Sunday 15 December 2019

Our SMILE card

Last week the Prime Minister was given a copy of our SMILE CARD. A homeless rough-sleeping man was given a copy.

This week every family staying in Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham will be given a Christmas Card and our Smile Card.

My radio show on Friday 27th December will be dedicated to those WHO GAVE THEIR CHRISTMAS SO WE COULD ENJOY OUR CHRISTMAS. I have sent Christmas Cards, details of the radio show and Smile Cards to every fire station in Milton Keynes. to ambulance crews, our police officers and to every hospital in the region.

Our Smile Cards are completely anonymous, there is no mention of The Sunshine Smile Crew, no website or Facebook link. It is important the card is
anonymous so the smile is given from the donor to the receiver. It is personal. You can not depersonalise love can you ? You can not depersonalise a smile can you ?

15 more days on 2019 left. Yesterday this blog achieved 190 reads. 190 x 15 = 2.850. We are going to hit 100k readers by the end of the year. NICE ONE.

I want my role within The Sunshine Smile Crew to become a campaigner rather than a co-ordinator. I want to pass co-ordination roles to others working in the many areas where we inject our smiles.

Stewart Bailey - THE KING OF SMILES - gave us the SMILE CARD and it is probably our greatest asses. I want to suggest a change which I hope will make it even more powerful.

At the moment I print these out, four to an A4 sheet of paper, using my PC printer. I then laminate them, cut them into individual cards and all is ready to hand them out. My suggesting is I now start printing them on card, not paper. I then hand them out to members of THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW who will write some simple words of love on the back. Personal while keeping the card anonymous. Children, grandchildren could draw some pictures. The sheets of card then
come back to me. I laminate them, cut them up all are ready for distribution.

I am making a big thing of our cards being handed out to homeless rough-sleepers and being sent this week to all of the families in Ronald McDonald House Birmingham.  Every Friday I take cards to the Saint Andrews distribution centre for The Food Bank.

I promise I will have the 2020 VISION for The
SUNSHINE SMILE CREW completed by the end of the coming week. Within this I am suggesting each month we feature a different Ronald McDonald House across the world, sending love and sending SMILE CARDS to families with a child sick in hospital.
Why can we not ask House Manager Libby in Birmingham to make sure there is always a SMILE CARD in the room when a new family moves in ?

Why can't we give Dreamsai these new personalised cards to put in the food bags it takes out and about in Milton Keynes on its Walk of Love.

John is retiring as Project Director of Milton Keynes
Food Bank in February. Once we start working with his successor let's explore how our SMILE CARDS can feature in the gifts of love.

We left a SMILE CARD at Abbey Road Studio.

We need to leave more cards her and there at random places where people can pick them up and be encouraged to smile.

We need to get cards into hospitals on a greater scale, into A & E and into family waiting rooms.

We could easily put of one thousand cards a month. EASILY. Could we find enough people, enough families, to write something on the rear  of  the  cards ? You up for that ?

Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner
and someone saw my grin.
When he smiled I realised
I'd passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile,
then I realised its worth.
A single smile, just like mine
could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin,
don't leave it undetected.
Let's start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected!

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