Friday 18 December 2020

BOOK 4 - Aliens In Time

In the early part of the year I started writinga book ALIENS IN TIME. As I began putting my plot around the characters I realised this was going to be a sh ort story rather than a book,  After 7,230 words I felt the plot was getting too complicated for readers to follow so I set it aside.

The thinking is that I will keep the plot and the characters but rewrite much of the original text as part of our 2021 NHS Kisses peoject.

The story line ventres rpound THE GARWOOD THEORY. Doctor Garwood was the head of my college where I trained as a teacher. In my st ory he is  a professor of quantujm mechanics. His theory is that germs carrying dissease are actually aliens travelling through both space and time. Measles, Smallpox, Bubonic Plague, Tuberculosis, have all been brought to Planet Earth by aliens in time.

Garwood has two students, freshers, who he quickly spots as geniuses and brings them right into the heart of his reserach. There is Arthur who likes to be known as Art:

And there is Freddie:

Not part of Garwood's department but joining the team is Mandy who is studying micro fossils:

These are pictures I nicked from the internet to help me visualise and build characters. The photographs will not be included in the story.

I began writing this story in early February when the pandemic was new. It comes into the story but it is way, way short of the situation we are living through now at the end of the year. I  am pondering just how I will adapt the st ory line to accommodate covid-19.

My wish it to finish this story which I think will end up round about 12,000 words.

As I said yesterday, I am looking forward to 1st January and starting writing, for now I am researching all kinds of bits and pieces for my one million words.

Tomorrow I will tell you about another book.

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