Monday 23 December 2019

Do not talk - DO !

Since the start of November I have had within my daily radio shows a feature ROCKING FOR THE FOOD BANK, introduces with a little bit of silliness Bananas In Pajamas.

Visiting my local supermarket, Morrissons -Westcroft Milton Keynes, the generosity of customers is there for all to see. Incredible, amazing generosity.

Every gift there and in every collection point anywhere will DIRECTLY benefit someone in need.

Yesterday The Mayor of Milton Keynes confirmed he would be supporting The Sunshine Smile Crew's Lent project A TON OF TINS FOR THE FOOD BANK. Once this silly time of Christmas and the New Year is over we will start planning the series of events to generate one ton of tins. Can we count on YOU ? 

This week more than one hundred people will receive a copy of our SMILE CARD.

Do you work in a hospital ? in 2020 we want to get our card out into as many hospitals as possible to make patients, family, friends, visitors AND staff smile and be happy.

We are initially targeting University Hospital Milton Keynes, Stoke Manderville Hospital in Aylesbury, The Churchill Hospital in Oxford, Luton and Dunstable Hospital. Do you work there ?  Do you work in another hospital ? Can you take cards in for The Sunshine Smile Crew.

Tomorrow, Christmas Day, I will be broadcasting my show live with every track dedicated to a family staying in Ronald McDonald House Birmingham. Every family has a child sick in Birmingham Childrens Hospital.

There are 365 Ronald McDonald Houses attached to hospitals all round the world - The Sun Never Sets On Ronald McDonald. I have picked out houses in ALBERTA Canada, CANBERRA Australia, AUCKLAND New Zealand, NEW YORK and LOS ANGELES in USA. I want to send Smile Cards to every family staying in every house throughout 2020.

Our card is deliberately anonymous, no link back to The Sunshine Smile Crew - the cards are not there to promote what we do - they are there to make people smile and be happy. Without removing this anonymity I want people to sign messages of love on the back, for children to draw some fun pictures. Across 2020 we are going to need a few thousand personalised anonymous cards. How many can your family take to inscribe love on the rear ?

Cards are available every Saturday at Dreamsai's LUNCH OF LOVE. Not many are picked up as regular guests have already taken copies.

We need your help in a few practical ways to build on our Smile Cards at Dreamsai's Lunch of Love.

We are looking for help with:

For the clothes table - jumpers, coats, jogging bottoms, trainers, gloves.

For the Freebie Box - any little bots and pieces - unwanted Christmas gifts guests can take away.

I'd quite like to start a tombola where every ticket is a winner. Any offers of prizes ?

Facebook is full of people TALKING - empty messages. Can I invite those reading this page to stop talking and DO. A few simple things here which need you to DO.

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