Monday 16 December 2019

Wartime Leon - Part Two

It was not the building we recognise today as Leon School and the school was renamed LEON when it moved from its original location on Queensway but it was still Leon.

In my book Not The Concrete Cows there is a major chapter featuring our school during The Second World
War. In PART ONE I spoke about air raids, here let me share with you the school's efforts.

Image result for World War II battleship ChelwoodThe teachers and children of Bletchley Road School (Leon) threw themselves wholeheartedly into the war effort. They were adopted by Royal Navy Battleship HMS Chelwood and held a number of fund raising activities to but items of equipment for the RAF.

Recorded in the school log book:
This morning at 9.30am a very pleasing ceremony took place: The presentation of a rubber dinghy to the RAF by the school. The idea was conceived by a boy named HORN in Form 1A. It was announced to the school that during the Christmas Holidays a competition would be arranged, the making of toys of all kinds out of scrap materials. When these had all been brought in an exhibition followed by a sale of work would be held. Prize winners would be awarded saving stamps. This was duly held and £30 realised. 

The ceremony was held at Morning Assembly when Squadron Leaders Benyon and Moore were present to receive the gift on behalf of the RAF.

In the afternoon Squadron leader Benyon lectured to the children on the use of the rubber dinghy. A demonstration vessel was floated  on the static water tank and representatives from each class allowed inside. Miss Mora Hirling from General de Gaulle's headquarters also attended and lectured on The Free French.

A year later the RAF was back in the school again to benefit from the childrens' generosity.

March 29th 1944 at 3.15pm this afternoon a cheque for £36-15-0d was presented to Wing Commander C C Howes for the RAF to purchase a parachute.

Isn't that special ?

Coming soon.................

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