Friday 11 October 2019

Let your love flow

I keep saying to myself that I need to make a bigger effort and get back to writing a blog page every day. Today - Saturday 12th October 2019 - the last edition was four days ago.

I began writing a blog in December 1976, this is my 887th edition.

In the old days a blog never achieved lass than 100 readers - NEVER. The highest readership was 2,698 on 3rd December last year but Google has fiddled with the way blogs are put out on the Net and as I say I wonder if this edition will make that hit of 50.

Well here we go.... I am giving this edition the title LET YOUR LOVE FLOW as I take those who do read these words on bit of an over-view of THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW'S current activities.

This is a very simple project to run a Facebook Group where people can post messages of thanks and messages of love for our wonderful National Health Service. On Wednesday 23rd October team member Shery and I will be meeting with Simon Lloyd, Chairman of University Hospital Board of Governors. Healthwatch MK is setting up a meeting. The project will then launch on Friday 1st November. The web page is still under construction but CLICK HERE and check it out.

TeenHeroMK could well be the biggest thing to hit teenagers in Milton Keynes this millennium.

The idea is to find 2,000 teenagers aged 17, 18 and 19 in Milton Keynes to three times a year donate
blood so repaying the NHS blood service the debt our hospital owes to the service for the 6,000 pints of blood a year it uses to save lives.

Again we are meeting with Chairman Simon at University Hospital Milton Keynes and HealthwatchMK to help make it all happen.  On Thursday I am meeting with Ian, the Headmaster of Oakgrove School, to talk over
ideas. The plan is then to soft launch TeenHeroMK in May 2020 with a full launch in September 2020. 

Isn't it sad that the CEO of Milton Keynes Council said he was too busy to meet and discuss this project. SHAME ON HIM.

Yesterday we received the sad news that one of my former students, a LEONITE, Robert died in need of a
successful organ transplant. Personally I have been involved in promoting organ donation since the early 1980's. I knew and supported Elizabeth Ward who founded the original kidney donor card.

These are early days for MELTING POT but things are happening. We are talking with both the Islamic and the Hindu communities. Laxman who runs the Hindu Dreamsai will be a guest on my radio show on 5th November. You do not need to be a Hindu to support Dreamsai.  More of that in a moment.

Secret Santa launches on Thursday 31st October.  This will be our third year running the project where we take gifts of love to children in hospital over Christmas, gifts of love to children and their families.

Starting on Sunday 1st December we will, again for the third year, have a musical advent calendar on YouTube.  This will be the first window we open.

Every day, Monday to Friday, on my radio shows I am now including a special feature ROCKING WITH THE FOODBANK as I seek to promote the work of this loving organisation up to Christmas.  Yesterday I invited listeners to rock with a minuet !
John, The Director of The Food Bank, will be joining
me on the radio for two hours of Food Bank rocking.

Yesterday my show had listeners in USA UK THAILAND  JAPAN  INDIA  SPAIN  PAKISTAN  FRANCE  THE PHILIPPINES  UK As lovely as that is it is not going to do a lot for Milton Keynes Food Bank.  The important thing here and with all of the above projects of love is for YOU to get the PODCAST out there, share it and get the love flowing.

The plight of our homeless and rough-sleeping friends rips at my heart, brings tears to my eyes and fierce anger to my brain.  One day that anger is going to explode - explode all over government for failing to take a proper interest, all over local government for failing to understand the situation and to show LOVE to
these friends.

This afternoon I am going on THE WALK OF LOVE with Dreamsai - I have called it the walk of love as that is exactly what these lovely people are doing. When I have taken part in THE WALK OF LOVE I will be shouting very loudly for you to give your support.

Do you remember this from last year ?

Jingle Girls was produced by this amazing group of youngsters to support Milton Keynes Winter Night

Team member Stewart says we should reprise that song this Christmas.  WHY NOT ?

Sunday 3rd November is my birthday and coincides with the new season of operation for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. I am running one of my overnight Radio Disco Parties.

CLICK HERE and sponsor a track for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

Later in the month, on Saturday 23rd November, at The Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Christmas Lights Switch On there will be the Junction 14 Ladies Choir singing to support Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

We are proud to have been able to make that happen.
I am nervously awaiting an e-mail from The Guiness Book Of Records. If they accept the idea we are going to raise a vast sum for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. CLICK HERE and check this out.

I am waiting to hear from Stadium MK about hosting the event and from Buckingham Palace - watch this space.

As much as we support Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter and now getting involved with Dreamsai all
they are doing is putting a sticking plaster over a gaping wound.  I AM NOT criticising them for that - NO WAY. 

If you see someone in need of first aid you do not walk away, you render first aid and call an ambulance.  First Aid is being administered by these loving organisations but the call for an ambulance is not being picked up by the local authority.

Even if the phone were picked up I do not believe the local authority has a clue how to treat that gaping wound. PUTTING A ROOF OVER SOMEONE'S HEAD DOES NOT SOLVE THEIR BEING
HOMELESS.  Rough-sleeping is not the disease but only a symptom of something much, much deeper. Something is happening within THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW where we may be able to bring about at least a move in the right direction towards a cure.

YES, I am a Sheffield Wednesday fan, everyone knows that.
A couple of items in the news this week.

Recriminations are still going on against the the police commander on 15th April 1989.

Norwich has been named as the current city of death
for drug abuse. WHY ARE WE NOT PERUSING THE POLICE WITH VIGOUR FOR THEIR FAILURE TO ACT ?  More people die as a result of drugs in a year than died at Hillsborough !

I took these pictures of a
drug camp used by criminal dealers to target the homeless rough-sleepers. I took them three weeks ago.

Yesterday I went back to check on the situation - NOTHING has changed.

This drug camp is 250 yards away from Central Milton Keynes Police Station !

Check out DRUGWATCH and see what we are trying to do.

The one person you do not judge in this situation is the addict.  YES, you should judge the evil criminal dealers but more so we should judge the police for failing to act.

Not all but many homeless rough-sleepers are drug addicts, of course they are. I am damn sure if I were in their situation I would want to be an addict !

EVERY homeless rough-sleeper has mental health issues - EVERY SINGLE ONE.  Every addict has mental health issues - EVERY SINGLE ONE.  You can not treat the addiction physically without treating it mentally.  As well as raising awareness, putting pressure on the authorities to act DrugWatchMK is seeking to put support for mental health in place.

THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW has adopted Piggie Alfie at Curly Tails in Newton Longville.

I am certain that Curly Tails is built on a ley line of love. It does not only rescue unwanted pets but those pigges have an active programme of love reaching out to people with issues of all kinds.  If our authorities had the love of Alfie and his friends this would be a far better world.

Aren't pigs fat, ugly creatures ?  NO.  They are fat because their body has to be so big to contain all their love.

So that's what's happening in THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW.  Do you have enough love within you to let that love flow for others ?

Yes, these days I am a silly old man but once I was a handsome young man.

As a student that handsome young man fell in love with a piece of music. It was impossible to walk around the college hall of residence without hearing it being played in one room
or another.  It is written in my will for that piece of music to be played at my funeral.

Take the words away from the music and you have a beautiful poem. Divorce the words from the music and you have a beautiful theme. BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER is the greatest piece of music ever written.  Since I first heard it I have tried to live my live like a bridge over troubled water. Within what I have done I have failed
far more times than I have succeeded but the bridge has never broken.
As you have read these words on today's blog can I invite you to live your life like a bridge over troubled water. To mix the metaphors A BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER WHERE YOU CAN LET YOUR LOVE FLOW.

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