeenHeroMK CHECK IT OUT will find 2,000 teenagers who will each donate three times a year so repaying the yearly debt our hospital has with the blood service.

There is a VAST interest in this project, I have a school in Milton Keynes which wants to be the lead school and kick-
start everything. I have meeting after meeting after meeting in my diary as we work towards launching in the spring next year.

SADLY there is one meeting which will NOT be taking place.  I asked the Chief Executive Officer of Milton Keynes Council if we could meet, for me to pick his brains as I explained TeenHeroMKHE SAID NO - HE WAS TOO BUSY !  Too busy to show love for the city of which he is CEO !

Fortunately he is one out on his own. Love is flooding in faster than the blood will when TeenHeroMK gets going.

Let's have some more music.......
Mondira and I are making this happen. MeltingPotMK is reaching out to diverse communities to find more blood donors but above that to encourage non-white
folk to become organ donors. Did you know that if you are not an average, middle of the road white person like I am then your chances of finding a transplant organ if you need one is 2% ! 98% means shaking hands with The Grim Reaper.

Modira and I met with Milton Keynes Councillor Mohammed Khan who is arranging a meeting for us with the Imam of the mosque.

On Friday I had an incredible meeting with Laxman
from our Hindu community - lovely meeting, lovely man and a lovely organisation he runs called DREAMSAI.  That's Laxman on the right in this picture.

Dreamsai already runs blood donor sessions and is looking to begin working to engage the community on the subject of organ donation. That's where we can come in and help.
Isn't this exciting !!!!!???!!!!

I had an about two or three times a year we make up some food parcels, walk around Milton Keynes to show love to our homeless rough-sleeping friends in
Milton Keynes.

DREAMSAI is already doing this - EVERY WEEK. We do not need to reinvent the wheel, we throw THE WALK OF LOVE into Dreamsai.  Next Saturday I will be on the walk of love with DREAMSAI then Laxman will be a guest on one of my shows after which we will be encouraging as many people as we can to join this weekly walk of love.

I can name FOUR people who in the last month have been made homeless by way of the failing systems in Milton Keynes Council. We have to change that picture on the left to this picture on the right !

Working with DREAMSAI is one way we can show love to our homeless and rough-sleeping friends.

We support Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

We are having an overnight Radio Disco on Saturday 3rd/Sunday 4th November. 3rd November is my birthday, it will also be my 200th show on Radio CRMK and will mark the start of the new season for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. CLICK HERE and sponsor a track.

I am in preliminary talks to have a second overnight radio disco to celebrate the work of YMCA MK. This, of course is Mayor Sam's charity.

Mayor Sam - there's a man who loves Milton Keynes and has done so for decades !

High on my doings list the week is to pull a lot of things together for something happening on Tuesday 19th May 2020, something which will get into The Guinness Book of Records and make mega money to help our homeless rough-sleeping friends.

CLICK HERE and get involved.

Last week I was a Worktree volunteer in Ousedale
School, Olney.  I was talking to a group of thirteen year old girls when the subject of rough-sleeping came up. This girl said that she and her friend had seen the sleepers in Central Milton Keynes and decided they were going back. They
would go to buy a blanket from Primark and give it to a rough-sleeper. When she said that to me I cried !

Close down the civic offices of Milton Keynes Council and put these teenagers in charge and we will become MILTON KEYNES THE INTERNATIONAL CITY OF LOVE !

But aren't these homeless rough-sleepers drug addicts ?

Some YES, probably the majority, but not all.

Did you know I used to be a drug addict ?


CLICK HERE and I will tell you my story.

Tomorrow I am meeting with West Bletchley Council member Doctor Sherry Delfani to explore setting up DRUGWATCHMK to protect us all from the evil drug dealers who prey on our society.


If you want to buy drugs where is the best place to go ? CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES RIGHT NEXT TO THE CIVIC OFFICES. Did you know that Central Milton Keynes has the highest crime rate in all of the city ?  Check out DRUGWATCHMK and you will be
amazed at the level of criminality - drug dealers carrying knives every day without any fear of authority.

We have got to change the picture on the left to that on the right.

We can do this if YOU get involved and we can make MILTON KEYNES THE INTERNATIONAL CITY OF LOVE.

This picture below has been doing the rounds of Facebook memories.

That was in September 2017 - David's Frog Challenge. The question is which is the uglier - me or the frog I am holding !

That was the first Sunshine Smile Crew event we organised. In charge was Ro who was always known to say ALL LIFE IS SACRED.

Ro is a vegan. At the time my favourite meal was gammon steak with chips ! I am not a vegan like Ro but I totally subscribe to his thinking that ALL LIFE IS
SACRED.  For the past eighteen months I have been a vegetarian. I could not eat a gammon steak to save my life !

The SUNSHINE SMILE CREW now sponsors Piggie Alfie at Curly Tails in Newton Longville. That's just outside Milton Keynes but it IS part of the Milton Keynes Conurbation. Certainly within MILTON KEYNES THE INTERNATIONAL CITY OF LOVE.

The Sunshine Smile Crew supports The Food Bank but recently we have not been doing anywhere enough so starting tomorrow we are going ROCK WITH THE FOOD BANK.  Will you rock with us ?

Oh yes it is !  Christmas is coming and we will be declaring Christmas on Thursday 31st October as I launch Secret Santa on the radio.

We will be sending gifts to children in hospital, the third year of operation, we will have our Music Advent Calendar on YouTube.

Do you remember this from last year ?

So that's what we have within THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW right now.

THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW where every member is tasked with making one person smile every day.

If every resident of Milton Keynes were to do that we would without any question at all become the INTERNATIONAL CITY OF LOVE.

Are you up for making that happen ?

If you live in Milton Keynes make it happen here. If you do not then make it happen right where you live. JOIN THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW.

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